Veteran Washington Reporter: Media 'Took Much Too Long' on Wright

May 8th, 2008 2:26 AM
“It took much too long for major news media outlets to appreciate the importance of the Wright connection” to Barack Obama, Don Campbell, who spent “nearly two decades as a Washington reporter, editor and columnist for Gannett Newspapers and USA Today,” asserted in a Wednesday op-ed piece for USA Today. The headline over the piece by Campbell, now journalism lecturer at Emory University in…

Moyers Trashes Hillary, Defends His Softball Wright Interview

May 7th, 2008 4:37 PM
PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers was interviewed on the radical taxpayer-subsidized Pacifica Radio network's Democracy Now program on Wednesday, and declared that Hillary Clinton wishes the worst on Barack Obama -- "she keeps hoping for every day, is that lightning will strike him" and insisted "She can only win in a way that would leave the Democratic Party in shambles." Even so, Moyers complained…

Olbermann Accuses FNC of Overcovering Jeremiah Wright

May 7th, 2008 5:59 AM

Will Media Ignore Bad Wright News in the Exit Polls

May 7th, 2008 5:58 AM

WaPo's Vedantam: Racism Behind Effects of Rev. Wright

May 6th, 2008 11:41 AM
There they go again. Once more, a liberal print journalist has seen racism behind conservative concerns about Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Yesterday, NewsBusters noted a blog post by a Chicago Tribune journalist which claims that Obama’s “supposed patriotism deficit” is because white Americans view African Americans in general as less patriotic. In a May 5 Washington Post article appearing…

Local NBC Reporter Says 'Smart' Voters for Obama, Unsure About 'Conser

May 5th, 2008 3:36 PM

CNN’s Roberts Declares ‘Rev. Wright-Free Zone’ During Obama Inte

May 5th, 2008 12:45 PM
CNN’s John Roberts apparently took David Gergen’s advice from last week, and during his interview of Barack Obama on Monday’s "American Morning," declared out of the gate that he wasn’t going to ask the Democrat from Illinois about his former pastor. "I want to just stipulate at the beginning of this interview, we are declaring a Reverend Wright-free zone today. So, no questions about Reverend…

Rosie O'Donnell: Rev. Wright 'Made Sense to Me'; People 'Confuse Passi

May 5th, 2008 12:12 PM
Rosie O'Donnell appeared on the May 5 "Today" show in its fourth hour, claiming that many have confused her "passion for rage" much in the same way as they've misunderstood Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Indeed, claimed the former "The View" co-host, Obama's former pastor "made sense to me." [Audio available here.] O'Donnell also defended Wright's conspiracy theory view on AIDS, chalking that up to Wright…

Salon Editor: Most Press Members ‘Hate Hillary Clinton’ (updated w

May 4th, 2008 10:52 AM
Here's something you don't see every day: a liberal, female editor of a leading liberal online magazine stating with cameras rolling that most press members "Hate, hate Hillary Clinton." Yet, that's exactly what occurred Sunday morning when Salon's editor-in-chief Joan Walsh spoke some truths about the media's love affair with Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, as well as their…

Excusing Wright, Part II: 'Latent Racism' Is Ruining An 'Incredible' M

May 4th, 2008 9:22 AM

Excusing Wright, Part I: AIDS Conspiracy Theory a Media 'Red Herring

May 4th, 2008 8:57 AM

Spike Lee Thinks Someone's Paying Wright to Bash Obama

May 3rd, 2008 7:35 PM
What is it about Hollywoodans that makes so many of them believe that any time political leaders they revere get caught in a scandal, it's because of some vast conspiracy?While you ponder, consider how just days after "View" co-host Joy Behar suggested that Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama's pastor "might be being paid by the Republicans," film director Spike Lee said, "It looks like…

Moyers Defends Obama and Wright with Democrat Talking Points

May 3rd, 2008 12:32 PM
Do my tax dollars really have to support the anti-American vitriol that comes out of the mouth of PBS's Bill Moyers every week?Before you answer, consider that the host of "Bill Moyers Journal" followed up last week's much publicized sycophantic lovefest with Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama's America-hating pastor by going on a six minute defense of the junior senator from Illinois…

How Will 'SNL' Mock Reverend Wright? A Clapping School

May 3rd, 2008 8:32 AM
John Kass, a right-leaning columnist for the Chicago Tribune, asked the obvious question in a Wednesday column: Obama can't worry about Clinton's troubles. He's got a few of his own. And he'll be thinking what every one of us would be thinking, if we were running for president as Barack Obama: How the heck will "Saturday Night Live" ridicule me and Jeremiah Wright?Kass had a few ideas of how SNL…