NYT Rejected Advocacy Ads Like MoveOn’s From Conservative Groups

September 14th, 2007 10:35 AM
It certainly won't come as a great surprise that not every advocacy group gets the kind of special treatment from the New York Times that MoveOn received Monday with its "General Betray Us" advertisement. Not only did this far-left group receive a huge discount, but also it was revealed Friday the Times often rejects ads from conservative organizations.*****Update: Michelle Malkin chimes in…

NYT-MoveOn.org's 'Petraeus -- Betray Us' Ad Cited NYT's Own Reporting

September 13th, 2007 3:56 PM

NYT Shares Plunge While It Deeply Discounts MoveOn's Ad Space

September 13th, 2007 11:25 AM
Lost in the outrage yesterday over the New York Times's decision to discount its ad price for the disgraceful MoveOn.org "Betray Us" ad about General David Petraeus from at least $167,000 to $65,000 (described by NewsBusters' Brent Bozell as, in effect, co-sponsorship) was this awful financial news: UPDATE: New York Times Reports Weak Ad Sales CHICAGO (Dow Jones) -- Shares of New York Times Co.…

MRC's Bozell Slams NYT's MoveOn.org 'Betray Us' Ad Discount

September 13th, 2007 10:39 AM

Senator Hatch Lashes Out at MoveOn and ‘Nutroots

September 13th, 2007 10:18 AM
While Democrats, media, and far-left groups like MoveOn did their level best to smear the good name of Gen. David Petraeus this week, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) stood up on the Senate floor to state what most right-thinking Americans have been feeling. Speaking specifically about the disgraceful advertisement published Monday in the New York Times referring to General "Betray Us," Hatch called…

Keith Olbermann Coined General ‘Betray Us’ Not MoveOn

September 12th, 2007 2:51 PM
While right-thinking people across the fruited plain cast their anger at MoveOn for its disgraceful ad placed in Monday's New York Times, "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann should be sharing the dishonor. As adroitly identified at Olbermann Watch Wednesday: "Long before the moveon [sic] ‘Betray Us' advertisement, back on August 16th, the infamous, deplorable Keith Olbermann began his ‘newscast' in…

Obama's Latest Gaffe: Ethnic Cleansing 'Positive Thing

September 12th, 2007 2:21 PM
Iraqi ethnic cleansing, a "positive thing"? That's what Barack Obama seemed to say on this morning's "Today." The Dem presidential contender spoke with substitute co-anchor David Gregory on the heels of Meredith Vieira's ill-tempered interview of Condoleezza Rice.View video here.

Parroting MoveOn, Matthews Accuses Bush of 'Betrayal

September 11th, 2007 5:51 PM
See UPDATE at foot: Gen. Petraeus subsequently testified to the importance of Iraq to national security.In the wake of the odious MoveOn.org ad calling our commander in Iraq "General Betray Us," [read Dean Barnett's excellent take here] you might have thought the last thing a responsible member of the media would do would be to accuse other senior officials of "betrayal."I did say "responsible…

CBS and NBC Morning Shows Ignore Dem Embarrassment Over MoveOn Ad

September 11th, 2007 3:55 PM
The morning shows on CBS and NBC both ignored the embarrassment and discomfort that a new MoveOn.org ad, which vilifies General David Petraeus, is causing Democrats running for the White House. While "The Early Show" and "Today" failed to cover the print advertisement from the liberal group, ABC’s "Good Morning America" at least briefly addressed the subject. The ad in question wondered if four-…

As Support for 'Surge' Rises, CBS Loses Interest in Its Polling

September 10th, 2007 9:33 PM
On the day of the long-anticipated report from General David Petraeus on the “surge,” the CBS Evening News ignored how its latest poll discovered the third straight month of an increase in the percent of Americans who believe the surge has “made things better” in Iraq. As the percentage has gone up, CBS's interest in the result has gone down. In July, anchor Katie Couric led with how only 19…

According To ABC’s Wright, 100 Percent of Anbar Iraqis Oppose Troop

September 10th, 2007 12:46 PM
On Monday’s "Good Morning America," correspondent David Wright highlighted an ABC poll which claims a "stunning" 100 percent of Iraqis in Baghdad and Anbar Province view the troop surge negatively. Wright offered this rather amazing statistic during a dour preview of the Iraq progress report that General Petraeus will give to Congress this week. In October of 2002, the veteran journalist…

ABC's Big Scoop: All Not Perfect in Iraq

September 9th, 2007 9:26 AM

Katie Couric Says Gen. Petraeus Will Report Surge is Working

September 2nd, 2007 7:04 PM
If CBS's Katie Couric is beginning to believe the surge is working, it seems that even the most liberal media member could be convinced. With that in mind, Couric was Bob Schieffer's guest on Sunday's "Face the Nation," and after spending some time touring Iraq with Gen. David Petraeus, felt the General will be quite optimistic when he reports to Congress next week. In fact, after Schieffer…

The 'Petraeus Report' Myth

August 29th, 2007 1:43 PM
Democrats in and out of the media are crying foul over what they see as a nefarious Bush White House plot to artificially bump up its standing by rewriting a report from general David Petraeus on the state of things in Iraq. Trouble is, the administration is required by law to write it:In the past few weeks we've heard that the White House won't let Petraeus speak. Then we've heard that he'll…