
CNN Pines for Gun Control, 'Sick' of 'Thoughts and Prayers'

September 2nd, 2019 8:31 PM
On Monday morning, in the aftermath of a mass shooting spree in Texas from the weekend, CNN personalities were again pushing for more gun laws, including "universal background checks." CNN's three-hour New Day morning show discussed the issue in four segments, and only had guests with left-leaning views on the issue of gun control. Not only did liberal Republican contributor Ana Navarro slam the…

Facts First? New CNNer McCabe Could Be Indicted for Lying About Leaks

August 26th, 2019 8:43 PM
CNN beclowned themselves last week after the hiring of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe while whining about former Trump press secretaries getting new TV gigs. Well, the self-proclaimed “facts first” network were in for another round of ribbing on social media Monday, after new information surfaced that McCabe could be close to facing federal charges for lying under oath to the Justice…

CNN Rewards Disgraced FBI Leaker Andrew McCabe With Job

August 23rd, 2019 12:26 PM

CNN seems intent on destroying any credibility they have left with the public. With three of its personalities, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and April Ryan all facing scandals for their behavior off-camera, and the network firing two of its few remaining conservative commentators, network execs thought it was the perfect time to add a disgraced leftist government official on as contributor.


CBS Softballs to McCabe: Why Is Trump Such a Threat? Will He Resign?

March 1st, 2019 1:21 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Friday threw softball after softball at fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The co-hosts even invited McCabe, who was dismissed due to lack of candor, to weigh in on the reliability of witness Michael Cohen. Guest co-host Alex Wagner wondered, “Mr. McCabe, the country watched Michael Cohen testify to Congress, congressional oversight, this week. Did you…

McCabe Only Gets One Hardball: 'Asymmetrical' Focus on Hillary's Email

February 23rd, 2019 6:29 PM
The only subject where Andrew McCabe drew tough questions on his puffball book tour over the last week came from the left -- complaints that he and Jim Comey ruined Hillary Clinton's campaign with announcements about her email probe. See NPR's Fresh Air on Tuesday, where Terry Gross complained "a lot of people" were upset at the negative attention.  

Bozell & Graham: McCabe, the Justice Department's Jussie Smollett

February 21st, 2019 11:12 PM
Just like his boss and hero James Comey, McCabe has written a Trump-trashing book, and like Comey, he’s getting hours and hours of air time to sell laughable notions, like the idea that the FBI has been utterly nonpartisan. This man will say anything. Truth means nothing. He’s worse than Comey. It barely matters to his interviewers that McCabe was fired from the top of the FBI for…lying his face…

CNN Analyst Rips McCabe: No Different from Others Prosecuted for Lying

February 20th, 2019 10:48 AM
On New Day, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig lights into Andrew McCabe. Highlights: "Whenever we hear something from Mccabe, we have to keep in mind he has a serious credibility problem . . . He lied three times in three separate interviews about whether he was a leak or authorized leak on the Hillary Clinton case . . . Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, were all…

Morning Joe Fears McCabe ‘Railroaded,’ Suggests Investigation of FBI

February 20th, 2019 10:47 AM
Midway through a nearly 40-minute discussion with fired Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Wednesday, the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe finally asked the disgraced official about being fired from the Bureau for lying multiple times. However, as McCabe attacked the Inspector General report detailing his wrongdoing, anchor Joe Scarborough worried that the FBI chief turned media darling may have…

Nance: 'Far Right' Is Telling Trump to 'Become a Fascist Dictator'

February 19th, 2019 9:41 PM
On Sunday, President Trump tweeted a quote from Rush Limbaugh, which inferred that those behind the Mueller probe ought to be in jail and dubbed it “one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country.” Not surprisingly, the topic came up on Monday’s MSNBC Live With Velshi and Ruhle where terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance cited the tweet as evidence that Limbaugh and…

CNN's Toobin: Patriotic to Discuss Removing Trump Via 25th Amendment

February 19th, 2019 5:55 PM

Jeffrey Toobin is CNN's chief legal analyst, but he seems to be clueless about the fact that the 25th Amendment can only be invoked when a president is either physically or mentally incapacitated. It was never intended to be used in case high level officials decided that they just didn't like a president. Yet somehow Toobin allowed his obvious dislike for President Donald Trump to, well, trump…


McCain Calls Out McCabe: Is Book a 'PR Campaign' to Not Get Indicted?

February 19th, 2019 3:39 PM
Disgraced former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe made the media rounds Tuesday promoting his new book, which is full of salacious claims and stopped by The View for a lengthy discussion about it. However, only co-hosts Meghan McCain and Abby Huntsman called into question McCabe’s stories, even though he was fired from the FBI for lying to federal investigators.

NBC Asks McCabe Seven Times If Trump Is ‘National Security Threat'

February 19th, 2019 11:50 AM
During the first half of her live 12-minute interview with fired Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Tuesday’s Today show, NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie managed to ask a version of the same question seven different times as she repeatedly fretted over whether President Trump was a “national security threat” to the United States.

McCabe Gets Weird on NPR, Refuses to Answer About Lying Under Oath

February 19th, 2019 6:08 AM
NPR's Morning Edition on Monday split its Andrew McCabe interview into two segments. On the home page they were promoting Russiagate: "Andrew McCabe, Ex-FBI Deputy, Describes 'Remarkable' Number Of Trump-Russia Contacts." On air, that segment never mentioned his lying under oath to the FBI. There was a second segment simply titled "Andrew McCabe Discusses His Firing." McCabe's answers were often…

Pelley Sells McCabe: 'Lifelong Republican' with 'Sterling' FBI Career

February 18th, 2019 3:57 PM
CBS’s 60 Minutes devoted 28.5 minutes on Sunday night to former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the Justice Department for lying under oath to investigators about leaking to the newspapers. McCabe has penned the latest hot book for Trump-haters, called The Threat, and this interview looked like a long infomercial for St. Martin’s Press. Did CBS’s Scott Pelley underline that…