Former ABC Host Joy Behar Lays Into Chris Christie To His Face: 'You'r

April 9th, 2014 12:03 PM
Joy Behar, the grating liberal feminist comedian, left ABC’s “The View,” but she’s still being obnoxious. At an April 1 roast celebrating the 90th birthday of former New Jersey Gov. Brendan Byrne, a Democrat, Behar went straight to Bridgegate: “When I first learned he was blamed for blocking three lanes on the bridge, I said ‘What the hell is he doing, standing in the middle of the bridge?”…

NewsBusted: Jimmy Carter May Actually Be on to Something

April 5th, 2014 10:26 AM
"Jimmy Carter says that he believes the government is monitoring his emails. Of course they are, Jimmy… where else do you think the Obama administration gets all their brilliant policy positions?" Ed Schultz, Chris Christie, and California prisons were other subjects of Miller's mockery in the latest edition of NewsBusted, which you can watch by clicking play on the embed below the page break…

MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch: ‘Bridgegate’ Worse Than Clinton Sex Scand

April 1st, 2014 11:37 AM
Liberal MSNBC guest Donny Deutsch made some bizarre comments during his appearance on “Morning Joe” on Tuesday April 1 regarding the Chris Christie “Bridgegate” scandal. Speaking to the “Morning Joe” panel, Deutsch asserted that regarding “Bridgegate” he couldn’t “remember anything more egregious, interestingly enough that a politician has done.” Furthermore, Deutsch argued that the Chris…

Former NYT Reporter on GOP Donor Meeting: 'It’s Hard to Imagine a Po

March 31st, 2014 6:18 PM
New York Times political correspondent turned left-wing editorial writer David Firestone unleashed a fiery attack on a GOP donor in an inflammatory post Monday afternoon: "The Line to Kiss Sheldon Adelson's Boots." The very thought of Republican politicians speaking at a Las Vegas meeting of an Adelson-backed lobbying group made Firestone want to retch:

Mika a One-Woman Walking Commercial For Moribund 'Meet The Press

March 31st, 2014 8:08 AM
How bad are things for Meet The Press?  The once-dominant Sunday show has fallen into a distant third place. And now Mika Brzezinski has resorted to an embarrassing attempt to revive her network's failing patient. On today's Morning Joe, Mika managed to mention Meet The Press by name no fewer than eight times in one segment. Her argument was that MTP is the go-to place for politicians…

NewsBusted: Al Gore, America's Original Weather Drone

March 28th, 2014 6:43 PM
"The Navy has come up with a drone that can predict the weather several months in advance. Which is not to be confused with Al Gore -- a drone who says he can predict the weather a hundred years in advance." Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, illegal immigrants on ObamaCare, and a drunk-driving Capt. Kirk also made Jodi's strike list for this Friday's NewsBusted, NewsBusters's own original…

'Nightline' Turns to Democrats to Slam Christie as a 'Bully

March 28th, 2014 2:54 PM
To accompany ABC's tough interview of New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Friday's Nightline quoted New Jersey Democrats slamming him as a vengeful "bully." World News anchor Diane Sawyer noted that "critics remember the lure of Christie's brash personal style" before airing clips of Democrats pounding him. Sawyer pressed Christie repeatedly over New Jersey's bridge closure scandal, but she…

Uh-oh: NBC News President to Discuss Future of 'Meet the Press' With D

March 13th, 2014 8:11 PM
During a brief visit to Washington, D.C., Deborah Turness – the president of NBC News – is slated to discuss the fate of the network's Sunday morning program with host David Gregory and executive producer Rob Yarin regarding possible changes to the format of Meet the Press, which recently saw its ratings tumble to their lowest point since the third quarter of 1992. According to Dylan Byers,…

Column: Stormtroopers, a Wookiee, and CPAC

March 12th, 2014 3:21 PM
OXON HILL, Md. -- The first "people" I recognized on arriving at last week's Conservative Political Action Committee gathering just outside Washington were two "stormtroopers" and a Wookiee from the 1977 film "Star Wars." Some of the speeches also expressed sentiments from the past, though not as cleverly as those in costume: Obama is a bad president, even a bad man. America looks weak before… Grouses 'Christie Aides Double Down' on 5th Amendment; No Su

March 10th, 2014 5:27 PM
When Obama IRS official Lois Lerner yet again pleaded the Fifth Amendment last Wednesday rather than answer challenging questions during a congressional hearing, the liberal media stifled yawns. To the extent the March 5 hearing was covered, media attention turned to the post-hearing fireworks between ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) rather…

NBC's Gregory: 'Thank God the Media's Still Here' for CPAC to 'Kick Ar

March 10th, 2014 10:20 AM
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory wondered if New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's 2016 presidential chances were "done" following the Bridgegate scandal. In response, National Journal's Ron Fournier cited Christie's Friday CPAC address: "Ironically, he might have done himself some good with the Republican primary audience because he now can beat up on the media." [Listen to…

Newsweek 'Back From the Dead,' Causes Furor Over Bitcoin Founder's Ide

March 8th, 2014 9:15 PM
Newsweek, the weekly magazine with a penchant for controversial covers, reappeared in retail outlets across the country on Friday after more than a year as a subscription-only digital periodical. According to the Daily Beast, the publication's online partner, “a historic title is back from the dead." As has often happened in the past, the new magazine's cover story has generated a…

NYT Launches Coverage of 'Strident' CPAC 'Conundrum' With Usual Loaded

March 8th, 2014 5:23 PM
The New York Times covered the latest annual gathering of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) with its usual mix of suspicion, overloaded labeling bias, and anti-GOP doomsaying. The paper's skeptical coverage of the three-day conservative confab, held this year at National Harbor on the Potomac, opened with two stories in Friday's edition, one on the organizers's attempts to put…

Scarborough Rips Liberal Media For ‘Obsession’ Over Bridgegate; Fa

February 25th, 2014 5:21 PM
Is Joe Scarborough turning on MSNBC? On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, the host mocked the “total obsession” of “the media on the left” in their coverage of Chris Christie’s bridge scandal since early January. Naturally, however, he failed to directly call out his own network for being at the forefront of the effort to destroy Christie. [Video below. MP3 audio here.]