Maher to MSNBC - Enough Already With Your Bridgegate Fetish, 'It's Not

February 23rd, 2014 6:39 AM
You know that MSNBC has leaned too far forward into abject hackery masquerading as journalism when it gets slammed by Bill Maher, otherwise one of its most fervent defenders. On his HBO show Friday night, Maher used the occasion of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow appearing as one of his guests to tell Maddow that her network's obsession with the Bridgegate scandal has become too much even for him.…

Bill Maher Hammers MSNBC for 'Turning Into Fox News

February 20th, 2014 10:10 PM
One way the MSNBC cable channel can tell it's in trouble is when liberal comedian Bill Maher -- host of the Friday night HBO program Real Time who almost got his own show on the "Lean Forward" network -- posts a tweet accusing you of “turning into Fox News” and stating that the channel has “stopped leaning forward” since “Bridgegate has become your Benghazi.” “I'm no good at being noble,”…

MSNBC’s Hayes Promotes Petition Drive for Chris Christie Resignation

February 20th, 2014 5:43 PM
If there was any doubt that MSNBC is a mouthpiece for liberal activism, Chris Hayes should have erased it on Wednesday’s edition of his program All In. Hayes was discussing MSNBC’s favorite current topic – the Chris Christie “Bridgegate” saga – with Dan Cantor, national director of the ultra-liberal Working Families Party. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] Near the end of the discussion, Cantor…

Rove Rips Former Ohio Gov. Strickland, Whose Admin Invaded Joe the Plu

February 17th, 2014 10:27 AM
Democrat and former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, who has been "shadowing" Chris Christie while taking every possible opportunity to accuse New Jersey's GOP Governor of either "lying" or of being "the most inept, incompetent chief executive imaginable," tried his schtick yesterday morning on Chris Wallace's Fox News show. Unfortunately for Ted, establishment Republican and former George W.…

CBS's Dickerson Defends 'Ruthless Hillary Clinton'; Her 'Enemies List

February 12th, 2014 2:41 PM
CBS's John Dickerson is in shameless spin mode to shield Hillary Clinton from damaging new revelations in both a new book, HRC, and a confidante's diaries, even as his network, along with the rest of the liberal media, insist that unproven allegations against Chris Christie will likely prove fatal to his 2016 presidential aspirations. "Not all cutthroat politicians are the same," blares the…

Pot/Kettle: Ex-Obama Spox Says Christie Can't Claim He Didn't Know Wha

February 10th, 2014 8:24 AM
Pot, kettle, hello? If Dems wanted to find someone to attack Chris Christie's credibility for claiming he didn't know what was going on in his administration, couldn't they have found someone less vulnerable than Robert Gibbs? After all, Gibbs served as spox for Barack Obama, the man who has made an art form out of claiming he only found out about his admin's latest scandal when he read about…

Column: A Bridge Too Far-Fetched

February 6th, 2014 7:08 PM
New Jersey governor Chris Christie deserves to be defended. The gravamen of the media's case against Christie on Bridgegate seems to be that he is a "bully" -- which I painstakingly gleaned from the fact that the governor is called a "bully" 1 million times a night on MSNBC and in hundreds of blog postings and New York Times reports. Christie is not a bully. If anything, he's a pansy, a man…

NYT Public Editor Scolds Paper For Not Disclosing Change to Christie S

February 5th, 2014 10:55 PM
On Saturday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted how the New York Times had made a critical change to a story about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's possible knowledge of lane closures in the area of the George Washington Bridge. The initial story was that a Port Authority official "has evidence" in the matter. A short time later, that claim was watered down to a far more speculative "…

Ed Schultz Proudly Displays His Shabby Contempt for Constitutional Rig

February 5th, 2014 7:47 PM
One of my favorite memories from watching MSNBC -- not that there are many -- came a few years back when Rachel Maddow in full-blown, arms-waving smarm insisted that the Constitution does not have a preamble. "That would be the Declaration of Independence," Maddow declared emphatically. It's one thing for an MSNBC pundit to publicly reveal her ignorance of the Constitution (and Maddow made…

Morning Joe on 2016: Hillary's Problem 'Inevitability', But Christie

February 4th, 2014 8:44 AM
Two possible presidential candidates.  Although there's no evidence of it on the record, some have accused the first of closing bridge-access lanes for political purposes.  The other failed to respond to pleas for help, four Americans died in Benghazi, and her response was a petulant "what difference does it make?" So where do those two candidates stand as we look to 2016?  In the case of…

Scarborough Accuses Chuck Todd of 'Wild Speculation' Over What Wildste

February 3rd, 2014 9:11 AM
Could the GW bridge scandal be causing internal friction at MSNBC?  On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough upbraided Chuck Todd for "wild speculation" in the matter.   Scarborough's slap at Todd came in response to the NBC political director's suggestion that, based on a photo showing Christie and Wildstein together at a September 11 event--it was "very likely" that Wildstein--in an effort…

'SNL' Producer Lorne Michaels on Political Mockery: Democrats Can't Ta

February 3rd, 2014 7:57 AM
New York magazine interviewed Saturday Night Live executive producer Lorne Michaels about his show and political humor. Michaels seemed to suggest that Republicans can take a joke, and Democrats can't. Or perhaps Republicans are used to being mocked by Manhattan liberals, and Democrats expect to be pampered. The magazine’s Lane Brown asked: "Are there any basic rules for what works and what…

GMA Hypes Christie’s ‘Very Personal Attack’ Against Former Staff

February 2nd, 2014 11:22 AM
Supposed new revelations have emerged in the “Bridgegate” scandal by former New Jersey Port Authority official David Wildstein claim that Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) knew about the George Washington Bridge lane closures earlier than the governor claimed. Despite Wildstein’s failure to provide any evidence for his claims, ABC’s Good Morning America pounced and played up the Christie “bully”…

NYT Caught Altering Christie Story: Port Authority Official No Longer

February 1st, 2014 2:53 PM
Longtime readers here may recall that yours truly and others have written about liberties New York Times reporter Kate Zernike has taken with the truth, especially in her reporting on the Tea Party movement. Her penchant for inventing baseless stories about alleged racism in the movement once caused the late Andrew Breitbart to label her "a despicable human being." Breitbart might well have…