Bob Etheridge
Partisan Inconsistency: In Close Congressional Races, AP Gives Two Par
November 28th, 2010 9:21 PM
I've noted an interesting disparity in how the Associated Press, the so-called Essential Global News Network, has covered Democratic and Republican congressional victories in situations where the counting has gone on well past Election Day.
Let's contrast the amount of ink and bandwidth devoted to Republican Joe Walsh's victory over incumbent Democrat Melissa Bean in Illinois compared to the…

Raleigh News & Observer Neglects to Mention Amazing Etheridge Refusal
October 27th, 2010 6:04 PM
An oatmeal cookie!
An oatmeal cookie to the first reporter who gets around to asking North Carolina Congressman Bob Etheridge (D) why he refused to answer a crucial ObamaCare question during his debate last Saturday with his Republican challenger, Renee Ellmers. The fact that he refused to answer was amazing. And the fact that the Raleigh News & Observer completely neglected to report…
Howard Kurtz: Why Didn't Media Cover Etheridge Attack Like Allen's Mac
June 20th, 2010 5:19 PM
Howard Kurtz on Sunday said most mainstream media outlets "really blew it this week" in how they reported North Carolina Congressman Bob Etheridge's attack on students."Most treated it as intriguing footage or a good gossip item, but the guy went bonkers when approached by two young men with a video camera," Kurtz said near the end of CNN's "Reliable Sources."After playing the video of the…
Mediaite's Colby Hall: Rep. Etheridge a 'Hero' For Assaulting Students
June 15th, 2010 5:31 PM
Mediaite's Colby Hall thinks Congressman Bob Etheridge might be a hero for assaulting a college student who asked him a question. Etheridge attacked a student and held him captive for a short time after he asked if the Congressman supported the Obama agenda. Colby Hall wrote an article defending him titled, Congressman Loses Cool To Students With a Flip Cam, But Somehow Comes Out The Hero?. To…
Networks Skip Democratic Congressman’s Street Scuffle, But ABC Pounc
June 15th, 2010 10:32 AM
None of the three broadcast evening newscasts had even a few seconds last night for video of Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge physically grabbing and yelling at an unidentified student attempting to ask him whether he supports President Obama’s agenda. But last Thursday, after Republican senate candidate Carly Fiorina was caught making a flip remark about Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer’s…
Chris Matthews: Etheridge 'Ambushed By Activists' 'Ginning Up A Skirmi
June 14th, 2010 11:25 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday said, "Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge of North Carolina was ambushed by a group of unknown activists."The "Hardball" host began his report concerning the Congressman's unprovoked attack on two students, "Next: ginning up a skirmish."This came just a few hours after Matthews' colleague Tamron Hall made similar on air allegations concerning the incident.…
MSNBC on Etheridge Assault: An 'Ambush Interview,' GOP 'Set Up
June 14th, 2010 4:52 PM
In the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall did a news brief on Democratic Congressman Bob Etheridge assaulting two students attempting to ask him a question last week, proclaiming: "...there are some Democrats that are blasting the people allegedly behind this video....some would catagorize that as an ambush interview..." [Audio available here]Hall played a clip of the video showing the…
Journalistic Instincts: In Alleged Etheridge Assault, Who Does AP Want
June 14th, 2010 3:32 PM
A sitting congressman allegedly commits assault on a public sidewalk, is caught on video doing so (link is to the related video and blog post), and "apologizes." Note that the incident took place "last week," according to the linked post, which means that Etheridge didn't see the need for an apology until the video went viral. So ... who does the intrepid…