Derrick Z: Stephanopoulos, Gibson 'Tried to Eviscerate Obama

April 19th, 2008 7:10 AM
The left-wing blogosphere's outrage against ABC ["Boycott Fig Newtons!"] over its allegedly unfair questioning of Obama during Wednesday's debate has seeped over into the MSM in the form of Derrick Z. Jackson's Boston Globe column of this morning. While the headline moots the matter in the interrogative "Tough questions or just plain bias?", there's no doubt as to the answer in Jackson's mind.…

Obama Joined Wright's Church As a Political Maneuver

April 17th, 2008 8:42 PM

MSM Using Papal Visit to Focus on Priest Scandals Instead of Obama's R

April 16th, 2008 4:19 PM
Thank heavens. Pope Benedict XVI has finally stepped off of Shepherd One onto American soil to begin a six day visit that is sure to be everything the American left hopes to make it out to be. The media is working overtime to resurrect old wounds, create some new controversies and repeat liberal talking points that so perfectly judges a man as only the selective memory of liberal hypocrisy has…

'View' Co-Hosts Compare Jeremiah Wright to Martin Luther King

April 7th, 2008 2:35 PM

AP Covers for Obama by Avoiding Church's, and Pastor's, Essence

April 5th, 2008 1:27 AM
Now playing defense for Team Obama: Karen Hawkins and Christopher Wills of the Associated Press, as carried in the Washington Post ("Obama Found a Home in His Church") on Thursday. Call it a Wright-wash -- Hawkins and Wills managed to avoid any mention of the main tenets of "Black Liberation Theology" (details after the jump) that form the foundation of the belief system of the Trinity United…

CNN Sympathetically Portrays Obama’s Church As Being ‘Under Siege

April 4th, 2008 2:48 PM
CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen, reporting live from in front Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ on Thursday’s "The Situation Room," presented a sympathetic view of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his house of worship as being "under siege" -- from the national media. "Beyond what they say is the hurtful glare of the cameras, church leaders also say parishioners are hounded by reporters and…

On MLK Shooting Day, Krauthammer's 'Stories to Slay Saint Obama

April 4th, 2008 8:08 AM

Time Editor: As Cardinal, Pope Benedict Was 'Hatchet Man

April 3rd, 2008 10:36 AM
Appearing on Morning Joe a couple weeks ago, Time editor Rick Stengel was quick to blame the controversy over Rev. Wright's past remarks on "the incredible ignorance of white Americans" about what goes on in black churches.But the Time editor wasn't quite so forgiving when it came to the past of the current pontiff. Appearing on today's Morning Joe to discuss Time's cover story on Pope Benedict…

Mika Thought This Would Help Obama on Rev. Wright Mess

April 3rd, 2008 7:23 AM
As excuses go, it was right up there with "but oshifer, I was too drunk to see that stop sign." That's the league in which I'd put the defense of Barack Obama over the Rev. Wright mess that Mika Brzezinski offered this morning.Responding to Chris Matthews' question on yesterday's Hardball as to why he never left Rev. Wright's church, Obama claimed "I never heard [Rev. Wright] say those things…

GMA: Raising Rev. Wright 'Close to Hitting Under the Belt

April 2nd, 2008 9:00 AM
ABC has served warning: use the Rev. Wright against Barack Obama at your peril. Be prepared to be accused of "raising the race issue" to hit "below the belt." ABC's David Wright, a certified Obama fan/Hillary critic based on this past performance, issued his edict on today's Good Morning America.Riffing off Hillary having compared herself to Rocky Balboa running all the way up those steps in the…

CBS 2 Chicago: 2007 Video of Obama and Wright Signing Books Together

March 31st, 2008 8:53 PM
**Video below the fold**  On Feb 8, 2007 Channel 2 News Chicago had a little puff piece on Senator Barack Obama discussing his soon to be launched presidential campaign. It happened to air just before Barack's "60 Minutes" TV interview and it focused on Barack's attendance at the Trinity United Church of Christ. The interesting thing about this video is that Barack is seen sitting side by side…

Joy Behar: Rev. Wright's Anti-Italian Slurs a 'Compliment

March 28th, 2008 3:35 PM

Conservatives Have A 'Hate Based' Campaign Against Obama

March 26th, 2008 3:20 PM

Larry King's Enabling Hour of Obama Avoided Wright for 32 Minutes

March 25th, 2008 7:37 AM
Barack Obama granted an hour-long interview to Larry King on CNN last Thursday night, and just like Anderson Cooper, King was generous and unchallenging to the Democratic front-runner, allowing him to unfurl answers that ranged from one minute to three and a half minutes. At the show’s beginning, King first mentioned the minister controversy, but CNN actually didn’t ask a single question about it…