White House Bans Reporters from Shouting Questions to President Obama

July 13th, 2011 4:30 PM
Despite the fact that the White House press corps is comprised mostly of members who are ardent liberal Democrats who want to see President Obama triumph over Republicans, it has grown increasingly clear that the feeling of respect is not mutual. The White House made that apparent today by laying down a new rule for reporters covering Obama's news conferences there: No more shouting questions…

Mika: 'Morning Joe' Being Pressured To Invite More Pro-Obama Flacks

July 1st, 2011 7:30 AM
  Jay Carney admits calling MSNBC yesterday to complain about Mark Halperin's crack [that we were first to report] that the President, at his Wednesday press conference, acted like a "d--k."  Did the White House press secretary take the opportunity of his call to pressure the show to bring on more pro-Obama flacks? The question arises because on today's show, Mika Brzezinski revealed that…

Big Three Networks Ignore Obama's Medal of Honor Screw-Up

June 24th, 2011 3:04 PM
Barack Obama's confusing one living American war hero with a fallen one he honored in 2009, has been completely ignored by the Big Three Networks shows, including the same NBC Nightly News that threw a fit over Sarah Palin's recent recounting of an event over 200 years ago, Paul Revere's ride.

NYT: Jay Carney, 'Non-Partisan' Reporter Turned Obama WH Press Secreta

March 17th, 2011 1:14 PM
Thursday’s New York Times featured a puffball profile by Jeremy Peters of Jay Carney, the recently installed White House press secretary and former reporter for Time magazine undergoing a trial by fire in the wake of international crises. Carney left Time after the election to become communications director for Vice President Biden before getting his White House promotion. The story headline…

Politico: Jay Carney Paid $270K by Time in 2009 While Working for Obam

February 15th, 2011 5:37 PM
Jay Carney just assumed his new post as White House press secretary yesterday, but he already finds himself embroiled in controversy. Despite leaving Time magazine shortly after the 2008 election to work for the Obama administration, Carney continued collecting payments from his former employer in 2009, Politico reported today. According to newly released financial disclosure forms, Carney…

Ex-Dem Aide Turned Journalist George Stephanopoulos Highlights Journal

January 28th, 2011 3:08 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Jake Tapper on Friday addressed the fact that Barack Obama's New press secretary, Jay Carney, is the husband of ABC reporter Claire Shipman. Stephanopoulos, discussing the couple, declared, "He and Claire actually appeared many times on This Week when I was the anchor. And, of course, Claire will now not be covering the White House."…

Claire Shipman's Husband Named New Obama Press Secretary; Conflict of

January 27th, 2011 5:46 PM
The White House on Thursday named Jay Carney, the husband of ABC News reporter Claire Shipman, to be the new White House Press secretary. Carney is also an ex-journalist, formally of Time magazine. Will this appointment prove to be a conflict of interest for Shipman? Will she continue to report on the Obama administration? Shipman whose title is senior national correspondent, often covers…

Biden Staffer, Former Time Reporter Jay Carney to Be Obama Press Secre

January 27th, 2011 4:02 PM
The Associated Press is reporting that former TIME magazine reporter and current Biden director of communications Jay Carney has been tapped to replace Robert Gibbs as White House press secretary. Carney is being credited for softening (and even destroying) the image of Vice President Biden as a gaffe machine -- as if the media haven't tried to help. For our NewsBusters archive on Carney,…

Third CNN Staffer Joins Obama's Team, As Does ABC Vet; Revolving Door

May 6th, 2009 1:11 AM
Following the path of CNN Middle East correspondent Aneesh Raman and producer Kate Albright-Hanna, who both jumped aboard the Obama campaign last year, senior political producer Sasha Johnson this week announced she's leaving the network's Washington bureau to take the Press Secretary slot at the Department of Transportation. She won't be the only media vet in that shop. As The Politico's Michael…

WaPo Chats with Time Writer Turned Biden Gaffe Goalie Jay Carney

March 12th, 2009 3:27 PM
In case you were worried, former Time magazine staffer Jay Carney has "had very little trouble adapting" to his job as Vice President Biden's director of communications. From a recent interview with Washington Post's Mary Ann Akers published in the March 12 paper: [Akers]: You left journalism after 20 years with Time. How is life on the other side? Carney: It's great. I have had very little…

Journalists Insist Media-Obama Revolving Door Due to Economy, Not Bias

February 19th, 2009 12:03 PM
In one of the most comical Politico stories I have ever encountered, several prominent journalists insisted that the revolving door between the media and liberal Democrats, especially Team Obama, is not a symptom of bias. Instead, they blamed the trend on the economy:In three months since Election Day, at least a half-dozen prominent journalists have taken jobs working for the federal government…

MRC's Motley on Lib Journalists Joining Obama Administration

February 4th, 2009 11:51 AM

Time's Carney Joining Team Obama As Biden Gaffe Goalie

December 16th, 2008 4:26 PM
Was Time magazine's Jay Carney hired by the Obama transition as Joe Biden's director of communications in order to keep a tight lid on the Beltway's greatest gaffe machine? Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz reports, you decide:Time magazine's Jay Carney, who said over the summer that Joseph R. Biden Jr. is "incredibly prone to say the wrong thing," will soon be in charge of ensuring that…

Top Time Editor Becomes Latest Journalist to Join Team Obama

December 15th, 2008 6:07 PM
At least he made it official.Time's Washington bureau chief Jay Carney is quitting his magazine post to take the fearsome task of managing the communications problems of incoming vice president Joe Biden.This hardly comes as a surprise. During his tenure at Time, Carney accrued a reputation for bashing Republicans. In March, he urged President Bush to give a speech on the economy and say that he…