ABC Features James Carville to Tout Theory of 40 Years of Dem Dominanc

May 4th, 2009 11:59 AM
ABC's "Good Morning America," which has yet to interview talk show host Mark Levin about his New York Times best selling book on conservatism, featured James Carville on Monday to promote "40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation." Co-host Diane Sawyer recited passages from the Democratic operative's tome, "Let me read what you write here. 'Republicans shouldn't be worried.…

Time Trashed Bernard Goldberg Book, But Tells Conservatives to Sit In

April 17th, 2009 2:53 PM
Two months ago, Time magazine trashed Bernard Goldberg’s book on liberal pro-Obama bias (A Slobbering Love Affair) as a book to "toss" instead of read in their mini-book review featured called The Skimmer. In the latest Time, Andrea Sachs praised the newest James Carville book, titled 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation. It drew a "Skim" command instead of a "Read," but…

NB's Bozell Comments on Rush's Ratings and the White House Attack Back

March 27th, 2009 12:56 PM
Spreading the WordMedia Research Center Founder and President and Publisher Brent Bozell issued the following statement on the meteoric rise in the ratings Rush Limbaugh has enjoyed since the inception of the Obama White House and the Democrats' all-out coordinated attack against him.As announced yesterday, audience numbers surged for Rush-carrying stations across the country,…

Did Stephanopoulos Help Democrats Create GOP Bashing Ad

March 17th, 2009 12:24 PM
In January, Politico's John F. Harris exposed a liberal cabal involving telephone calls between White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, ABC's George Stephanopoulos, and CNN's Paul Begala and James Carville.Since then, Americans on both sides of the aisle have wondered just how far-reaching the political influence of these four is on the mainstream media.More importantly, just how much is the…

Fox's Sammon: Carville, Greenburg Told Reporters They Wanted Bush to F

March 11th, 2009 11:33 PM
The above headline isn't even the half of it. After the attacks were known to all, James Carville told assembled Washington reporters at a hotel conference room breakfast where he and Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg spoke (photo is from the May 20, 2004 Christian Science Monitor) to "Disregard everything we just said! This changes everything!" The assembled press apparently understood that…

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Denies Having Conference Calls with White

March 4th, 2009 10:32 PM

Politico Exposes White House and Media's Anti-Limbaugh Strategy

March 4th, 2009 12:58 PM
Have you wondered why there have been so many hit pieces lately about Rush Limbaugh?Well, new revelations suggest that Democrats began a smear campaign against the conservative talk radio host last October, and now it's really caught steam. Apparently, the Left feared its message would be muted without having George W. Bush to blame for all the world's problems, and Limbaugh made a nice…

Obama WH Secret Phone Conferences Bear Fruit With TV Media's Limbaugh

March 2nd, 2009 2:53 AM
Back on January 29, we discussed the daily strategy phone call engineered by Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for friendly TV commentators and "reporters." Politico reported that Emanuel has a daily phone conference call with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, and CNN's James Carville and Paul Begala. With Rush Limbaugh's raucous CPAC address, as he termed it his "first address to the nation," we…

Obama's WH Chief of Staff Holds Daily, Secret Calls With Pals in Media

January 29th, 2009 3:43 AM
Politico reports that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel holds daily chit chat sessions with several Old Media pals every morning to start his day. Apparently Emanuel has for years been involved with daily bull sessions to plan media coverage and ideological strategy with CNN's James Carville and Paul Begala, as well as ABC's George Stephanopoulos, with the occasional participation of…

James Carville Hints at Riots If Obama Loses Election

October 8th, 2008 10:10 AM
In last night's post-debate analysis on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, James Carville proclaimed that Barack Obama will be the slam dunk winner of the election in November. However, he followed up by hinting at riots if Obama were to lose. Here is the transcript of the discussion. First David Gergen keeps bringing up the race factor as an excuse for a possible Obama loss (emphasis mine):

Diane Sawyer Reminisces About '92 'Super Bowl' Dem Documentary

October 7th, 2008 6:07 PM
On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," co-host Diane Sawyer fondly reminisced with Democratic strategist James Carville about "War Room," the 15-year-old political documentary on the 1992 presidential campaign. Opening the segment with Carville, one of the film's stars, she fawned, "It's become like revisiting a big moment in the Super Bowl. Going back to 1992, when Bill Clinton and a team of…

Alter Hints Carville Chilly to Obama for the Money

August 27th, 2008 11:07 PM
Jonathan Alter has had enough of James Carville not being a team player and boosting Sen. Barack Obama and he has a working theory that centers around a cynical, quasi-conspiratorial view of the Carville-Matalin marriage. From an August 27 Stumper blog post at the Newsweek Web site.John McCain is the least popular person at the Democratic convention. But if bad-mouthing by Obama forces is a way…

CNN Labels Dem Convention Speakers as Some of the 'Most Liberal

August 25th, 2008 6:32 PM
Previewing the first night of the Democratic convention on Monday's "Situation Room," host Wolf Blitzer and a network graphic repeatedly identified the announced speakers as liberal. The CNN anchor asserted, "The speaker lineup for tonight, by the way, here at the convention, includes some of the party's most prominent and most liberal members, including the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator…

ABC's Cuomo Fears New Yorker's 'Supposed Satire' Could Spread

July 14th, 2008 12:45 PM
On Monday's "Good Morning America," the show's co-hosts appeared quite bothered by the "supposed satire" of a New Yorker magazine cover that features a cartoon Michelle Obama as a black militant and Barack Obama in Muslim garb with a picture of Osama bin Laden in the background. And although the issue is obviously meant as a parody and a representation of the liberal view that conservatives are…