Yahoo’s Idea of ‘News’: ‘The Haunting’ of ‘Sinister,’ 'Evil' Ted Cruz

May 27th, 2016 1:34 PM
Yahoo certainly seems to have a strange definition of “news.” The website on Thursday placed in its news section an op-ed by a hard-left website. Writer Tom McKay used the most hyperbolic language possible for an article entitled, “Sinister Extremists Are His Dark Legacy From 2016.” He slimed, “2016 came to bury Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, not to praise him. But the evils men do outlive them.” 

Kurtz on Katie Couric: You're 'Blowing a Hole' in Your Credibility

May 26th, 2016 10:35 PM
Fox News Channel is pretty much the only national broadcast or cable news outlet that's talking about Katie Couric's deceptive editing of silence into a conversation with Virginia gun-rights advocates. (The list of skippers includes NPR newscasts and the PBS NewsHour.) On Thursday morning, anchor Bill Hemmer said it must be called a distortion, and Mediabuzz host Howard Kurtz thought the trick…

Couric Pushes Anti-Gun Doc: NRA a ‘Marketing Arm' for Gun Industry

May 13th, 2016 12:13 PM
On Friday, NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer provided Yahoo! News anchor Katie Couric a softball platform to promote her new anti-gun documentary: “She’s here to talk about a powerful new documentary called Under the Gun. It examines both sides of the gun safety debate in this country and explores the drastic rise in mass shootings and daily gun violence across the United States."

Katie Couric Goes 'Under the Gun' to Blast Firearms in New Documentary

May 10th, 2016 6:51 PM
Former ABC, CBS and NBC anchor Katie Couric takes on the National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment supporters in a new film entitled Under the Gun, which will debut at 8 p.m. on Sunday, May 15, on the Epix pay cable channel. Currently an anchor for Yahoo! Google News, Couric is an executive producer and narrator of the documentary, which -- according to the movie's website -- “…

‘Instigating Violence’: Iraq Government Shuts Down Al Jazeera Bureau

April 28th, 2016 11:31 AM
It’s been a bad few months for The Beheading Channel. First, falling oil prices and nonexistent ratings made Al Jazeera America too expensive for the Qatar government to keep open. Then, Al Jazeera proper announced it was cutting 500 staff. Now, the government of Iraq has shut down big Al Jazeera’s bureau in the beleaguered nation, according to Yahoo News.

Kelly Blasts Media Coverage of Trump: 'Worry About Our Souls'

April 14th, 2016 12:24 PM
On her Wednesday night show, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly described a recent meeting with Donald Trump to “clear the air” in wake the Republican frontrunner’s months of public attacks against her. However, appearing at the annual Women in the World forum on April 6, Kelly ripped into her media colleagues for their excessive and skewed coverage of the billionaire’s campaign.

Yahoo Reporter Won't Cite Awful U.S. Economic Data as Markets Tank

January 15th, 2016 5:14 PM
The press's fierce determination to avoid blaming any of the steep decline in this nation's stock markets so far this year on horrid U.S. economic data, or on the Obama administration which has given us such a sour economic environment, has gone way beyond annoying. Shortly after noon at Yahoo Finance, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average's Friday dive hit 500 points, Nicole Sinclair, who is also…

Couric to Ryan: ‘What Did You Think When the President Cried?'

January 8th, 2016 4:22 PM
In an interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday, Yahoo! News anchor Katie Couric grilled the Republican leader on gun control: “Let’s talk about President Obama’s executive action on guns. What did you think when the President cried?...Were you affected by it?” Couric demanded Ryan put “aside” the Constitution: “And I know you vehemently oppose the President’s use of executive actions,…

Year-End Awards: The ‘Harsh to the Huddled Masses’ Award

December 25th, 2015 10:10 AM
This week, NewsBusters is presenting the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2015,” our annual awards for the year’s worst journalism. Today, the “Harsh to the Huddled Masses” award, for attacks on the GOP candidates for their supposed hostility to immigration. Winning the trophy: Yahoo! News anchor Katie Couric for suggesting to GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz that he lacked “…

On CBS, Yahoo News's Bai Invokes George Wallace in Trump Discussion

December 22nd, 2015 5:45 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Yahoo News political columnist Matt Bai brought up 1960s era segregationist Alabama Democratic governor and former presidential candidate George Wallace during a discussion of Donald Trump's popularity: "There is a very dissatisfied conservative piece of the electorate, you know. It goes back really as far as George Wallace."

Yahoo Reporter: Gender Preferences In Kids' Toys So Passé

November 30th, 2015 9:37 AM
Growing up in a quiet Jewish neighborhood of the Bronx, I was about as far removed as could be from the gun culture. But as a five or six year old, I would beg my parents to take me to visit the toy store a few blocks away so that I could gaze longingly in the window . . . at a toy six-shooter. I share my story because I think it's typical. Of course there are exceptions, but from time…

Really? Media Meme: U.S. Does Not Face Same Terrorism Risks As Europe

November 22nd, 2015 10:38 AM
In the wake of the Paris terrorist murder sprees, a media narrative that the U.S. is somehow less vulnerable to terrorist attacks than countries in Europe has arisen. The reasons given for this contention would be uproariously funny if the stakes weren't so serious: "Geography and strict travel restrictions." Additionally, according to the report where the meme appears to have originated, there…

Nets Censor Arrest of Five Syrians in Honduras with Stolen Passports

November 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
Amidst their ongoing coverage Wednesday night of the terror attacks in Paris, the major broadcast networks failed to report on news that five Syrians had been arrested in the Central American country of Honduras with stolen Greek passports and intended to travel to the U.S.

Couric: Pro-Lifers Make It ‘Tough’ to Work at Planned Parenthood

November 11th, 2015 5:09 PM
Liberal, pro-abortion journalist Katie Couric on Tuesday interviewed the President of Planned Parenthood and worried about how “tough” pro-life supporters were making things for the organization. Couric snidely noted, “While Planned Parenthood says that abortions account for just three percent of its clinical work, opponents won't be happy until that number is zero.”