ABC's Roberts Tosses Softballs to Anita Hill, Touts 'Legacy' of Thomas

October 10th, 2011 11:44 AM
ABC's Robin Roberts tossed softballs to Anita Hill on Monday, wondering what the "legacy" will be for the "quiet" law professor who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment 20 years ago. The Good Morning America co-host only once challenged Hill about skepticism of her charges. Although co-host George Stephanopoulos teased the segment by calling the 1991 Supreme Court nomination hearings…

WaPo Reporter Misquotes Clarence Thomas Book -- Exactly As Anita Hill

October 8th, 2011 8:07 AM
Anyone reading the Anita Hill puff piece in Friday's Washington Post could see reporter Krissah Thompson was a big Anita Hill fan. But did she also have to be a lazy, handout-accepting Anita Hill fan? The only conservative skepticism toward Hill that the Post allowed were five words from Justice Clarence Thomas's memoir. But they were misquotes. I have an autographed copy of the book from a…

WaPo's Hearts and Flowers for Anita Hill and the 'Hearing That Never A

October 7th, 2011 7:57 AM
Twenty years ago, Senate Democrats and National Public Radio reporter Nina Totenberg colluded to try and ruin the Supreme Court nomination of Clarence Thomas by promoting the never-substantiated sexual harassment allegations of Anita Hill. If a woman ever claimed Barack Obama talked up Long Dong Silver porn films to her, you can bet it would be seen as an ugly, racist right-wing smear promoted…

NBC Highlights Anita Hill Speech at Georgetown University

October 6th, 2011 9:35 PM
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, the NBC Nightly News on Thursday took a moment to recount an appearance by Brandeis University Professor Anita Hill commemorating the 20th anniversary of her Senate testimony making unsubstantiated accusations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for sexually harassing her in the 1980s. Anchor Brian Williams relayed Hill's…

Meet the New York Times's New Liberal Boss, Jill Abramson, Champion of

June 2nd, 2011 5:56 PM
Liberal replaces liberal at the top of the New York Times masthead. The paper announced today that Jill Abramson would become the Times’ new executive editor as of September 6, replacing Bill Keller, whose liberal record at the paper Times Watch documented earlier. Abramson likened the paper to holy writ, telling the Times's Jeremy Peters this morning that being named editor was like "…

In Wake of IMF Chief’s Rape Arrest, Journalists See ‘Anita Hill Mo

May 23rd, 2011 12:00 PM
Yet another case study in how the liberal media never stop pushing their own interpretation of events: In a May 22 This Week roundtable about the arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn for the alleged sexual assault of a female hotel worker, two journalists endorsed it as France’s “Anita Hill moment,” referring to the last-minute claims raised against conservative Supreme Court nominee…

NBC's Mitchell Bemoans: Virginia Thomas Interrupted Anita Hill's 'Secl

October 21st, 2010 4:42 PM
  NBC's Andrea Mitchell, in a piece aired on Thursday's Today about Virginia Thomas' call to Anita Hill, made a point of tying the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to "conservative causes" but offered no ideological label for Hill. Mitchell also offered two sound bites from Hill supporters, but only featured a brief clip of an old audio-book excerpt from Clarence Thomas expressing…

MSNBC Panel Invokes Anita Hill, Injects Sexism in Kagan Hearing

June 29th, 2010 2:25 PM
A liberal panel led by MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews injected sexism into the Kagan confirmation hearings on Tuesday morning, suggesting that Republican senators should curtail the tenacity of their questioning because the Supreme Court nominee happens to be a woman.Invoking the Clarence Thomas hearings, which focused on the testimony of Anita Hill, who accused Thomas of making inappropriate sexual…

Matthews: Republicans Putting Pins in Kagan Like She's a Voodoo Doll

June 28th, 2010 7:12 PM
From the morning to the evening Chris Matthews, during MSNBC's coverage of Elena Kagan's hearing on Monday, berated what he saw as GOP mistreatment of Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, calling their performance at times, a "brutal assault" and even evoking strange imagery of Kagan having pins stuck in her by Republicans. Early in the day the MSNBC host complained that Republican Senator Jeff…

O’Reilly Interviews Harry Alford After Confrontation with Barbara Bo

July 21st, 2009 4:43 AM
On Monday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC’s Bill O’Reilly gave attention to the recent dustup between Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer and National Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Harry Alford, as O’Reilly hosted Alford to discuss Boxer’s recent attempt to use other black organizations to discredit Alford’s opposition to Cap and Trade during a Senate hearing. While Boxer declined to appear on the show,…

NY Times's Jill Abramson Still Angry at Congress for Treatment of Anit

July 20th, 2009 4:10 PM
The Sunday Week in Review cover story by New York Times Managing Editor Jill Abramson, "Women On The Verge Of The Law," dealt with the just-concluded confirmation hearings of Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, and how things have changed and not changed since the 1991 Clarence Thomas hearings, which also featured the grilling of a minority woman, Anita Hill.At least that's Abramson's…

Tuned In To See Sarah, And Nasty Clarence Thomas Joke Broke Out

October 19th, 2008 9:17 AM
I thought Sarah Palin did more than fine on Saturday Night Live [Noel's got the video here]. In particular, during her Weekend Update appearance Palin displayed a speaking poise and polish exceeding that of the other candidates on both tickets.  But Republicans who agree to appear on such shows put themselves in the lap of the liberal media gods.  And those lesser deities abused their power last…

Negative Media Portrait of Justice Thomas Out of Step with Reality, F

November 5th, 2007 12:04 PM
"Thank God for CSPAN," Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas declares in his recently released memoirs entitled: "My Grandfather's Son." Without the "gavel to gavel" coverage made available through an alternative media source Thomas tells readers he may not have had the opportunity to present himself to the American people in a compelling and straightforward manner. Press coverage of his highly…

NPR Lets Clarence Thomas-Hater Falsify Hill-Thomas Hearing History

October 12th, 2007 8:48 AM
Former ABC reporter Michel Martin has a history of one-sided bashing of Clarence Thomas. In 1994, the reporter then known as Michel McQueen helmed a 60-minute special on the ABC prime-time magazine Turning Point highlighting women who charged Anita Hill was right and Clarence Thomas was wrong. Pro-Thomas colleagues at the EEOC were not interviewed.Outraged now at the new Clarence Thomas…