
Blitzer Repeatedly Urges Dem to Call Barr a Liar, Force AG Out

May 1st, 2019 11:21 AM
CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer practically begged his Democrat guest to call Attorney General William Barr, a liar, and find a way to force him out disgracefully, during CNN’s live coverage of the AG’s testimony before the Senate, Wednesday morning. That question was prompted by news that broke overnight, revealing Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not happy with Barr’s summary of his report.  

Morning Joe Mocks Trump: 'You Could Tweet Nudes, We're Not Looking'

May 1st, 2019 8:54 AM
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough claim that President Trump is actively tweeting in an attempt to distract from the letter that Robert Mueller sent to Bill Barr, but that they will not be distracted. Mika says that Trump "could tweet nudes: we're not looking." Scarborough looks into the camera, directly addressing "Donald," and suggests that instead of tweeting, he eat a…

CNN Suggests WashPost Spells Doom for AG, Skips Mueller Contradiction

April 30th, 2019 11:24 PM
With The Washington Post publishing select excerpts of a letter Special Counsel Robert Mueller purportedly sent to Attorney General William Barr expressing some level of displeasure with the original four-page memo to Congress, CNN was off to the races on Tuesday night with all sorts of speculation and doom and gloom soothsaying at it pertained to the fate of the AG.

Matthews, Guests Go NUTS Over Post Story About Barr’s ‘Skullduggery’

April 30th, 2019 10:05 PM
At the 7:13 p.m. Eastern mark of Tuesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews sent his show into rolling coverage for the rest of the hour (and thus making the entire show commercial-free) over stories in The New York Times and Washington Post about Special Counsel Robert Mueller having expressed concerns to AG Bill Barr about his March 24 letter on the Trump-Russia probe’s principal conclusions…

Morning Joe: Trump, Barr Intentionally Endanger Trump Opponent Lives

April 26th, 2019 10:07 AM
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are accusing President Trump and Attorney General William Barr of endangering the lives of Trump opponents, including Scarborough himself. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough and Brzezinski expressed outrage that, by failing to charge Coast Guardsman Christopher Hasson with terrorism, they made him eligible for release on bail on lesser charges. Said…

‘Misleading' People: Mukasey Calls Out Cuomo’s Russia Conspiracies

April 24th, 2019 12:29 AM
During his appearance on Tuesday’s Cuomo Prime Time, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey didn’t shy away from calling Chris Cuomo out for “misleading a lot of people” when it came to the findings of the special counsel investigation. In a brilliant display of schooling the so-called “Facts First” network, Mukasey went toe-to-toe with blowhard host and outclassed him at every turn.

They’ve Only Just Begun

April 23rd, 2019 2:04 PM
Objectivity, like Elvis, long ago left the building in Washington and so the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is being read and interpreted through mostly biased eyes. Democrats, who had counted on Mueller to prove that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, were initially as crestfallen as they were on election night 2016. Still, they are undeterred in the pursuit of their ultimate…

NY Times Columnist Goldberg: ‘National Disgrace’ Trump's Not In Prison

April 22nd, 2019 10:52 AM
New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg went way out on the post-Mueller report ledge for everyone to see, on the front of the paper’s Sunday Review, telling Democrats to get on with it and send Trump to prison: "I’ll admit to having watched this over and over again; it’s one of the most satisfying bits of wish fulfillment I’ve ever seen. Wish fulfillment is all it was, though. It’s a national…

Kooky Matthews, Bulwark Editor Lobby Hardcore for Trump Impeachment

April 19th, 2019 3:57 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews took on an apocalyptic tone in the first half of Thursday’s show hours after the release of the redacted Mueller report and at least one panelist embraced it. In the second half, Matthews and his guests lobbied for Democrats to impeach President Trump with Matthews comparing America to being in a commercial break of a Law & Order episode awaiting a…

NY Times: Trump and Barr Remind Reporters of Nixon, Impeachment

April 19th, 2019 3:12 PM
The New York Times Friday edition was chock-full of post-Mueller report coverage emphasizing President Trump’s attempts to hinder an investigation into what amounted to no underlying crime, while glossing over his vindication from criminal charges and the discrediting of the media's “collusion” narrative of the last two years. Special counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy by the Trump…

NBC Uses Ex-Obama Official to Boast Trump Could Be Charged Later

April 19th, 2019 11:59 AM

Just as they did during their Special Reports on Thursday after the Mueller report’s release, NBC’s Today turned Friday morning to former Obama official Neal Katyal for legal analysis and touting the possibility President Trump could be criminally charged once he leaves office and that current Attorney General Bill Barr wasn’t acting like the AG for the country but instead just for Trump.


Updated: Media Mention Impeachment 363 Times in One Day

April 19th, 2019 11:09 AM
Although the Mueller report did not recommend any charges against the President, liberal journalists on cable and broadcast networks spent Thursday suggesting to audiences that impeachment was imminent, if not inevitable. Throughout Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, liberal talking heads on cable and broadcast news networks mentioned impeachment an astonishing 309 times during their coverage…

Scarborough Implores Dems: Don't Play it Safe—Impeach Trump!

April 19th, 2019 7:40 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough suggests that Democrats should not "play it safe" and simply try to remove President Trump from office in 2020 by beating him at the polls. Instead, Scarborough argues that the Mueller report suggests that Trump "deserves" to be impeached, and that Congress has a "constitutional responsibility" to begin impeachment proceedings.

Todd: Trump's 'Keystone Cops' Were Too Incompetent to Collude

April 18th, 2019 11:16 PM
In the wake of Thursday's release of the Mueller Report, the liberal media were desperate to latch onto anything. Despite the fact, there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and no open and shut case on obstruction of justice, NBC News political director Chuck Todd appeared on Nightly News and declared that both actually happened.