NYT Not Happy With Bill Barr: 'Authoritarian Junta...Don’t Trust Barr'

April 18th, 2019 10:53 PM
After a 22-month investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller investigating Russian ties to the Trump campaign and possible presidential obstruction of justice, the final 448-page report on the investigation has been released, confirming the previous summary by Attorney General Bill Barr that Mueller found no collusion and uncovered insufficient evidence to charge Trump with obstruction. Which…

ABC, CBS Eager to Find Out the Status of Trump’s Impeachment By Dems

April 18th, 2019 8:46 PM
With the Thursday release of the Special Counsel report reiterating that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and at least partially explaining why there was no charge on obstruction, the next concern for ABC and CBS was the status of Democratic efforts to impeach the President.

CNN: Mueller Found ‘a Ton of Collusion,’ Only ‘Sophisticated’ See It

April 18th, 2019 5:09 PM
There was collusion, so much collusion we’re swimming it! That’s according to bombastic CNN host Chris Cuomo and washed up Watergate-era reporter Carl Bernstein. Not only was there “a ton of collusion” but if you didn’t realize that after reading the Mueller Report, you’re just not that smart and too political, they declared late Thursday afternoon.

Cooper Blows a Gasket: ‘Ludicrous’ for Trump to Forget Things

April 18th, 2019 3:08 PM
In the midst of CNN’s Chernobyl-style meltdown regarding the Special Counsel’s finding, Anderson Cooper seemed irate that President Trump’s written answers to Robert Mueller included 30 instances where he couldn’t remember the events asked about. The response came from the same news outlet that applauded Hillary Clinton’s similar answers during the Benghazi hearings. But Cooper found Trump’s…

CNN Loons: Trump Is Screwed Since Mueller Report Is ‘Very Damaging’

April 18th, 2019 2:54 PM
After a Thursday morning of losing touch with reality both before and after the release of the Mueller report, the CNN ostriches insisted that the President obstructed justice, the report is “pretty bad,” “very damaging,” Republicans are charting a legacy where lying about Russian contacts is acceptable, and the Mueller team want Congress to determine Trump’s guilt through impeachment.

Brennan: Information on Collusion and Obstruction Is 'Extensive'

April 18th, 2019 2:40 PM
Of all the talking heads that were certain that President Trump colluded with Russia, it was MSNBC national security analyst John Brennan who used his position as former CIA Director to add credence to his claims.

NBC Admits: Barr Summary ‘Tracks Very Closely’ With Mueller Report

April 18th, 2019 12:26 PM
During live coverage on NBC News Thursday morning, Justice Department correspondent Pete Williams made a point of saying that Attorney General William Barr’s four-page letter outlining the conclusions of the Mueller Report “tracks very closely” with the findings in the report itself.

Legal Analyst Slams CBS Reporter’s ‘Insulting’ Question to Barr

April 18th, 2019 12:05 PM
In the middle of the media’s outrage over Bill Barr’s statements at the pre-Mueller report release press conference, rational analysis was found on CBS, as legal analyst Jonathan Turley calmly and bluntly dismantled the Democrats’ concerns over the Attorney General’s impartiality. The George Washington University Constitutional Law Professor also called out CBS reporter Paula Reid’s badgering of…

In Wake Of Mueller, Scarborough Proposes Changing Constitution

April 18th, 2019 11:36 AM

In the A Block of MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, co-host Joe Scarborough suggested that we need to reconsider how the attorney general is appointed. In the B Block, he got specific and also offered some other norm-busting proposals, all in the name of saving norms.


'Why? WHY?': Nicolle Wallace Completely Loses It After Barr Presser

April 18th, 2019 11:19 AM
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace exploded in the aftermath of Attorney General Bill Barr’s press conference Thursday morning. Wallace’s mental condition visibly deteriorated during the course of one particularly impassioned rant, in which she smeared Barr as a “shill” and a “human shield” for the President, until she was reduced to repeatedly crying, “Why? Why?”

PANIC! CNN Needs a Safe Space After a Delusional FREAK OUT Over Barr

April 18th, 2019 11:01 AM
Folks, this was the moment we’ve been waiting over two years for and it is glorious. On Thursday morning ahead of the Mueller report’s release and after a press conference by Attorney General Bill Barr, CNN and it’s nine-person panel suffered a meltdown of biblical proportions, lashing out like Adam Schiff campaign workers at Barr’s “excessive and suspicious” “political commercial” offering “…

Nets Hype Dem ‘Outrage’ Over Barr Presser Doing ‘Partisan Bidding'

April 18th, 2019 10:21 AM
Hours before Attorney General William Barr was set hold a press conference at the Justice Department ahead of the public release of the Mueller report, all three network morning shows hyped Democratic talking points preemptively trashing the presser and accusing Barr of just doing President Trump’s “partisan bidding.” 

Barr BLASTS the Media for ‘Relentless Speculation’ Trump Was Guilty

April 18th, 2019 10:03 AM
Ahead of the Thursday morning release of the Mueller report, Attorney General Bill Barr discussed the Justice Department’s actions leading up to the report’s release and reiterate the Mueller team’s principal conclusions, going as far as to personally hammer the liberal media for their rampant, years-long “relentless speculation....about the President's personal culpability.” 

Scarborough Coaches Dems on Media Strategy to Counter Barr Presser

April 18th, 2019 9:38 AM
MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough still thinks of himself as a conservative and defender of constitutional norms. On the Thursday run-up to Attorney General William Barr's press conference and the release of the Mueller Report, the self-appointed defender of true conservatism managed to play both a Democratic communications strategist and call for a change in the Constitution, because…