
Nets Quiet as Outrage Grows Over Latest Omar Anti-Semitism Charges

March 4th, 2019 5:02 PM

The Democratic Party has been roiled by the latest anti-Semitism charge against Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. As Nancy Pelosi prepares a resolution this week to condemn Jew hatred, one which might mention Omar by name, the network newscasts have remained silent. By contrast, Fox News and MSNBC covered it on Monday.  

Rolling Stone Gushes: Liberal ‘Women Shaping the Future’ in Congress

March 1st, 2019 3:50 PM
Rolling Stone gave liberal women in Congress the rock star treatment in their March issue, with glowing interviews and glamorous photo shoots. The “Women Shaping the Future” are Speaker Nancy Pelosi and "the new voices of the House" Reps. Jahana Hayes, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar.

I’ve Been Silicon Valley Sharia’d

February 27th, 2019 8:04 PM
Last week, the little birdies in Twitter's legal department notified me that one of my tweets from 2015 is “in violation of Pakistan law.” It seems like ancient history, but Islamic supremacists never forget — or forgive. My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of the 12 Muhammad cartoons published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005. It also linked to my Jan. 8, 2015, syndicated…

CNN's Zakaria Frets Omar Made It Harder to Slam Israel's 'Bigotry'

February 20th, 2019 5:34 PM
On Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS, host Zakaria devoted his "Fareed's Take" opening commentary to the recent controversy over Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar complaining about Jews donating money to political candidates to gain support for Israel. The CNN host admitted there is much anti-Semitism in the Middle East, but blamed Europe for fomenting the sentiment as he also worried that…

NYT Whines: GOP Demonizing Dems 'as Socialists and Baby Killers'

February 18th, 2019 10:14 AM
New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg went into a defensive crouch on behalf of the Democratic Party as it was being “vilified” by the GOP in Monday’s “Republicans Hope to Sway Voters With Labels That Demonize Democrats.” The online headline was even less objective: “Republicans Already Are Demonizing Democrats as Socialists and Baby Killers.” Stolberg’s lead resembled more the work of a…

Liberal Media Hypocrisy on Threat of Anti-Semitism

February 16th, 2019 4:00 PM
The headline in the Washington Post read this way: “Film about American Nazis aims to send message to Trump voters with local ad during Sean Hannity’s Fox News show.” Beneath the headline was a photo of a smiling Sean Hannity. The story, in part, read this way, bold print for emphasis mine:

NYT Claims Trump Is the One With the Anti-Semitism Problem

February 15th, 2019 2:51 PM
The New York Times’ reaction to the anti-Semitic controversies engulfing two freshmen Democrats shows that “whataboutism” -- trying to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy  -- is no longer “the last refuge of scoundrels” but is back in favor. Mark Landler used Democratic-friendly rhetoric to change the subject and tar Trump as the one with the anti-Semitism problem, in…

Fake News Scarborough: McCarthy Tweeted 'Don't Let Jews Buy Election'

February 14th, 2019 8:03 AM
Seeking to deflect criticism of Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar for her history of anti-Semitic remarks, Morning Joe swung into whataboutism mode today. Joe Scarborough flagrantly mischaracterized a tweet by GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy prior to the midterms. Scarborough twice claimed that McCarthy had said: "don't let Jews buy the election."

Gross: Tapper Muddies Waters on Omar, Hinting GOPers Are Anti-Semites

February 13th, 2019 8:30 PM
In what was a poorly mangled attempt to be the liberal and unfunny Seth Meyers, CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper went on a rant Wednesday in which he pretended to throw fits at his staff for not showing clips and tweets of anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), but instead ones that painted the Trump administration and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as not only hypocrites but…

Lemon: Wall Designed to 'Blatantly Stir Up Fear of People of Color'

February 13th, 2019 8:05 PM
Addressing the new “compromise” pertaining to border security, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon reiterated a tired old talking point attempting to smear the wall as racist; arguing that the purpose of the wall is “to blatantly attempt to stir up fear of people of color, of brown people.” He then invoked a phrase used by his colleague, Chris Cuomo, who argues that President Trump is “trying to scare…

Mitchell Scolds VP: You're Creating a Toxic Climate by Rebuking Omar

February 13th, 2019 2:46 PM
After Vice President Pence called on Rep. Ilhan Omar to be punished for her anti-Semitic remarks, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell used the blowback against the Democrat to complain about anti-Muslim discrimination. The journalist grilled Pence Wednesday afternoon, while he was in Warsaw, Poland attending a U.S. sponsored summit on the Middle East.

Rep. Omar Sends Anti-Semitic Tweets, Morning Joe Attacks GOP

February 13th, 2019 11:53 AM
In recent days, Representative Rashida Tlaib has accused those who oppose Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel of having dual loyalties while Minnesota Congresswoman Illhan Omar has been tweeting that politicians only support Israel pay them.  Considering all of this, one would be forgiven for thinking that congressional Democrats have a problem in their far-left freshman class.…

MSNBC Scoffs: 'Not Great Look' for ‘White Male’ GOP to Rebuke Omar

February 12th, 2019 3:09 PM
The media spent Tuesday morning rushing to Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s aid, after she was criticized from both parties for making an anti-Semitic comment on Twitter, (not her first.) Politico first ran a story praising Omar as a “superstar villain” for the right, while MSNBC took that headline and ran a segment on MSNBC Live with Craig Melvin, trying to spin the Democrat scandal as a problem for…

WashPost Fact Squad Gently Taps Ilhan Omar With '2 Pinocchios'

February 12th, 2019 2:41 PM
The Washington Post "Fact Checker" has thrown a penalty flag at freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.), but not about her scandalous chatter about Israel. It's about wages paid at McDonald's. She mangled her numbers badly -- by as much as 300 percent -- but chief "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler only rated this as "2 Pinocchios," or "half true." Half?