Note that the incident took place "last week," according to the linked post, which means that Etheridge didn't see the need for an apology until the video went viral.
So ... who does the intrepid Associated Press attempt to go to for comment? The Congressman? Apparently not, as you will see; the AP must see his "apology" as the end of the story. The person whom Etheridge arguably assaulted? Legal experts, who could weigh in on whether the congressman could be arrested and and charged? House or Democratic Party colleagues? No-no-no.
Get a load, in the final paragraph of what will probably end up being a brief initial report, of who the AP believes owes it a comment first and foremost:
Yeah, that's right. Andrew Breitbart.
You have to wonder, especially since they felt compelled to bring up the ACORN sting videos, if the folks at AP check under their beds at night for vast right wing conspirators before turning in.
Cross-posted at