Yahoo Reporter: Cruz Talking About God-Given Rights Is 'Bizarre'

March 23rd, 2015 2:54 PM
Meredith Shiner is currently a Yahoo News political reporter. Before spending three years at Roll Call, where she was considered "a leader in the newsroom," she toiled at the Politico for two years. Shiner is a graduate of Duke University, and "grew up in the northern suburbs of Chicago." I have provided these resume-level details to emphasize how utterly incomprehensible it is, as well as…

Couric Lectures Romney: 'Plenty of Politicians' 'Use Personal E-mail'

March 19th, 2015 4:09 PM
According to Katie Couric, "plenty of politicians" use private e-mail for work and it's not a big a deal. The veteran journalist interviewed Mitt Romney for Yahoo on Thursday and pressed the 2012 Republican nominee on why Hillary Clinton's secret e-mail system is a source of concern.    

Unlike Former Boss CBS, Katie Couric Asks Axelrod About Romney Smear

February 24th, 2015 2:43 PM
On Monday, Katie Couric, former CBS Evening News anchor and current Yahoo Global News anchor, sat down with David Axelrod, former senior advisor to President Obama, to discuss his memoir Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.

Katie Couric Gushes Over Chelsea: 'Safe to Say...A Mom of the Year'

November 13th, 2014 10:57 PM
Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner delivered the inevitable news: “The media’s kissing up to the Clinton family, expected once Hillary Clinton jumps into the 2016 presidential race, has already arrived, thanks to Katie Couric's fawning interview of former first daughter Chelsea." Couric opened with a wide smile, “A woman of the year, and I think it’s safe to say, probably a ‘Mom of the Year…

LOL Spin at Yahoo News: 'How Hillary Clinton Won the 2014 Midterms'

November 5th, 2014 8:40 AM
One might be able to excuse Democratic spin before the election returns came in. But former Newsweek reporter Andrew Romano offered a real beaut the morning after, titled “How Hillary Clinton won the 2014 midterms.” Many of the candidates that the Clintons backed in this cycle went down to defeat. While Romano isn’t denying 2014 was a good year for Republicans, he could not wait to start shaking…

Yahoo! Style Outraged By Walmart's 'Sexist' Batman T-Shirt

October 1st, 2014 7:11 PM
Lauren Tuck unleashed against superhero-themed T-shirts that are supposedly "displaying blatantly sexist messages" in a Wednesday post in Yahoo's Style section. Tuck cited a blogger who ranted against one such shirt at Walmart that features the slogan, "Training to be Batman's Wife." The writer not only targeted "chauvinistic apparel" involving DC Comics characters, but also two shirts related to…

Gay Group List of ‘Extremist’ Christians Leads to Death Threats

September 22nd, 2014 2:52 PM
Editor’s Note: This article contains offensive language. “There is a network of American extremists who work tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn. They spew venomous rhetoric, outrageous theories, and discredited science.” Sounds terrifying.  Actually, these ominous words are in a new report profiling Christian and conservative pastors, writers and other media as “…

Politico Lead Story: 'Is It Time to Ditch the Star-Spangled Banner?'

September 13th, 2014 11:59 PM
There is apparently no more important story or issue right now at the Politico than Ted Widmer's question about our national anthem: "Is It Time to Ditch the Star-Spangled Banner?" It is currently the lead item at the web site, complete with a huge picture of the American flag. The "beheading by ISIL of a British aid worker" and Wisconsin's court-granted ability to implement voter-ID in the fall…

Irresponsible: Old Media Outlets Release Info on Where Ferguson Office

August 18th, 2014 3:01 PM
Boy, it's a good thing that we don't have any bloggers, Twitter amateurs or Facebook fulminators going off half-cocked and helping people find out where Darren Wilson lives. Wilson is the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who reportedly shot and killed Mike Brown. I mean, if anybody knew that or could figure it out, his safety and that of any family members would be in jeopardy. Oh, wait a…

Publisher Rejects Fellow Soldiers' Book on Bowe Bergdahl, Because 'the

August 13th, 2014 3:33 PM
Remember all those books that the publishing houses rejected during the eight years before Dear Leader took office because they might get used by "the Left" to hurt George W. Bush? No you don't, because it didn't happen. But now, things are different. Fellow soldiers of released 5-year Taliban captive Bowe Bergdahl are trying to publish a book on their side of the "he was a deserter"…

Couric Baits Justice Ginsburg: Could Male Justices ‘Truly Understand

July 31st, 2014 2:13 PM
Former anchor Katie Couric has a long history of not just floating between networks and sinking ratings but also adding left-wing rhetoric wherever she can. Granted an exclusive interview with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Yahoo! News July 30, Couric couldn’t help but ask the liberal justice if there was sexism behind the Hobby Lobby decision. Couric prodded Ginsburg into…

Dungy a ‘Pathetic’ ‘Homophobe’ for Saying He Wouldn’t Have D

July 22nd, 2014 12:33 PM
These days, if a former NFL coach makes a vague statement about an openly gay sports player who was fawned over by the media, he can expect to be called a “homophobe” and “bigot” for not getting aboard the pro-gay train. Dungy, former coach of the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers and current NBC sports analyst, told The Tampa Tribune, “I wouldn’t have taken him [Michael Sam]. Not…

Jill Abramson Won't Pander to Katie Couric’s Gender-Based Firing Acc

July 18th, 2014 11:09 AM
Recently ousted New York Times editor Jill Abramson sat down with Katie Couric on Yahoo News Thursday afternoon to discuss her career at the Times, her firing, and her future plans. As expected, Couric wanted to center on the possible notion that Abramson being a female had everything to do with her firing. The former Today show co-host bent over backwards in an attempt to get the former editor…

False Reuters Headline at Yahoo News: 'President Obama Visits the Bord

July 10th, 2014 5:56 PM
I'm sure that many will pass off what Reuters and Yahoo News have just been caught doing as some kind of an innocent mistake, and perhaps it was. But isn't odd how often those "mistakes" so often end up giving President Obama and the left more credit than they deserve? Yesterday, a Reuters story at Yahoo News was headlined "President Obama Visits the Border." That's a pretty remarkable…