Fox Focuses on MRC Study of Declining MSM Iraq Coverage

December 23rd, 2007 10:13 AM
A recent study, "Good News = Less News on Iraq War," by Rich Noyes, the Research Director of Media Research Center, NB's parent organization, revealed that coverage of Iraq by the big three evening newscasts has declined as the news from Iraq has improved. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace highlighted the MRC study during his interview of General David Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-…

Extra! Extra! NYT Corrects A Mistake

October 8th, 2007 9:55 AM

Olbermann: Anti-war Soldiers Not 'Phony', Unlike General 'Betray Us

October 4th, 2007 2:24 PM
While MSNBC's Keith Olbermann can hardly contain his glee at smacking around Rush Limbaugh over the taken-out-of-context "phony soldier" remark, it's notable that Olbermann himself essentially smeared Gen. David Petreaus as a phony at best and a traitor at the worst well before the Iraq war commander ever gave his assessment before Congress.Indeed, before issued the infamously juvenile…

NYT Confesses: Mistake to Grant Deep Discount

September 24th, 2007 10:25 AM

New York Times Admits Discount Rate for Moveon.Org (Blogosphere Roundu

September 23rd, 2007 2:47 PM

Russert Lets Hillary Off Hook Concerning MoveOn’s ‘Betray Us’ Ad

September 23rd, 2007 1:56 PM
As NewsBusters reported, the Senate voted Thursday to condemn MoveOn's "General Betray Us" ad, even though most Democrat presidential candidates including Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) opposed the resolution. With this in mind, it seemed logical that when Clinton was Tim Russert's guest on Sunday's "Meet the Press," and MoveOn's ad came up, the host would have asked the junior senator from New…

NYT's Public Editor Says Paper Made Mistake Running MoveOn’s ‘Betr

September 23rd, 2007 11:00 AM
If you thought the controversy over MoveOn's disgraceful "General Betray Us" ad was going away any time soon, think again. On Sunday, the Times's public editor Clark Hoyt came out strongly against the paper's decision to run this piece of detritus claiming that MoveOn got a price "that it should not have received under Times policies," and that "the ad appears to fly in the face of an internal…

Senate Condemnation of MoveOn’s ‘Betray Us’ Ad Receives Mixed Co

September 22nd, 2007 2:28 PM
On Thursday, a NewsBusters headline asked, "How Will Media Report Senate Vote Condemning MoveOn's ‘Betray Us' Ad?" The answer is a mixed bag with some outlets such as the Washington Post giving the issue a surprising amount of focus, and others like CBS and ABC totally ignoring the matter. From a print perspective, the Post certainly showed a lot of moxie with its front page piece entitled "…

Janeane Garofalo: 'Bush is a War Criminal,' 'O'Reilly Can Kiss My Fat

September 22nd, 2007 2:33 AM

Michael Kinsley Defends MoveOn’s ‘Betray Us’ Ad

September 20th, 2007 5:26 PM
On the eve of the Senate voting overwhelmingly to condemn MoveOn's recent "General Betray Us" ad, Michael Kinsley chose to defend the actions of this far-left group while poking fun at conservatives for being so outraged (h/t NB reader Lee Martin). In an article published by Time Wednesday, the former "Crossfire" host stated that the ad could be interpreted "merely as questioning the general's…

How Will Media Report Senate Vote Condemning MoveOn’s ‘Betray Us

September 20th, 2007 2:27 PM
Byron York over at the National Review's Corner blog is reporting that the Senate has just voted 72 - 25 condemning MoveOn's "General Betray Us" advertisement published by the New York Times last Monday (h/t's to Charles Johnson and Glenn Reynolds). This raises an interesting question: How will media report this vote? After all, as York reported, every Republican Senator voted "Yea," while key…

NYT: No Matter Who Runs the Ad, Rudy Still Looks Bad

September 18th, 2007 2:05 PM

Kurtz Conveniently Ignores Hsu in List of Current Scandals

September 17th, 2007 10:26 AM
Mimicking NBC's Matt Lauer on "Today" with Tom DeLay a few weeks ago, the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz chose Monday to address a number of political scandals in America, all of them of course dealing with Republicans. Yet, there was a brewing campaign finance scandal conspicuously absent from Kurtz's list. Need a hint what it might be? Maybe Glenn Reynolds' comical quip will help: "Hsoot,…

Daily Kos Thanks Hillary for Calling General Petraeus a Liar

September 17th, 2007 7:18 AM