
Heilemann: Governors in GOP Field See Rubio as a 'Punk'

February 5th, 2016 6:10 PM
With all due respect, indeed! On the Bloomberg TV show of that name that he co-hosts with Mark Halperin, John Heilemann today reported that the current and former governors in the GOP field--Bush, Kasich and Christie--think Marco Rubio is a "punk." Clarified Heilemann: "when I say 'punk,' they have the same view that Hillary Clinton had of Barack Obama [in 2008]: line-cutter, punk, man of no…

Dem Senator Scolds Mitchell for Politicizing Storm to Attack Christie

January 26th, 2016 4:13 PM
On MSNBC on Tuesday, New Jersey Democratic Senator Cory Booker admonished host Andrea Mitchell for trying to use the weekend blizzard to attack Republican Governor Chris Christie. After Mitchell wondered if Christie had “risked” his presidential campaign “by his response to flooding from the winter storms back home,” Booker pushed back: “Literally some families on this – in this community lost…

MSNBC Uses Blizzard Aftermath to Attack Chris Christie

January 25th, 2016 2:35 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Andrea Mitchell teed up correspondent Rehema Ellis to blast New Jersey Governor Chris Christie over the blizzard clean-up effort in the state: “Tell us about the clean-up, because Rehema, we've already seen that Chris Christie, the governor, flew out early yesterday saying all was fine there. How is it in New Jersey?”

NPR Anchor Asks Joy Reid If Christie, Cruz Were Racist to Insult Obama

January 16th, 2016 4:56 PM
NPR brought on two women to replace David Brooks and E.J. Dionne for their “Week in Politics” segment on Friday’s All Things Considered. As usual, NPR’s idea of “balance” is two experts who think Ted Cruz is a far-right disaster. Former MSNBC host Joy Reid drew quite the softball from openly gay NPR anchor Ari Shapiro, who cited “some observers” who said that Chris Christie and Ted Cruz offered…

Harris-Perry Guest Falsely Accuses Republicans of Calling Obama 'Boy'

January 16th, 2016 12:42 PM
On today's Melissa Harris-Perry show, the perpetually outraged Nina Turner of Ohio ripped Ted Cruz and Chris Christie for their language during this past week's debate: "to call the president a boy, those of us who understand African-American history—cause that's exactly what they called him was a boy—and you don't do that to anybody, and especially to an African-American man." Republican…

Heilemann Tries and Fails to Lure Christie Into Fight With GOP Voters

January 4th, 2016 7:05 PM
Let's you and him fight! That was John Heilemann on today's With All Due Respect, trying to lure Chris Christie into a fight with Republican voters. Heilemann's first foray was to invite Christie to "name an issue where you are out of step with the conservative base of the Republican party." When Christie wouldn't bite, Heilemann tried again, asking Christie to name "an issue where you feel like…

ABC Blasts ‘Bloody’ GOP Debate; Chides Christie on Bus Stop Remark

December 16th, 2015 3:16 AM
The early Wednesday morning edition of ABC’s Nightline provided the first look at the network reaction to Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate and featured correspondent David Wright ripping it as a “bloody” affair with help from liberal comedians and scolding Chris Christie for remarks about Los Angeles mothers placing their children on school buses only to have classes canceled due to…

CNN Touts CAIR Accusing GOPers of Inciting Attacks Against Muslims

December 14th, 2015 11:35 PM
On Monday's Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN National Correspondent Jason Carroll delivered a heavily one-sided report highlighting charges by the Council on American-Islamic Relations that GOP presidential candidates -- specifically naming Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald Trump -- have been partly to blame for inspiring a recent spate of attacks against Muslims in the U.S.

Matthews Offended That Chris Christie Calls ISIS Jihadis 'Animals'

December 14th, 2015 9:48 PM
MSNBC host Chris Matthews seems to have a problem with those who would call the torturers, rapists, and murderers who populate the ranks of ISIS as "animals."

Crunching the Numbers: What to Watch For at the Next GOP Debate

December 14th, 2015 8:15 AM
After a five-week hiatus, the Republican presidential candidates meet tomorrow night for their next prime time debate, moderated by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Based on how the various networks handled the first four debates, viewers of Tuesday's CNN debate should expect: 1) the questions will be aimed at getting the candidates to fight with one another; 2) Donald Trump will take more airtime than any of…

Mauled in the Morning: GOP Candidates Hit from the Left

December 10th, 2015 9:30 AM
An MRC analysis of interviews from January 1 to December 4 finds the broadcast networks have pounded the candidates with a blizzard of hostile and left-wing questions.

PBS's Ifill: GOPers Compete to Be 'Alarmist' After Terrorist Attacks

December 6th, 2015 11:25 PM
Appearing as a panel member on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, PBS host Gwen Ifill made a negative characterization of GOP presidential candidates' reactions to recent terrorist attacks as she declared that, "For Republicans, it's going to be a variation of what we've seen so far, which is, 'How can we be more alarmist than the last guy?'" She then moved to take jabs at GOPers Chris Christie…

Stephanopoulos Badgers Christie on Opposition to Syrian Refugees

December 2nd, 2015 12:31 PM
Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday badgered Chris Christie over his opposition to allowing Syrian refugees into the country. The co-host scolded Christie as “coming in for some criticism by one of your predecessors in New Jersey.” Highlighting moderate Republican governor Tom Kean, Stephanopoulos chided, “He says some of your rhetoric and your cracking down on refugees,…

Atlantic: Republicans Engage in Race-Baiting, But Might Not Be Racists

November 19th, 2015 3:41 PM
On Tuesday, The Atlantic featured an article that lamented decades of Republican race-baiting in presidential campaigns. The piece by [authors] allow that race-baiting “does not mean that those who employ them are racists,” but it does “show a willingness to exploit societal ills for political gain.” The authors don’t think Republicans are racists, just that Republicans have a tendency to exploit…