
ABC Ignores House Passing ‘Anti-Hate Resolution’, NBC Calls Out Dems

March 7th, 2019 8:58 PM
Precipitated by the recent vile comments from anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the House passed a resolution to condemn hate and bigotry in all its forms Thursday. Despite the overwhelming and bipartisan support that the resolution received, ABC’s World News Tonight chose to pretend as though it never happened. They instead chose to sensationally share the disturbing and twisted…

CNN's Powers Defends Omar, Suggests Criticism Is Islamophobic, Sexist

March 7th, 2019 5:52 PM
Further illustrating how either CNN and Trump have broken her in recent years or that she was a fraud at Fox News, political analyst Kirsten Powers became stricken with an embarrassing case of whataboutism during Thursday’s The Lead. In a span of just over seven minutes, Powers defended Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in light of her numerous anti-Semitic comments, blasting President Trump and…

Frauds: ‘CNN Tonight’ Downplays Omar’s Anti-Semitism to Bash Trump

March 7th, 2019 3:35 PM
To close out Wednesday’s CNN Tonight, fill-in host Erin Burnett, a CNN correspondent, and two panelists spent over 10 minutes trying to muddy the waters on anti-Semitism, downplaying Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s long history of anti-Semitic comments because the President’s Charlottesville comments and white supremacists are the ones worth denouncing (instead of both). So, in…

Roll Call, SPLC Slime Group Critical of Rep. Omar

March 7th, 2019 3:30 PM
The left hasn’t just circled the wagons around freshman Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, it’s going on offense. The weapon of choice is, of course, the press. Roll Call’s Emily Kopp targeted two groups critical of Omar with a March 6 hatchet job notable for its dishonesty and its bias.

View Explodes Over Who Is to Blame Over Omar's Anti-Semitism

March 7th, 2019 2:50 PM
Thursday on The View, the co-hosts got into a heated argument over whether Democrats needed to vote on an anti-Semitism resolution, after Rep. Ilhan Omar got blowback for multiple anti-Semitic statements she’s made recently. A frustrated Sunny Hostin tried to turn the scandal around and blame Republicans for their own bigotry, while Meghan McCain tearfully ranted that she was afraid of what the…

NYT Laments Omar’s Anti-Semitism...Distracting From Dem Legislation

March 7th, 2019 1:29 PM
New York Times reporters Glenn Thrush and Sheryl Gay Stolberg kept up with the ongoing (and for Democrats, seemingly never-ending) saga over the constant spew of anti-Semitic statements emanating from controversial new Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. The suspiciously regretful-sounding “Democrats Let Their Message Escape Them” appeared on the front of Thursday’s edition. Indeed, the reporters…

Morning Joe Engages In Omar Whataboutism, Despite Contrary Claims

March 7th, 2019 1:25 PM
On the Thursday edition of Morning Joe, Daily Beast editor Sam Stein took the bulk of his time to go after President Trump's travel ban in a segment that was supposed to be about Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic dual loyalty statements and the intra-party fight Democrats are having over how to respond.

Agitated Dem Blames Media for Omar Anti-Semitism Scandal

March 7th, 2019 12:56 PM
During a contentious interview with Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson wondered if the anti-Semitism scandal swirling around fellow House Democrat Ilhan Omar was becoming a “distraction” for the party. Despite being in a friendly forum, Schakowsky railed against the media for covering the controversy and even suggested the reporting was endangering…

MSNBC: Dems Don’t Want to ‘Pile On’ Omar, 'Just Another Distraction'

March 6th, 2019 6:01 PM

Reporting from Capitol Hill late Wednesday morning on MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin, correspondent Garrett Haake fretted that “Democrats are in a jam” as they debated an anti-Semitism resolution meant to response to offensive comments from Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar. The reporter noted that liberal lawmakers didn’t want to “pile on one freshman Congresswoman” and were eager for the “…

NYT Changes Subject From Anti-Semitic Omar: 'Is AIPAC Too Powerful?'

March 6th, 2019 2:14 PM
Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg was concerned about the ramifications of the latest (it’s hard to keep track) anti-Semitic controversy around new Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. But it’s not concern over Omar’s latest offensive statement, in which she said during a friendly interview that Israel activists “push for allegiance to a foreign country.” Instead, Stolberg is concerned Omar is right about the…

ABC Downplays Omar’s Outbursts at Jews as a Dem ‘Family Feud’

March 6th, 2019 1:31 PM
The journalists at Good Morning America on Wednesday downplayed the latest anti-Jewish outburst by Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar as simply a “family feud” over Israel. And while GMA reported that something happened with Omar and thus admitting that she said *something,* the network didn't define the remarks targeting Jewish supporters of Israel. 

Andrea Mitchell Makes Excuses For Rep. Omar's Latest Anti-Semitism

March 6th, 2019 12:06 PM
After two days of radio silence, MSNBC's Morning Joe finally got around to discussing Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest anti-Semitic comments. Previous anti-Semitic comments by Omar led to the morning show spending most of their time condemning Republicans for supposed hypocrisy. On Wednesday, Andrea Mitchell tried to appear as if she was condemning Omar but ended up making excuses…

Mitchell Touts False AOC Tweet Defending Omar to Argue GOP Is Racist

March 5th, 2019 5:27 PM
Tuesday MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell promoted a false tweet from Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez which smeared Republicans as racists while defending fellow Democrat Ilhan Omar. Even though the claim Ocasio-Cortez made in the tweet was debunked immediately, Mitchell and her liberal guests touted it as if it were fact.

CBS Gives Seconds to Dem’s Latest Anti-Semitism, NBC & ABC Still Skip

March 5th, 2019 10:37 AM
After all three broadcast networks on Monday ignored the latest anti-Semitic comments from left-wing Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, on Tuesday, CBS This Morning at least managed to offer 30 seconds of air time to the scandal. The broadcast highlighted how Omar’s repeated offensive remarks have become such a problem for Democrats that House leadership has scheduled a vote on a resolution to…