The Goo Is Over? ABC Pounds Hillary on Gas Taxes, Iran, Wright

May 3rd, 2008 7:35 AM

Mika: Pat Buchanan a 'Crazy Uncle' Like Rev. Wright

May 2nd, 2008 8:03 AM

Michael Moore Justifies Rev. Wright as Example of Black Rage

May 1st, 2008 4:21 PM
After Jimmy Carter and Joy Behar, CNN’s Larry King had a prominent liberal guest on his show for the third night in a row on Wednesday, this time Michael Moore. After King played a clip from Bill O’Reilly’s interview of Hillary Clinton which concerned the issue of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Moore pulled out the "black rage" card, as well as the stereotypical rich white liberal guilt. "[Y]ou have…

CBS’s Smith: Is Obama Campaign ‘Post-Wright

May 1st, 2008 1:07 PM
To its credit, the May 1 CBS "Early Show" continued coverage of the Jeremiah Wright controversy, although the co-hosts also hoped for an Obama comeback, as co-host Julie Chen wondered: "A new CBS poll shows Barack Obama has been hurt by the Reverend Wright controversy. Does he have time to recover?" Correspondent Dean Reynolds's field report went on to flesh out worrisome poll numbers: "Our new…

'Today' Interview: Barack's Bitter-gate Rephrasing No Better

May 1st, 2008 8:26 AM

NBC Highlights Michelle Obama's Spin: Talking About Wright 'Doesn't He

April 30th, 2008 9:31 PM
The Obama campaign has chosen NBC's Today show as the venue to try to move beyond the Jeremiah Wright controversy and a preview aired on Wednesday's Nightly News, of the session to air Thursday morning, showcased Barack and Michelle Obama making their case. While Meredith Vieira apparently did ask Barack Obama why he had not denounced Wright sooner, Nightly News viewers heard Barack Obama boast…

Jon Stewart Asks Newt To Condemn Media 'Silliness' Over Wright

April 30th, 2008 4:53 PM
On The Daily Show on Comedy Central Tuesday night, Jon Stewart pressed former Speaker Newt Gingrich to agree that Reverend Jeremiah Wright should not be a major story, that every candidate and president has a "preacher who’s said crazy things." Stewart professed he was "really stunned" by the media’s focus, and he asked, "Isn't the silliness of this now boiling down to the strategy of shouldn't…

Joy Behar Thinks Republicans Paying Rev. Wright

April 30th, 2008 1:23 PM
Updated from original post at 11:12 EDT.Jeremiah Wright is on the Republican "payroll" according to View co-host Joy Behar. Discussing the Reverend Wright controversy, Behar offered her conspiracy theory of a Republican dirty trick: "I think Reverend Wright might be being paid by the Republicans. That's what I think." She emphasized: "He's on the payroll!" This is not the first time Behar has…

Time Op-Ed: Wright More Patriotic Than Bush, Cheney, Clinton

April 30th, 2008 12:44 PM
Since Time now sends out its issue on Fridays, perhaps they regret the decision to hand over a page to leftist professor Michael Eric Dyson to proclaim that Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a "war-tested patriot," unlike draft dodgers like Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton. "War-tested" is an odd word, since Wright served stateside, but "patriotism" is even weirder for a man who has alleged that America is a…

ABC's David Wright Urges Viewers to Feel Obama's Pain

April 30th, 2008 12:13 PM
ABC reporter David Wright, a well known fan of Barack Obama, filed a report on Wednesday's "Good Morning America" in which he urged viewers to sympathize with how difficult it must have been for the senator to finally break with his controversial pastor. The journalist mournfully announced, "For Obama, whose own father abandoned him as a child, this must have been another painful break." Rather…

'On Stump Last Night, Obama Was Trivializing' Wright Ruckus

April 30th, 2008 11:34 AM
Was Barack Obama's denunciation of Rev. Wright yesterday just some ginned-up anger, a show for the cameras—and the voters? You might think so, to judge by Andrea Mitchell's surprising revelation on today's Morning Joe . . . View video here.JOE SCARBOROUGH: What do you think of the Obama statement yesterday? Was it enough to finally put this behind him?ANDREA MITCHELL: Perhaps, yes. He had to do…

MRC/NB's Bozell on Wright Speech, Bill Moyers

April 30th, 2008 11:33 AM
MRC President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell appeared on both the April 29 "Hannity & Colmes" and the April 30 "Fox & Friends" to discuss media treatment of the ongoing Barack Obama/Rev. Jeremiah Wright saga. Bozell discussed a taxpayer-funded "puff piece" interview by PBS's Bill Moyers on "Hannity & Colmes." The next morning on "Fox & Friends," in addition to addressing…

CBS Surprisingly Skeptical on Obama–Wright

April 30th, 2008 8:13 AM
Remember how the MSM swooned over Barack Obama's Philly speech on race after the Rev. Wright tapes pushed the story to the front pages? I expected the same kind of rapturous reaction to Obama's press conference of yesterday in which he definitively ditched the conspiracy-mongering minister.But, surprisingly, that was not the case at all on CBS's Early Show this morning. To the contrary, the…

Bill Maher Offers Reverend Wright Anatomical Criticism

April 30th, 2008 5:54 AM