CNN's Soledad: Rev. Wright Speech a 'Home-Run

April 28th, 2008 7:51 AM
Were they commenting on the same speech? Rev. Jeremiah Wright goes before the Detroit NAACP, claims that black and white children learn with different parts of their brain, and offers a simpering, unflattering imitation of the way white pastors speak. CNN's Soledad O'Brien gushes that the speech was a "home run" and "really funny." But over at Morning Joe, Wright's words prompted a panel member…

Rev. Wright's Words Sting, But We'll Skip Quoting Them

April 28th, 2008 7:30 AM

'Like Willie Horton, Except Obama Knew Rev. Wright

April 27th, 2008 7:40 AM
This week's Fox News Watch was a mix of the candid, the intriguing and the downright comical. Let's start with the humor. Well-intentioned liberal panel member Jane Hall, wringing her hands over the fact that the Wright matter has injected race into the campaign, got off this bit of unintentional comedy.JANE HALL: Unfortunately, this is going to be what's going to be associated [with Obama]. I…

Herbert: Obama Has Dems Worried About a 'Debacle in November

April 26th, 2008 6:39 AM
Bob Herbert: voice of reason? On economics and the role of government, no. On the dynamics of the Dem nomination race? Actually, yes. In both his TV appearances and columns, Herbert, a military veteran who grew up largely in a comfortable New Jersey suburb, comes across as more clear-eyed and down-to-earth, less angry and ideological, than his NY Times confreres like Paul Krugman or Frank Rich.…

ABC and CBS North Carolina TV Stations Refuse to Air Anti-Obama Ad

April 25th, 2008 8:03 PM
Charlotte ABC affiliate WSOC-TV channel 9, and Raleigh CBS affiliate WRAL-TV channel 5, have both refused to air the new ad from North Carolina's Republican Party which declares that two Democratic gubernatorial candidates “should know better” than to endorse Barack Obama since “he's just too extreme for North Carolina,” as evidenced by his long association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The ad…

Weekend Captionfest

April 25th, 2008 3:02 PM
Interviewed by Bill Moyers for a PBS show to be aired on the night of April 25, 2008, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. accused people of trying to paint  him as "un-American" or "some sort of fanatic" for purposes of harming the candidacy of Barack Obama. (AP Photo/PBS, Robin Holland, HO)

ABC Defends 'Soft-Spoken,' Patriotic Jeremiah Wright

April 25th, 2008 12:57 PM
In an attempt to rehabilitate Jeremiah Wright and, by extension, Senator Barack Obama's connection to the man, Friday's "Good Morning America" featured two segments on the "soft-spoken," patriotic pastor, a man who urged God to damn America. Reporter David Wright, a well-known Obama partisan, described an appearance Pastor Wright made with liberal PBS journalist Bill Moyers. Wright cooed, "But…

Nets Stress Wright's Claim His Remarks Distorted, Not How Obama Agrees

April 25th, 2008 11:44 AM
Barack Obama's pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, suggested in an interview with Bill Moyers that Obama agreed with his comments which stirred a furor in March, but instead of framing their stories around evidence Obama may be in sync with Wright's paranoid and America-hating rants, the network evening newscasts on Thursday stressed Wright's claim his sermons were unfairly distorted. CBS's Jim…

Mitchell Recycles 'Out of Context' Rev. Wright Defense

April 25th, 2008 6:56 AM
It is NBC Green Week, after all, so who can blame Andrea Mitchell for recycling two dilapidated defenses of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright?Mitchell's heart didn't seem wholly in it, but like a burned-out public defender going through the motions, Andrea apparently felt constrained to mount some kind of defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's controversial remarks. And so she trotted out two hoary chestnuts…

Jeremiah Wright, In Context

April 24th, 2008 11:33 PM
After the initial shock of the news about Barack Obama's racist preacher Jeremiah Wright wore off, liberals in and out of the media have begun to make excuses for his statements, saying that they were taken out of context.Well, here's some context. Does this make Wright (and Obama by association) look worse?

NBC's Mitchell Smells 'Jesse Helms' GOP In Reverend Wright Ad

April 24th, 2008 5:12 PM

NYT Frets Over 'Racially Divisive' Anti-Obama Ad in NC

April 24th, 2008 1:39 PM

CBS's Smith Continues to Lament ‘Nasty’ NC GOP Campaign Ad

April 24th, 2008 12:35 PM
Following a story on Wednesday’s CBS "Evening News," when fill-in anchor Harry Smith described how an anti-Obama ad run by the North Carolina GOP was proof of the campaign getting "nastier," on Thursday’s "Early Show" Smith continued that theme as he exclaimed: "And the tone of the remainder of the campaign season may be getting even nastier."Correspondent Chip Reid followed with a report on the…

ChiTrib's Sunshine and Rainbows for Weather Underground's Ayers

April 24th, 2008 10:16 AM
Bomber-turned-academic Bill Ayers is speaking out, and the Chicago Tribune dutifully has its steno pad in hand.In an April 24 story, Trib staffer Steve Schmadeke laid out how "Ayers, though quieter, [is] 'still outspoken.'"Bill Ayers, a former radical leader turned academic and school reformer, has never been hesitant to speak his mind.Although there has been no public response from him since his…