Daily Beast Slams Christian Group for Spreading 'Homophobia' in Africa

July 7th, 2014 3:48 PM
Jay Michaelson unleashed at Cru, the evangelical Christian group formerly called Campus Crusade for Christ, in a Monday item on Daily Beast for supposedly being "involved in some of the meanest homophobia-for-export in Africa." Michaelson, who did little to hide his contempt for orthodox/traditional Christians, contended that Cru was part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy to export homophobia to…

Google and Bing Name That (Wrong) Party of Twice-Convicted Former Prov

June 26th, 2014 12:32 PM
News reports indicate that Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci, who was Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island from 1975 to 1984 and 1991 to 2002, is again running to be mayor of the Ocean State's capital city. The opening sentence at the Associated Press's Thursday morning story calls him a "twice-convicted felon who led Providence as mayor for 21 years," who is going "to run as an independent." Local web…

Yahoo TV Report Includes Twitter Hate In Article on Stacey Dash Joinin

May 28th, 2014 11:08 PM
Fox News has hired actress Stacey Dash as a contributor, which seemed in the works after her appearances on the new daytime show “Outnumbered.” But at Yahoo! TV, they ran a snarky article from Tim Keneally at The Wrap. The headline was “Fox News hired ‘Clueless’ actress Stacey Dash.” That’s not untrue – Dash starred in both the “Clueless” movie and the spinoff TV series in the 1990s. But…

NAACP-LA Names Clippers' Owner Donald Sterling 2014 Lifetime Achieveme

April 27th, 2014 9:46 AM
Last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted that Donald Sterling, owner of the National Basketball Association's Los Angeles Clippers, was allegedly caught on tape chiding a person who is apparently his girlfriend for "taking pictures with minorities" and "associating with black people." He also tells her that she is a "delicate" "Latina or white girl," and because of that doesn't…

Katie Couric to Bob Gates: Was Your Book 'In Bad Form'? Will it 'Tarni

January 15th, 2014 8:06 AM
In an interview with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates for Yahoo News on Monday, newly-named global anchor Katie Couric urged him to express regret for criticism of President Obama in his new memoir: "Do you think in any way, shape or form that this was the wrong thing to do? It was just bad form?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Gates replied: "No, I don't. The…

Yahoo Finance Tosses Cold Water on Obamacare 'Enrollment' Number

January 14th, 2014 8:47 AM
Although yesterday's report of 2.2 million Obamacare "enrollees" focused on the fact that less than a quarter of the 'signups' were under 34 years of age in contrast to the 40% that were expected for the program to work, another important figure was mostly overlooked in the reports. Namely, just how real is that 2.2 million "enrollment" figure. Although Time's Swampland headline jubilantly…

NYT, Others Cover 'So-Called Knockout Game' As 'A Spreading Menace or

November 29th, 2013 9:18 AM
A number of liberals and liberal outfits have taken notice of the "knockout game" trend. Their mission is to downplay or debunk it. In a November 22 item published in its November 23 print edition on Page A19, Cara Buckley at the New York Times, below a picture of a Guardian Angels member posting a warning in Brooklyn, cited "police officials in several cities" claiming that it "amounted to…

ABC’s Jon Karl and Rick Klein Try, Fail to Get Bobby Jindal to Criti

October 11th, 2013 5:58 PM
Jonathan Karl and Rick Klein of ABC News teamed up recently for an online interview with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Posted to the ABC News/Yahoo! News “Power Players” blog, the interview consisted mostly of Karl and Klein trying to get Jindal to criticize his fellow Republicans, particularly those in Congress. Karl got right down to the GOP-infighting business with his first question: […

'Labor Organizer' Pretends That McDonald's Has 'Plenty of Money' to Ra

August 30th, 2013 10:57 AM
It must be nice to blithely talk about how you would spend somebody else's money without thinking through the consequences. Kendall Fells, the organizing director of Fast Food Forward in New York, told Yahoo Finance's Bernice Napatch at its Daily Ticker site that "McDonald’s made $5.5 billion in profits and there’s plenty of money to pay the workers who work there and new hires without firing…

ABC’s Zeleny Prods McCain to Attack Fellow Republicans, Praise Chuck

August 8th, 2013 6:12 PM
There’s nothing liberal media members love more than a Republican who attacks other Republicans in front of the TV cameras. That probably explains the media’s rediscovered fascination with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. ABC’s Jeff Zeleny interviewed McCain last Friday for the ABC News / Yahoo News online series The Fine Print, and he used the veteran senator as a…

Man That Said Romneys 'Happy to Party With Black People Drowning’ to

July 29th, 2013 11:09 AM
Last August, in the middle of the Republican National Convention, NewsBusters broke the story about the Yahoo! News Washington bureau chief who said of the Romneys, "They are happy to have a party with black people drowning.” On Monday, Politico reported that David Chalian has been hired by CNN to produce the new Crossfire:

ABC’s Jeff Zeleny Conducts Puffy, Shoe-Focused Interview With Wendy

July 4th, 2013 10:00 AM
The liberal media just can’t get enough of Texas state senator Wendy Davis, and neither can Jeff Zeleny of ABC News. Zeleny interviewed the now-famous abortion filibusterer for the ABC News/Yahoo! News Power Players blog, and the conversation was loaded with softballs and fluff. Among the softballs was Zeleny’s fascination with the pink running shoes Davis wore during her filibuster. In fact,…

Study: Jay Carney Has Avoided Answering Press Questions 9,486 Times

June 22nd, 2013 7:23 PM
The main function of a White House press secretary is to distribute information for the administration, which often requires answering difficult questions. Apparently, no one knows this better than Jay Carney, the current spokesman for President Obama. According to a study by Yahoo News -- which is by no means a conservative outlet -- Carney has dodged answering reporters' questions 9,486…

Madonna (Really): 'Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People

June 22nd, 2013 12:15 PM
There's no word on whether Elizabeth Vargas had to receive smelling salts during her interview of Madonna which appeared on "Good Morning America." But it wouldn't be a surprise if she did. When the ABC reporter, whose interview was relayed by the network's Sabrina Parise and posted at Yahoo.com, questioned the diva's use of gun choreography in her current tour's stage show, she certainly…