
SHOCK: Lauer Asks if HBO Anita Hill Film is ‘Political Propaganda’

April 8th, 2016 4:13 PM
In a stunning moment on Friday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually pressed liberal actress Kerry Washington – starring in HBO’s new film on the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings – on whether the biopic was really just a piece of “political propaganda.”

Actor Claims Biden ‘Impartial’ During Clarence Thomas Hearings

April 5th, 2016 12:34 PM
On Tuesday, NBC’s Today promoted the new HBO movie Confirmation, about the 1991 Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings and the smear campaign waged against him based on false sexual harassment claims from Anita Hill. Actor Greg Kinnear insisted that Senator Joe Biden was nothing but fair throughout the hearings: “...if you watch just the hearings, you certainly get a sense of the – of his trying…

Blogger Charles Pierce: Anita Hill Should Succeed Scalia

February 16th, 2016 1:07 AM
Over the past few days, a great many left-wing commentators have weighed in on Antonin Scalia-related issues, especially Scalia’s judicial legacy and Republicans’ refusal to consider anyone President Obama might nominate to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Highlights have included Slate's Dahlia Lithwick remarking that "sometimes it seemed [Scalia] worked overtime to earn your hate. He…

Year-End Awards: The Media Hero Award

December 22nd, 2014 10:41 AM
Last week, the Media Research Center announced the “Best Notable Quotables of 2014,” and NewsBusters is reviewing the list as a way to reflect on the worst media bias of the year. Today, the “Media Hero Award,” with quotes showcasing journalists' adoration for liberals past and present.

David Gregory Paid $4 Million to Leave NBC News ... Quietly

August 18th, 2014 7:54 PM
“Don't go away mad,” an old saying goes, “just go away.” That seems to be the case with David Gregory, who is receiving a grand total of $4 million to end his six-year tenure as host of the NBC News Meet the Press program. Part of the 43-year-old anchor's contract is a “nondisparagement clause,” which specifies that he is not to speak out against the network, according to an article written…

He’s No Tim Russert: David Gregory Sucks Up To Anita Hill During Pro

July 13th, 2014 2:30 PM
David Gregory sat down with Anita Hill on Meet the Press Press Pass on Sunday, July 13 and treated his guest to a softball filled interview that would have made his predecessor Tim Russert sick to his stomach.  The interview was intended to promote Ms. Hill’s new documentary entitled “Anita: Speaking Truth To Power” and Gregory made sure his viewers knew that more than 20 years later the…

WashPost Promotes Anita Hill Documentary, Ignores Hill's Defense of Cl

April 5th, 2014 7:22 AM
Friday’s Washington Post published an essay by its own arts writer Soraya Nadia McDonald hailing the new leftist documentary on Anita Hill. It doubles down on the alleged sainthood of Anita Hill and her still-unsubstantiated charges of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas. Nobody ever mentions that this paragon of taking sexual harassment seriously.... wrote in Bill Clinton’s defense in The New…

Journalist Barbara Walters Is 'Honored to Meet' Anita Hill, Her 'Heroi

March 19th, 2014 4:00 PM
Supposedly neutral journalist Barbara Walters dropped all pretense of objectivity on Wednesday, praising guest Anita Hill as her "heroine." The View co-host gushed over how "honored" she was to meet the woman who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991. Walters allowed no tough questions of Hill, just queries about the "cost" of speaking out.  The veteran journalist introduced…

NYT Fawns Over Movie of Anita Hill, Once 'Vilified' by Conservatives

March 16th, 2014 8:37 AM
On the eve of his Senate confirmation to the Supreme Court in 1991, Judge Clarence Thomas was confronted with old, unsubstantiated charges of sexual harassment by former colleague Anita Hill. A fawning documentary of Hill has just been released, and New York Times's political reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg uses it as an excuse for a fawning interview with Hill on the front page of Sunday's Arts…

CBS Brings On Anita Hill to Tout New Documentary, Slam Clarence Thomas

March 13th, 2014 10:54 AM
More than 20 years after Anita Hill tried to wreck the Supreme Court confirmation of Clarence Thomas with unsubstantiated sexual-harassment claims, CBS This Morning brought her on to hype a new documentary simply titled “Anita.” During the interview on Thursday, all three CBS hosts treated Ms. Hill to a softball interview and allowed her to uncritically slam Justice Thomas throughout the…

The MRC @25: The Worst Media Bias of

September 5th, 2012 8:06 AM
Each morning, NewsBusters is showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala on September 27. (Click here for ticket information) Already this week, we’ve published the worst quotes of 1988, 1989 and 1990; today, the worst bias of 1991…

Lies My Textbooks Told Me: Judging Current Supreme Court Justices

May 8th, 2012 11:07 AM
Perhaps it’s unrealistic to expect history textbooks to present and analyze events and epochs with complete objectivity. But it’s entirely reasonable to demand that they don’t actively reinforce the news media’s liberal bias when it comes to recent history and individuals who are still alive and active in shaping that history.  Yet commonly used American history textbooks have eschewed…

NYT's Former SCOTUS Reporter Celebrates 'Accidental Heroines' Fluke an

March 9th, 2012 2:10 PM
Linda Greenhouse the New York Times's former Supreme Court reporter (and left-wing ranter at commencement speeches), now writes a twice-a-month column for Wednesday she hailed birth-control activist and new liberal martyr Sandra Fluke as a civil rights pioneer on the level of (naturally) Anita Hill, while tarring Rush Limbaugh as a thug, in "Accidental Heroines."

'Cuff Him! Media Outlets Describe Cain as 'Caught' Joking About Anita

November 14th, 2011 3:59 PM
Will Herman Cain ever catch on that certain subjects -- such as the alleged sanctity of Anita Hill's sexual harassment allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas -- are no joking matter? (video and audio clips after page break)