New Jersey Miracle: What About the Rest of Us

June 28th, 2011 11:44 AM
Something astonishing happened in New Jersey last week. A majority Democratic legislature and a Republican governor agreed on a measure that will cut benefits for the state's 750,000 employees and retirees. Like Wisconsin and other states that are being forced to deal with large budget deficits caused mostly by sweetheart deals struck in more prosperous times between politicians who need…

As Connecticut Nears 7,500 Layoffs, AP Nearly Ignores Over 75 Tax Hike

June 27th, 2011 3:20 PM
Susan Haigh's report Friday evening on the current status of budget negotiations between Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy and the state's public-sector unions contains two glaring errors which mar the entire enterprise. Haigh conveniently withheld the fact that the Nutmeg State's legislature has already approved $2.6 billion in new taxes over two years until her report's final paragraph,…

A Tale of Two State Trios, and Their Comparative Press Coverage

June 24th, 2011 5:32 PM
I can't say that I'm up on what every state is doing, but it's hard not to notice contrasts between two trios of states singing decidedly different tunes: Wisconsin, Ohio and New Jersey, three states with recently elected conservative Republican governors, have either put their budgets to bed, or are on the verge of doing so, by cutting costs and not raising taxes. Connecticut,…

Matt Lauer Says It's 'Fair' to Grill Christie on Sending Kids to Priva

June 24th, 2011 3:18 PM
In an exclusive interview with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer played a clip of a woman attacking the Republican as hypocritical for sending his children to private school while cutting funding for public schools. Lauer agreed with her premise: "I thought it was a fair question." Lauer sympathized with the woman and argued: "...what she was asking…

Shock and 'Awww' at the NYT Over 'Once-Unthinkable' New Jersey Govt. U

June 23rd, 2011 11:50 PM
It took well over a year, but New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has gotten his way. Covering the story for the New York Times, Richard Perez-Pena seemed to alternate between shock and "Awww." His biggest journalistic distortion was understating the degree to which Christie needed -- and got -- Democratic Party help to pass legislation which, in Pena's words, "will sharply increase what state…

MSNBCer Compares Chris Christie to Tony Soprano

June 17th, 2011 5:31 PM
Tamron Hall was so taken aback by Chris Christie's "none of your business" response to a voter's question about why he puts his kids in private school that she blurted the New Jersey Republican Governor reminded her of HBO's fictionalized mobster Tony Soprano. Right after playing a brief clip of Christie's "gruff" answer to the voter, Hall stooped to take a stereotypical cheap shot at New…

Piers Morgan Confronts Chris Christie With Quote That He Will 'Kick Yo

June 15th, 2011 5:08 PM
Although he admitted during the interview to being an admirer of Chris Christie "from afar," CNN's Piers Morgan put the heat on the New Jersey governor early and often during Tuesday night's hour-long interview. To begin the interview, Morgan pulled up a brutal critique of the governor by a political opponent. Morgan quoted the Democratic president of the state senate who described Christie'…

Ann Coulter Tells Joy Behar 'Liberals Would Drink Obama's Bathwater

June 10th, 2011 10:59 AM
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter had a lively discussion with HLN's Joy Behar Thurday as she discussed her new book "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America." After her host claimed the Republican Party has made a saint out of Ronald Reagan, Coulter countered, "Liberals would drink Obama's bathwater" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krauthammer on Gingrich: 'He's Done. This is a Capital Offense. It's O

May 16th, 2011 9:08 PM
Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich had a tough day on "Meet the Press" Sunday. So troubling was his performance that syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer told "Special Report's" Bret Baier Monday, "He’s done...This is a capital offense...It's over" (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

NY Times: Now It's GOP Gov. Chris Christie Using 'Incendiary' Language

May 4th, 2011 7:44 AM
New York Times reporter Richard Perez-Pena followed Gov. Chris Christie to the unlikely grounds of Cambridge, Mass., to hear the governor talk about education reform for Saturday’s "A Warm Welcome for Christie at a Liberal Bastion." Perez-Pena’s reporting has been hostile toward the often-audacious Republican governor of New Jersey, and he appeared taken aback by Christie’s positive Harvard…

CNN Showcases Five Year-Old Victim of Gov. Christie's Budget Cuts

April 27th, 2011 3:56 PM
CNN's Deborah Feyerick took the offensive Tuesday and emphasized the negative effects of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's cuts to education funding. Feyerick highlighted the plight of an illiterate kindergartner from a "high risk" neighborhood as an example of student who could be affected by budget cuts. The segment ran during the 8 a.m. EDT hour of Tuesday's "American Morning" on CNN. CNN…

NY Times Leaps on Gov. Christie's Mild 'Violent Imagery,' Ignores Hars

April 19th, 2011 10:38 AM
On Saturday, New York Times metro reporter Richard Perez-Pena treated as a serious breach of decorum a relatively mild metaphor New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie used in front of reporters in “This Time, Christie’s Tough Talk Draws a Wave of Criticism From Democrats.” The text box: “The governor uses violent imagery while talking to reporters about a state senator.” Yet the Times has…

Maddow at Most Absurd: Describes Tax Cuts in New Jersey as New Spendin

March 24th, 2011 11:17 AM
Somewhere the ghost of George Orwell cringes in recognition. In her eagerness to please, Rachel Maddow occasionally collides headlong into immutable facts of economic reality. To wit, cutting taxes does not constitute new government spending, at least outside of doctrinaire Marxist analysis. Here's MSNBC's Little Miss Sunshine giving her two-cents' worth on this Tuesday night (video below…

More Front-Page NY Times Sniping at Gov. Chris Christie 'Misstatements

March 10th, 2011 1:45 PM
On the front page of Thursday's New York Times, reporter Richard Perez-Pena again goes after Republican Gov. Chris Christie, making waves for his town hall appearances going after teachers unions and public pension plans, “Christie’s Talk Is Blunt, but Not Always Straight.” The Times has escalated its anti-Christie sniping, and some of Perez-Pena’s “inaccuracies” are pretty pro forma and nit…