Media Mostly Mum on Outrageous Obama Claim of Fiscal Restraint

May 25th, 2012 12:33 PM
White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday lectured journalists to not believe the "BS" that Barack Obama is a reckless spender. Rather than investigate Carney's assertions, or the sketchy basis for them, reporters have either embraced the talking points or allowed them to go unchallenged. Chris Matthews on Wednesday repeated the "fact" that federal spending "is rising at the slowest rate…

White House and MSNBC Cite Bogus Report Claiming 'Obama Spending Binge

May 24th, 2012 10:47 AM
A bogus report published by MarketWatch Tuesday claiming "under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s" has been all the rage at the White House and MSNBC. Conservative columnist Ann Coulter correctly observed Wednesday:

CBS Presses White House on Catholics' Anti-Obama Lawsuit, But No On-Ai

May 23rd, 2012 6:03 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts have all but punted so far on the 12 lawsuits filed on Monday against the Obama administration, challenging the abortifacient/birth control mandate which is part of ObamaCare. However, CBS actually followed up on their exclusive interview of New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan on the regulation on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Correspondent Norah O'…

CBS Evening News Finally Covers 'Firestorm' Between Catholic Church an

February 8th, 2012 6:49 PM
After 19 days of controversy, CBS Evening News on Tuesday finally got around to covering the growing dispute between the Obama administration, who wants to impose a mandate for sterilizations and birth control on religious institutions, and the Catholic Church and its allies, who see it as a violation of religious liberty. All of the Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Tuesday covered the…

Fox Presses White House on Religious Freedom Controversy; Will Big Thr

January 31st, 2012 9:46 PM
Fox News's Ed Henry challenged White House Press Secretary Jay Carney during a Tuesday briefing over the growing controversy surrounding the Obama administration's move on January 20 to force most employers to cover sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraceptives in their health care policies without co-pay. This new federal mandate would force Catholic institutions, like hospitals…

Barnicle Complains To Carney: When Will Obama Stop 'Swinging At Air' A

December 7th, 2011 10:08 AM
Barack Obama's political tone has become progressively more partisan since his "no red states, no blue states just the United States" warm 'n fuzziness at the 2004 Dem convention.   But President Obama's rhetoric is still not harsh enough to suit Mike Barnicle. On Morning Joe today, the former Boston Globe columnist demanded to know of Obama press sec Jay Carney just when the president was…

AP's Terse Report on Obama and Expelled 'Occupy' Participants Ignores

November 15th, 2011 8:17 PM
At the Associated Press this afternoon, White House Correspondent Ben Feller relayed the essence of a statement by Obama administration spokesman Jay Carney about how the President believes that, in Feller's words, "it's up to New York and other municipalities to decide how much force to use in dealing with Occupy Wall Street demonstrations." Feller failed to mention both the President's…

Tapper Pushes, But Carney Won't Put Distance Between Hoffa and Obama o

September 6th, 2011 8:17 PM
While ABC didn't find time for the James Hoffa outburst this morning, ABC reporter Jake Tapper repeatedly engaged White House press secretary Jay Carney on Tuesday on the question of whether Obama felt Hoffa was in the spirit of Obama's January speech in Tucson about the need for civility. Carney repeatedly backed away from the opportunity to distance the president from Obama (other than…

CBS's Plante More Sympathetic To Obama On 'Speech Spat' Than O'Donnell

September 1st, 2011 5:06 PM
CBS's Bill Plante hyped the supposedly "testy confrontation" between President Obama and Speaker Boehner on Thursday's Early Show over scheduling a presidential address to Congress: "This may prove that there is no argument too petty in today's Washington." By contrast, on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Norah O'Donnell placed more blame on Obama for giving Boehner only a "15-minute heads-up…

Obama's GOP Bashing on a Million-Dollar Bus: Not a Campaign Trip

August 16th, 2011 8:49 AM
President Barack Obama attacked the Republican presidential candidates Monday as part of a taxpayer-funded bus tour that the White House insists is not campaign-related. The president’s three-day bus tour through Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois is supposed to focus on jobs. But during a town hall meeting in Cannon Falls, Minn., Obama mentioned last Thursday’s Republican debate in Ames, Iowa, and…

Jay Carney vs. Jay Carney: Attacked Bush's 2001 'Heartland Tour,' Defe

August 11th, 2011 1:19 PM
Jay Carney, meet Jay Carney. In 2001, the then-Time magazine reporter wrote a snarky piece criticizing President George W. Bush's month-long vacation that was billed as a "Home to the Heartland" tour. But almost exactly 10 years later Carney, now the Obama White House's press secretary, is defending President Barack Obama's Midwest job-creation tour and vacation at Martha's Vineyard. "I don…

FNC's Ed Henry Does His Job, Jay Carney Scolds: 'I Know You're Creatin

July 28th, 2011 3:07 PM
After only his third day on the job, Fox News senior White House correspondent Ed Henry was accused by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney of intentionally "creating" a dispute to please his new employer. "I know you're creating a thing here for Fox," charged Carney toward the end of a testy exchange with the former CNN correspondent during Wednesday's press briefing. As members of the…

The Creepy Enablers of Rep. David Wu (D-Ore

July 27th, 2011 10:06 AM
Wu-hoo! Welcome to another freaky ethics fiasco brought to you by the D.C. den of dysfunctional Democrats. This one comes clothed in a Tigger costume, wrapped in blinders and bathed in the fetid Beltway odor of eau de Pass le Buck. Liberal David Wu is a seven-term Democratic congressman from Oregon who announced Tuesday that he'll resign amid a festering sex scandal involving the teenage…

Carney's Bark About 'Vastly Improved' Economy Since Obama's Inaugurati

July 22nd, 2011 12:10 PM
Yesterday, White House spokesmouth Jay Carney made yet another claim concerning how grrrrrrreat the economy is compared when President Barack Obama took office (bold is mine): The economy is vastly improved from what it was when Barack Obama was sworn into office as president. To no one's surprise, this howler was not considered news at the Associated Press. No article found in a search at…