Liberal Pundit: GOP Base Is ‘The Biggest Pool of Suckers in America’

November 5th, 2016 9:50 PM
New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who’s also Donald Trump’s transition director, was not a defendant in the Bridgegate trial, in which two of Christie’s allies were just convicted on all counts. Still, argues New York’s Chait, the verdicts “would shake up an ordinary presidential election,” since Trump himself has said that Christie “totally knew about” Bridgegate, and since the Donald has made…

ABC Is Alarmed Over Trump's Fat Shaming, But Fat Shamed Christie

September 28th, 2016 11:45 AM
According to the journalists at Good Morning America, it’s apparently okay to fat shame some people, so long as they are Republicans. On Wednesday, George Stephanopoulos opened the program by trumpeting, “Trump doubles down on his criticism of the former Miss Universe, saying her weight as a big problem.” Reporter Amy Robach alerted that in 1996, “Trump publicly shamed” contestant Alicia Machado…

Quote of the Day: Smerconish Claims Christie Crucified Hillary Christ?

July 21st, 2016 10:32 AM
One of the liberal media’s greatest hypocrisies is its opposition to  rhetorical excess. Journalists claim to favor a civil discourse where everyone acknowledges the decency and humanity of their opponents. But in reality, they think conservatives are the forces of inhumanity, and liberal heroes are “iconic,” even comparable to divinity. CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish became the poster boy…

CNN: Christie's Hillary Speech 'Was Everything Except Crucify Her'

July 20th, 2016 9:08 PM
During CNN’s Republican Nation Convention coverage leading up to Wednesday’s lineup of speakers, CNN commentator and radio host Michael Smerconish smeared the GOP. Smerconish slammed former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s speeches as a “problem” for the party. In his comments about Christie’s speech Smerconish equated Hillary Clinton to Jesus, “I call it…

NYT Fact Checks Christie Speech on Hillary as Essentially Correct

July 20th, 2016 5:34 PM
"GUILTY!" That was the verdict of the delegates at the Republican convention last night when New Jersey governor Chris Christie laid out a series of charges against Hillary Clinton and asked if she were guilty or not guilty. No surprise as to the verdict from the delegates but guess who else basically affirmed Hillary's guilt via fact checking Christie's speech. The New York Times. That's right…

NBC: RNC ‘Heavy on Harsh Rhetoric’; ‘Anger’ Went ‘Too Far’

July 20th, 2016 9:30 AM
Following night two of the Republican National Convention, Wednesday’s NBC Today kept up its portrayal of the event being filled with “inflammatory rhetoric” and “raw red meat” as correspondent Peter Alexander declared: “Still, the night was heavy on harsh rhetoric, much of it directed at Hillary Clinton....Delegates repeatedly calling for Clinton to be thrown in jail.”

Chris Matthews: ‘Bloodthirsty’ GOP Delegates Ready to ‘Kill’ Clinton?

July 20th, 2016 1:53 AM
According to Hardball host Chris Matthews on Tuesday, “bloodthirsty” Republican delegates are ready to “kill” Hillary Clinton. The MSNBC journalist was unhappy at GOP convention attendees for chanting, “lock her up.” Talking to Jonathan Capehart, he haltingly ranted, “And I get the feeling, he [Chris Christie] wanted — if they had said, ‘kill her now,’ it was almost that bloodthirsty.” 

‘Feminist Panic Attack’ Over Bill Clinton ‘Match Game’ Question

July 11th, 2016 1:58 AM
ABC’s Match Game, hosted by lefty Alec Baldwin, continued its run of questions about Republican presidential candidates, but this week, for the first time, Hillary Clinton was finally mentioned. Ana Gasteyer said she had a "feminist panic attack" over a question on what Bill Clinton had left in the White House.

Maher Wishes Violent Tragedies on Republicans to Plug Environmentalism

March 5th, 2016 2:17 PM
On Friday's Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher ended his show by wishing that prominent Republicans suffer violent tragedies -- some of which would likely be deadly -- caused by global warming and other environmental issues so as to make Republicans take a more liberal view on environmental regulations. The theoretical tragedies included Chris Christie having his arm torn off by a shark, James…

NYT Gleeful Over GOP Reaping What They Sow With Tea Party, Trump

March 4th, 2016 8:07 AM
Republicans reaping what they sow was the theme of two New York Times stories on Thursday. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer’s “Congressional Memo” suggested turnabout was fair play: “Ryan Now Faces Tea Party Forces He Helped Unleash.” It’s what Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP get for setting off “flare-ups over racially charged issues” and trying “to roll back voting rights.” And reporter Michael…

Scarborough: Trump Comments on David Duke, KKK 'Disqualifying'

February 29th, 2016 8:07 AM
If Joe Scarborough were ever, as some have claimed, in the the tank for Donald Trump, he has officially climbed out as of this morning. On today's Morning Joe, reacting to the clip of Jake Tapper's interview, Scarborough called Trump's refusal to forthrightly reject the support of Klansman David Duke "disqualifying." A bit later, Joe and Mika Brzezinski said that if Trump fails today to clean up…

Scarborough: Rubio's 'Dirty--Um--Dark Money' Drove Christie Down

February 11th, 2016 7:18 AM
On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough forcefully sought to refute the notion that Chris Christie's takedown of Marco Rubio in the last GOP debate was an unprovoked attack. Scarborough painted a very different picture, one in which by dint of his town hall work, Christie had been steadily climbing in the New Hampshire polls--until Rubio unleashed a wave of negative advertising on Christie that…

Blitzer Hits Rubio Fitness for Office, Repetition May Be 'Oops Moment'

February 9th, 2016 9:25 AM
As Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz -- who has endorsed Marco Rubio for President -- appeared as a guest on Monday's The Situation Room on CNN, host Wolf Blitzer repeatedly questioned Rubio's fitness for office, with seven out of his first nine questions and setup statements challenging the Florida Senator on issues ranging from his repetition of lines during Saturday's debate, to his level of…

Christie Reminds Stephanopoulos of His History as Dem ‘Operative’

February 8th, 2016 4:53 PM
A testy Chris Christie reminded George Stephanopoulos of his political “operative” past on Monday, hitting the Good Morning America co-host for bringing up the New Jersey governor’s low poll ratings. The former aide to Bill Clinton quizzed, “You have invested so much time and money in New Hampshire, though...still in sixth place, if you can't win there, where can you win?”