As Union Debate Intensifies, Questions Arise Over Propriety of Collect

March 3rd, 2011 11:50 AM
Battles over state policies concerning public employee unions in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, New Jersey, and elsewhere have focused some attention on a question some conservatives have been asking for years: should collective bargaining be legal in the public sector?

Schieffer Hits Christie for How He ‘Demonized Teachers’ and Presse

February 27th, 2011 3:02 PM
CBS’s Bob Schieffer hit Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the left on Sunday’s Face the Nation, claiming he has “demonized” teachers and urging him to give some “straight talk” about the necessity to raise taxes. After asking if he thinks “Governor Walker out there in Wisconsin has gone too far?” in trying to end collective bargaining, Schieffer ludicrously asserted “…

The NY Times Takes Two More Left Jabs at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christi

February 25th, 2011 1:04 PM
Matt Bai’s upcoming New York Times Sunday Magazine cover profile of Chris Christie, New Jersey's attention-getting Republican governor, has its questionable moments, but the overall tone was far more temperate than a teaser the Times used to promote it, featured on the front page of Thursday evening. The segment of Bai's long story the Times chose to highlight is one that just…

NYT: 'Pugnacious and Boastful' Gov. Christie Left NJ Education System

February 23rd, 2011 5:39 PM
New York Times reporter David Halbfinger filed from Trenton, N.J., Wednesday on Gov. Chris Christie’s recently unveiled budget proposal (“Christie Declares ‘New Normal’ in Proposing Tight Budget”) and again displayed a pro-Democrat double standard. Only last week Halbfinger penned a favorable profile of Connecticut’s Democrat Gov. Dannel Malloy, who devoted half the interview to running down…

Are We in a New Era of Reality-based Politics

February 23rd, 2011 4:13 PM
At the risk of giddy over-optimism, I have the hunch that the American voting public is beginning to demand legislating that actually deals with the nation's problems. There is creeping — still ambiguous — evidence of this, starting with the national polling data. I argued last December that President Barack Obama's support for the extension of the Bush tax cuts would not end up helping him…

Chris Christie to NBC's Ann Curry: It's Time to Say No to the Unions

February 23rd, 2011 11:59 AM
New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie stopped by the Today show, on Wednesday morning, to educate viewers and NBC's Ann Curry about the problems of public employee unions and explained that when it comes to getting government costs under control sometimes you just have to say no. Curry mostly questioned Christie from the left, as she asked if there was "a coordinated" GOP agenda to make…

Lawrence O'Donnell: Walker Becomes Top GOP Presidential Candidate If H

February 21st, 2011 10:57 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Ann Coulter agrees! Lawrence O'Donnell on Monday made a prediction that most who hadn't heard of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker until a week ago might find astonishing. On MSNBC's "The Last Word," the host told his perilously liberal guest Ezra Klein that if Walker's budget repair plan goes through, "He would instantaneously become the greatest hero in the Republican…

Cynthia Tucker: Christie Won't Run Due to GOP 'Crazy Tax' - Birthers

February 20th, 2011 6:00 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Cynthia Tucker said Friday New Jersey Governor Chris Christie won't run for president next year because "he realizes there’s still a crazy tax that a Republican nominee has to pay at this point." This in Tucker's view stated on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" includes cozying up to the birthers, coddling Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, and denying…

Headline: "Coulter 'Insanely Jealous' of Sarah Palin

February 19th, 2011 12:49 PM
In a classic example of bias by headline, on Friday cherry-picked a compliment Ann Coulter gave Sarah Palin the previous evening in order to demean the conservative author. The following still appears at the front page of the cable network's website:

Ann Coulter Tells Lawrence O'Donnell: 'Sean Hannity Knows More Than Yo

February 17th, 2011 11:26 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter returned to MSNBC Thursday to spar with admittedly socialist commentator Lawrence O'Donnell. At the end of a highly-entertaining segment dealing with Coulter's previously expressed support for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Ann marvelously told her host after he besmirched Fox News's Sean Hannity, "He knows more than you - you’re a Democrat" (video follows…

WaPo Columnist on MSNBC: 'Chris Christie Is Terrific...The One Actuall

February 16th, 2011 7:53 PM
Something rather shocking happened on MSNBC Wednesday. Not only was a compliment given to a Republican, but on the "Dylan Ratigan Show," it was said by a Washington Post columnist about a GOPer that is actually admired by conservatives (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NY Times: NJ GOP Gov. Christie 'Blustery and Bellicose', CT Dem Gov. W

February 16th, 2011 3:33 PM
David Halbfinger’s Wednesday New York Times profile of Connecticut’s newly elected Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy favorably compared him to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is winning fans for his insistence on budget discipline and his outspoken challenges to unions: “In Tackling Connecticut’s Finances, New Governor Criticizes Peer’s Approach.” Reporter Halbfinger let Malloy…

John Heilemann: Republican Presidential Field Weakest Anybody Has Seen

February 14th, 2011 12:13 AM
New York Magazine's John Heilemann on Friday said the Republican presidential field is the weakest anybody has seen in our lifetime. This absurd statement was made on the syndicated "Chris Matthews Show" in a segment about which GOPers will be throwing their name into the ring in the coming months before next year's elections (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Jon Stewart Rips Olbermann and All MSNBCers That Can't Fill the 'Olber

February 4th, 2011 12:36 PM
Jon Stewart on Thursday marvelously lampooned Keith Olbermann and all his former colleagues that can't fill the "Olbermann-shaped hole" his departure has left at MSNBC. The "Daily Show" host began the segment (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):