Scott Adams: 'How Long Before We See TDS Used as a Legal Defense?'

February 16th, 2019 1:12 PM
Dilbert creator Scott Adams brought up an interesting thesis in a Tweet on Friday about whether Trump Derangement Syndrome could be used as a legal defense in the future for people who acted criminally or immorally.     

CNN's Cillizza Rationalizes DOJ Attempt to Remove Trump from Office

February 15th, 2019 9:49 AM
CNN's Chris Cillizza on Thursday rationalized the actions of former FBI acting Director, Andrew McCabe, who revealed that he and other top ranking DOJ officials discussed recruiting Cabinet members in order to remove President Donald Trump from office. Cillizza absurdly attempted to justify it.

Nets Skip FBI Lawyer in Hot Water, DNC Dropping Women's March

January 15th, 2019 8:14 PM

On Tuesday night, the broadcast network evening newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC failed to cover two intriguing headlines that the public deserved to hear about. One pertained to the revelation that a former top FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation for leaking to the news media while the other story was the Democratic National Committee cutting ties with the anti-Semitic friendly Women’s…


ABC, NBC Decry Trump Revoking Security Clearances from Obama Spooks

July 23rd, 2018 9:43 PM
Liberal ABC and NBC were in a full-blown meltdown Monday night after the White House announced the President was looking to revoke the security clearances of six former intelligence officials, whom they contend abused the privilege of retaining it after their tenure. They even tried to pretend most of the officials named weren't Obama appointees.

‘You Don’t Have a Right to Know’ Why FBI Spied, Says Legal Analyst

June 14th, 2018 3:10 PM

On Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson grilled former Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman about the FBI’s use of a paid informant to spy on the Trump campaign. Goldman rebuffed the Fox News host’s inquiries into why the FBI had employed such a tactic, at one point scolding him, “You don’t have a right to know.” 


CBS, NBC Skip News of DOJ Watchdog Finding Comey ‘Insubordinate’

June 7th, 2018 9:53 PM
On Wednesday, media outlets began reporting of a draft Justice Department Inspector General report floating around that was highly critical of former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. But come Thursday evening, both CBS and NBC failed to mention it even though they each had the opportunity to report the development during two of evening broadcasts and their…

Hemingway on Tucker Carlson: Of Course, FBI Spied on Trump's Campaign

May 25th, 2018 5:32 PM
There is a determined disinformation campaign by the establishment press contending — in the face of admitted evidence to the contrary — that Barack Obama's FBI didn't spy on Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016. Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist, appeared Thursday on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show to debunk that nonsense.

Nets Hype ‘Bombshell,’ ‘Infamous’ Comey Memos, Skimped on McCabe

April 20th, 2018 1:07 PM
All three networks on Friday hyped the “bombshell,” “infamous” James Comey memos released overnight. ABC, CBS and NBC devoted 12 minutes and 12 seconds to the documents with each network claiming they “obtained” them. In contrast, the same outlets skimped on coverage of the Justice Department recommending charges against the fired-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

NBC Finally Mentions McCabe Criminal Referral, Only Gives 9 Seconds

April 20th, 2018 11:29 AM
After news broke Thursday afternoon that the FBI Inspector General was recommending the Justice Department file criminal charges against the Bureau’s fired deputy director, Andrew McCabe, NBC Nightly News completely ignored the major development. On Friday, NBC’s Today show wasn’t much better, only managing nine seconds of coverage to the story, just a single sentence.

‘Hardball’ Guest Laments McCabe Referral Is Diversion from Mueller

April 19th, 2018 11:21 PM
Princeton University professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude appeared to complain during Thursday’s Hardball that, along with new demands from Republican congressmen for documents from the Clinton e-mail investigation, the FBI Inspector General’s criminal referral concerning former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was part of an “assault” on Robert Mueller’s investigation.

NBC Ignores McCabe’s Criminal Referral, ABC and CBS Downplay

April 19th, 2018 9:30 PM
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s retirement went from bad to worse on Thursday as the Bureau’s Inspector General brought his case to federal prosecutors with a criminal referral. McCabe was fired in March after an IG investigation found he had lied to investigators about leaks to the press during the Clinton e-mail investigation. When it came to reporting the damning news that evening,…

Scarborough Implies Trump Voters Too Dumb to Handle 'Anything Sharp'

April 17th, 2018 7:19 PM

During Monday's edition of Morning Joe, co-host Joe Scarborough argued that anyone who subscribed to the idea that Former FBI Director James Comey and Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe have an animus against President Trump should not handle “anything sharp because you will hurt yourself because you are too incompetent actually to use any basic household appliances.”

AP Furiously Dissembles in Four-Paragraph Item on McCabe IG Report

April 15th, 2018 5:26 PM
The press has clearly chosen to downplay the Inspector General's damning Friday report on the conduct leading to former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe's dismissal. The worst such example was a grudging Saturday item at the Associated Press.

ABC Tries to Blame McCabe’s Firing on ‘Feud’ Between Him and Sessions

March 22nd, 2018 12:14 PM

Revealing the network’s desperate desire to find a nefarious motivation behind the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, in reports for Wednesday’s World News Tonight and Thursday’s Good Morning America, ABC Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas suggested that the termination may have resulted from McCabe having opened and closed an investigation into Attorney General Jeff Sessions a year…