
View Bullies Mia Love to Call Trump a Racist, She Fights Back

December 7th, 2018 2:13 PM
Friday at the Hot Topics table, the hosts of The View argued with Utah Republican, Rep. Mia Love, pressuring her to call President Trump a racist, after he blamed her critical stance towards him as the reason why she lost to her Democrat challenger in the midterm elections. Love didn’t fold under the pressure from the liberal hosts, instead calling out Democrats for targeting her because she is a…

Huntsman Calls Out 'View,' Media for Unfair Reporting on Trump, Russia

November 30th, 2018 1:02 PM
Friday the Hot Topics table got heated on The View, as Republican co-host Meghan McCain found a partner in Abby Huntsman in combating their liberal co-hosts’ arguments on Trump's dealings with Russia.

'View:' Right 'Obsessed' With 'Unapologetically' Brown, Liberal Cortez

November 16th, 2018 1:25 PM
Friday on The View, the hosts slammed conservatives as racists that were “obsessed” with the media’s favorite Democrat socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While they brought up the topic because of a stupid tweet from a conservative writer which mocked Cortez for her clothing choices, they used that tweet to accuse the entire conservative movement of having a racist agenda and obsession with the…

CNN Panel Cheers Navarro's Gillum Vote, Juvenile Attack on DeSantis

November 5th, 2018 5:13 PM
To put it simply, CNN is lying to its viewers whenever folks like Ana Navarro are presented as a “Republican strategist.” The Jeffrey Zucker-led circus did just that on Monday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom as the panel giggled and marveled at Navarro’s turn to the left offering childish insults about Republicans and vote for Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum.

Liberal ‘Republican’ Ana Navarro Joins View as Friday Co-Host

November 2nd, 2018 12:48 PM
CNN analyst and anti-Trump “Republican” Ana Navarro is joining the cast of ABC’s The View, she announced on Friday’s show. Navarro has frequently filled in for co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Fridays, and now has made the move permanently, for the remainder of the season.

REAL NEWS? Behar Grills Avenatti About His ‘Sexual Fantasies’

August 3rd, 2018 6:18 PM
If hell had a sound, it would be like listening to the women on the View — and Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti — talking about sex.

‘View’ Claims Avenatti Is Like God 'Saving the Country' From Trump

August 3rd, 2018 4:47 PM
Could The View have found its first male co-host in Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti? Though the female-led show would most likely not buck tradition by doing so, the liberal women certainly seemed to enjoy having the attack dog for #theResistance fill-in as co-host on their show, Friday.

Boston Globe: Trump Hits on Warren 'Double Scoop of Misogyny, Racism'

July 7th, 2018 11:06 AM
The Boston Globe, which can make the New York Times look reasonable and moderate, pushed back ferociously against President Trump’s mockery of local hero Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a potential Democratic rival to Trump in 2020, accusing the president in an online headline of woman-hating and racism. The front page of Saturday’s paper featured reporter Annie Linskey’s attack: “With…

Navarro Rips Trump for 'Animals' Remark After Calling Trump Animal

May 18th, 2018 1:07 PM
During Thursday's edition of New Day, Never Trumper and CNN political commentator Ana Navarro expressed her disdain for President Trump's “dehumanizing” comments referring to MS-13 gang members as “animals.” She apparently expected the American public to have a short memory, as Navarro herself had referred to then-candidate Trump as an “animal” in 2016.

Kathy Griffin Hugs Ana Navarro for Image-Rehab Puffery on 'The View'

April 30th, 2018 12:40 PM
Leftist comedian Kathy Griffin came on ABC's The View on Monday to emphasize again that she retracts her apology for the scabrous Trump-beheading photo stunt. Everyone on the set supported her. No one represented the view that Griffin was wrong the first time, and then wrong to retract her apology, which now looks obviously insincere and only out of fear for her career. The gushiest moment came…

'The View' Crew Denounces House GOP Letter as 'Very Petty Revenge'

April 19th, 2018 1:42 PM
The crew of ABC's The View started the show on Thursday by reminiscing about Wednesday. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg began: "We had a really great day yesterday because James Comey was here." But live on the air yesterday, they reported that 11 House Republicans sent a letter asking for an investigation into Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, and…

View Touts Porn Star Suing Trump as Feminist Hero: ‘Empowered Woman!'

March 16th, 2018 2:04 PM
The media’s embarrassing adoration for the porn star who is suing President Trump seemingly has no end in sight, with another shameless display on Friday's The View, where the liberal hosts gushed over Stormy Daniels as some sort of feminist hero.

CNN Inserts David Duke Into Discussion of Illegal Immigration

February 2nd, 2018 9:30 PM
On Friday morning, on two different shows, CNN hosts inserted David Duke into the illegal immigration discussion by reading a tweet in which the former KKK leader praised President Donald Trump for dismissing the term "Dreamers" being used by liberals to bolster the image of illegal immigrants who were brought into the country as children. 

Navarro Compares Comey, McCabe to Holocaust Victims, Trump to Nazis

January 29th, 2018 5:17 PM
On Monday afternoon, CNN political commentator and liberal Republican Ana Navarro ghoulishly paraphrased a quote by World War II-era pastor Martin Niemöller to equate embattled current and former Justice Department officials to those murdered by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis (aka President Trump) during the Holocaust.