ABC's Diane Sawyer Implores Carville: Obama Will Win, Right

May 28th, 2008 3:42 PM
On Wednesday's "Good Morning America," co-host Diane Sawyer appeared worried about the upcoming presidential election and repeatedly grilled Democratic strategist and Clinton supporter James Carville about whether Barack Obama will be able to overcome a tough primary and defeat John McCain in November. Asking a question she would ultimately repeat four times, Sawyer fretted, "Should he be the…

Sawyer Suggests Hillary Should Reject Race-Based Votes. And Obama

May 15th, 2008 8:22 AM
Hillary Clinton won among white voters in West Virginia by a 67-26% margin. Pretty lopsided. Then again, that's nearly an even split compared to the 90+ percent of black votes Barack Obama's been racking up in state after state.So who does Diane Sawyer suggest should reject race-based votes? Senator 90+? Nope. James Carville was Sawyer's guest during the GMA's opening half-hour today.DIANE…

Dispute Over Clinton Backer Kantor Allegedly Dismissing Indianans As

May 2nd, 2008 1:24 PM
Update (14:11): Video is no longer up on YouTube, so we pulled the embed. For more coverage, see Ed Morrissey's post at Hot Air.Just in time to prove a major migraine for the Clinton campaign for the May 6 Hoosier State primary, a YouTube video alleges Clinton backer Mickey Kantor once derided Indianans as "sh*t" and "white n****rs." Fellow NewsBuster Seton Motley and I reviewed the video. There'…

Politico: More Southern Bashing Over Carville Remark in Pa

April 2nd, 2008 11:02 AM
Typical of too many Northern based media outlets, Politico indulged in a little South-bashing today with a story on a remark about Pennsylvania spoken in 2006 by Clinton Democratic operative James Carville (pictured at right in file photo). In attempting to explain the political climate of the Keystone state, Carville basically said that state looked like Paoli (a suburb of Philadelphia) and Penn…

D.Z. Jackson Plays Judas Card Against Hillary

March 29th, 2008 8:57 AM
Just when you thought the conflagration over James Carville's Judas analogy might be dying down, here comes Derrick Z. Jackson to pour gasoline on the flames with a return-fire Judas shot of his own.Readers will recall that when Bill Richardson endorsed Obama, Clinton fan Carville chose Good Friday to say:Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold…

Bozell Column: Eliot's Mess

March 11th, 2008 10:41 PM

ABC's Sawyer Touts Clinton and Obama 'Dream' Ticket

March 6th, 2008 1:13 PM
"Good Morning America" co-host Diane Sawyer peppered guest James Carville about the possibility of a "dream solution," an Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama presidential ticket. The ABC journalist was so insistent on the subject that she posed the question to the Democratic strategist four times. Without adding modifiers, such as "so-called or "alleged," Sawyer began the discussion of the two…

Carville Doubts, Hillary Dodges, McAuliffe 'More Confident Than Ever

February 14th, 2008 9:13 AM
Three voices of the Clinton campaign, three distinctly different takes on its fortunes. James Carville is candid about the pickle Hillary's in. Hillary, true to form, utterly evades the question. Ah, but there's always Terry McAuliffe. The proud graduate of the Baghdad Bob School of Flackery this morning declared that he's "more confident than he's ever been" about winning the nomination.…

Clintonistas Carville and Begala Temporarily Booted From CNN

January 26th, 2008 4:13 PM
It appears the Clinton News Network is going to be a little less Clintonian as primary season heats up. According to Greg Sargent of the Talking Points Memo's Horse's Mouth blog, James Carville and Paul Begala, due to their pro-Hillary positions, will be persona non grata until after the nomination. Makes one wonder what took CNN so long to come to this obvious conclusion. Filed in the "…

Newsweek’s One-Sided, but Blunt Reporting: 'The Economy Sucks

January 16th, 2008 8:37 AM
The headline "The Economy Sucks" might be something you'd expect to see in Rolling Stone or on, but certainly not in a reputable news magazine, right? Yet, the January 21 issue of Newsweek defied expectations by using that for part of a headline for a one-sided, pro-Bill Clinton view of the economy. The article recalled the 1992 "It's the economy, stupid!" campaign as it tore down…

Carville's Canine Comparison: Obama Like Hit 'Dog

January 9th, 2008 10:05 PM
Let's play a Wednesday night game of WIARHSI: What If a Republican Had Said It? What if a top GOP consultant compared Barack Obama to a "dog"?James Carville, who acknowledged he was serving as an unpaid consultant to the Clinton campaign, used the metaphor on tonight's Larry King. View video here.

Daily Kos Slams Biased ‘Clinton News Network

November 17th, 2007 5:35 PM
It's certainly safe to say that conservatives rarely agree with anything written by liberal bloggers. However, on Saturday, not only was there a prominent posting at Daily Kos entitled "Clinton News Network = CNN," which received 631 comments in only seven hours, but the website's proprietor, the esteemed Markos Moulitsas, wrote an article of his own that was highly critical of Clintonista James…

ABC Again Insinuates That ‘Bitterly Polarizing’ Rove Was Behind Sw

August 14th, 2007 4:08 PM
According to ABC’s Terry Moran, Karl Rove’s brand of politics can be defined by a mixture of "divisiveness, anger" and "ruthlessness." During a segment on Monday's edition of "Nightline," the co-anchor derided the "era of Karl Rove" as one that exhibited "bitterly polarizing politics." Moran also left the impression that it was Rove, the Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bush, who was behind the…