
Baldwin: Omar Is ‘Forced to Defend Her Patriotism’ for 9/11 Comments

April 11th, 2019 4:24 PM
Leave it to weekday afternoon CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin to carry water for Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), complaining on Thursday that Omar was “forced to defend her patriotism again” after Omar downplayed the Islamic terror attacks on September 11, 2001 as merely “some people did something.”

MSNBC Allows Vulgar Tlaib to Lecture on Need for Civility

April 11th, 2019 1:25 PM
MSNBC host Hallie Jackson on Thursday went easy on Rashida Tlaib while asking about fellow Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's cringe-inducing comments about 9/11. The journalist allowed Tlaib to call for civility, despite her profanity-laced tirade in public. Jackson also skipped the Democrat’s meeting with an Israel-hating defender of Hezbollah. 

ABC & CBS Ignore Omar’s 9/11 Comments, NBC Paints Her as Victim

April 11th, 2019 11:59 AM
After the media failed to notice controversial Democratic Congresswoman Ihan Omar making offensive public comments two weeks ago in which she downplayed the September 11th terrorist attacks as “some people did something,” NBC’s Today show finally discovered the story on Thursday. The ABC and CBS morning shows continued to ignore Omar’s latest scandal, while NBC tried to paint her as a victim.  

Scarborough Patronizes Ilhan Omar: 'So Important for Her to Succeed'

April 11th, 2019 10:39 AM
Reacting to Rep. Ilhan Omar's description of 9/11 as "some people did some things," Joe Scarborough, on Morning Joe, says, that it's "so important for her to succeed." He and Mika Brzezinski express the wish that instead of tweeting criticism of her statement, Republican congressman Dan Crenshaw had spoken with Omar personally.

Colbert, Omar Slam ‘Unfair Attacks’ by Fox; Omit Her Dismissing 9/11

April 11th, 2019 9:39 AM
After being the face of a celebratory Newsweek cover this week, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from Minnesota appeared on the Late Show Wednesday night to get the star treatment yet again. The controversial freshman Democrat was in trouble again this week for making audacious comments about 9/11, but she was safe from any criticism from host Stephen Colbert. He didn’t even ask her about this, instead…

Cuomo, Rye Smear Stephen Miller as White Nationalist

April 10th, 2019 7:17 PM
The “great debate” on Tuesday’s edition of Cuomo Prime Time focused on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s tweet condemning White House adviser Stephen Miller as a white nationalist. The conversation quickly deflected into a debate about the meaning of the word nationalism, with host Chris Cuomo describing it as a “loaded term” and accusing Miller of having an “apparent affinity” for white supremacists.

FAIL: Syrupy Newsweek Cover Defends Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism

April 10th, 2019 5:50 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, the flailing, moribund Newsweek released a 4,600-word-plus cover story for its latest issue celebrating the anti-Semitism of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) with the title “How Ilhan Omar Is Changing the Conversation About Israel—and Upending the 2020 Campaign.” And based on the reaction on Twitter (highlighted by our friends at the Daily Caller, Daily Wire, and…

NY Times Magazine Uses 11,000 Words to Spread Anti-Israel Myths

April 2nd, 2019 7:53 AM
The latest New York Times Sunday Magazine found room for 11,000 words by Nathan Thrall to push the anti-Israel, often anti-Semitic, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. (B.D.S.) Thrall is a director at the International Crisis Group, which the paper notes but fails to mention is funded by the Gulf state of Qatar, which funds the anti-Jewish terrorist group Hamas. The deck of headlines for…

Not News! Rep.Omar Blames Trump for Mosque Shooting at CAIR Fundraiser

March 29th, 2019 11:39 AM
On March 23, freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) continued her controversial remarks on Islam in a speech at a fundraiser for the Los Angeles chapter of the Committee for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a controversial leftist Muslim advocacy group. The Washington Times reported on the speech (and noted Fox News live-streamed it), but the rest of the national news media ignored this speech, in…

Dem Rep. Tells Morning Joe Media Are 'Agents of the Republican Party'

March 21st, 2019 2:59 PM
New York Democratic Rep. Max Rose is portrayed as one of the more sensible freshman Democrats in Congress, but on Thursday, he went on MSNBC's Morning Joe and accused the media of being Republican puppets. 

Never Forget: CAIR’s Dirty Deeds

March 20th, 2019 7:15 PM
The Council on American-Islamic Relations is having a banner month. The militant Muslim group never lets a crisis go to waste. That means Americans should beware. When unappeasable CAIR is ascendant, our free speech rights, religious liberty and national security are at risk. Following the horrible massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, CAIR flacks were out in full force decrying “…

NPR Anchor Surprised: Black Congresswoman Clams Up About Omar

March 13th, 2019 10:57 PM
On Tuesday's Morning Edition newscast, NPR host Steve Inskeep interviewed freshman Rep. Lauren Underwood, who narrowly defeated conservative Rep. Randy Hultgren in November. Inskeep touted how she's rare as a young black woman who represents a mostly-white district in suburbs and exurbs around Chicago. But boy, did she NOT want to talk about her fellow freshman Ilhan Omar. 

Dear Diary: Fake News Jim Acosta Makes Briefing Room Return in Style

March 11th, 2019 5:04 PM
After what must have been an insanely painful 42 days for the White House press corps, Monday afternoon featured a White House press briefing and, needless to say, carnival barker, CNN chief White House correspondent, and infamous newsman Jim Acosta made sure to make this briefing count. Acosta used his allotted two minutes as best he could, tussling with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders over the…

‘Morning Joe’ Says Anti-Semitism Is Mainly a Right-Wing Problem

March 11th, 2019 11:39 AM
MSNBC's Morning Joe kicked off the week by discussing President Trump's reaction to the controversy surrounding Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar and how House Democrats have responded to her dual loyalty comments. Co-host Joe Scarborough asked Jake Sherman of Politico if Trump, as part of his 2020 re-elcection campaign, would, "Continue to paint Democrats as the anti-Jewish party, despite his…