
Chris Hayes Hammers GOP Senator Over Whether to Support Donald Trump

August 3rd, 2016 3:01 PM
During Monday night's edition of MSNBC's All In With Chris Hayes, the liberal host tried again and again to get guest Jeff Flake to condemn Donald Trump and recommend that members of the Republican Party not vote for him, even going so far as to ask the GOP senator from Arizona: “Who are you going to vote for for president this fall?” Ironically, Hayes brought up Albert Einstein's motto “about…

Blogger: Obama Leads Recent Two-Term Presidents in ‘Moral Credibility’

July 29th, 2016 9:42 PM
In a few months, Barack Obama will become the fifth post-World War II president to serve two full terms. The Washington Monthly’s Martin Longman thinks Obama tops the other four in terms of “popularity and moral credibility,” as indicated not only by the positive reception Obama got for his Wednesday-night DNC speech boosting Hillary Clinton, but by the public’s curiosity beforehand about what he…

NYT's Steinhauer Gleeful Over GOP 'Grumps' Not Talking About Trump

June 17th, 2016 9:06 AM
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer gloated a little too obviously over the sight of GOP senators avoiding talking about Trump in Thursday’s “In G.O.P., Many Shades of Sentiment on Trump – ‘Never,’ ‘No Comment’ and a Fast Getaway.” Steinhauer dwelled lovingly on the issue, devoting no less than five categories of Republican responses to Trump. One can hardly imagine the Times making such…

CNN Panel Invokes Romney 'Binders Full of Women,' Men Use Gender Card

April 27th, 2016 11:31 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, during a discussion of Donald Trump accusing Hillary Clinton of playing the "gender card," host Brooke Baldwin declared that the comment reminded her of Mitt Romney using the words "binders full of women" which she asserted "really hurt him" in the 2012 presidential campaign. CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson went on to complain, "We often think of women as only having…

Bee: Romney Gave Anti-Trump Speech After 'Soiling His Temple Garments'

March 8th, 2016 2:38 AM
For the second week in a row, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee resorted to childish toilet humor to attack conservatives and Republicans with Monday night’s installment featuring Bee predicting that Mitt Romney “soil[ed] his temple garments at the thought of brokered convention” before his anti-Trump speech on Thursday.

MSNBC's O'Donnell and Frank Rich Talk Up Anti-Cruz Birtherism

January 12th, 2016 7:26 PM
On Monday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, host O'Donnell and Frank Rich of New York magazine talked up the possibility that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz is not really a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to serve as President. Rich, a former New York Times columnist, praised GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump as "brilliant" for pushing the issue…

WashPost: Putting Black Opponent in Darker Light in TV Ads Is Racist

January 2nd, 2016 11:58 PM
A time-honored tactic in political TV ads is to use contrasting degrees of photographic exposure, one bright and snappy for your candidate and a darker hue, sometimes even going to old-fashioned black-and-white, for your opponent. On December 29, at the Washington Post's Wonkblog, Max Ehrenfreund cited a conveniently timed "study" which looked at 2008 ads produced by and on behalf of GOP…

'CBS Evening News' Downplays Ash Carter's Private E-Mail Scandal

December 17th, 2015 8:53 PM

The Big Three broadcast network evening newscasts all touched on the revelation that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter used private e-mails for government business and this well after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came under fire for exclusively conducting her official email correspondence that way. That said, only CBS's Evening News downplayed the significance of the story by…

Blogger: Thanks to Palin, GOP Now ‘A Post-Truth Party’

November 27th, 2015 11:56 PM
In the race for next year’s Republican presidential nomination, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have made media bias an issue, as did Newt Gingrich during the 2012 contest. Irony alert: Martin Longman believes that it was one of the media’s favorite GOPers, John McCain, who planted the seeds for such press-bashing when he chose his  running mate. Longman contended in a Wednesday post that “something…

HBO's Maher Repeats False Claims in Trashing 'Insane' Ben Carson

October 31st, 2015 6:55 PM
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, the liberal HBO comedian opened the show trashing GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson by not only including him in a joke about Bill Cosby's history of rape, but also by advancing false assertions that Dr. Carson claimed to be "cured" of prostate cancer by a controversial nutritional supplement when video shows Carson clearly did not claim the…

NewsBusted: Does Trump Forget McCain's War of 1812 Heroics?

July 23rd, 2015 5:17 PM
"Donald Trump is under fire for saying that John McCain is not a war hero. Come on, Donald, that’s way out of line… without McCain, we wouldn’t have won the War of 1812." -- Jodi Miller, NewsBusted.

CNN: Bush Accused of Being 'Hypocritical' on 'Infamous' Anti-Kerry Ads

July 21st, 2015 9:32 PM
On Tuesday's The Situation Room on CNN, host Wolf Blitzer and correspondent Dana Bash followed the lead of CNN's New Day in forwarding accusations that Jeb Bush and other Republicans have been "hypocritical" in slamming Donald Trump's dismissal of John McCain's military record, while Republicans supported the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004 when they ran ads discrediting some of John Kerry'…

CNN Hits GOP for Slamming Trump But Not Anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans

July 21st, 2015 1:38 PM
So far this week, CNN's John King and Chris Cuomo on New Day have both felt the need to dredge up the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads exposing negative aspects of then Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military service and anti-war activities, as CNN personalities have suggested "hypocrisy" in Jeb Bush and other Republicans condemning Donald Trump's dismissal of John McCain's…

MSNBC's Reid: Trump Attack on McCain Won’t Hurt with ‘Republican Base'

July 21st, 2015 11:34 AM
During an appearance on Monday’s Hardball, failed MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid argued that Donald Trump attacking John McCain’s military service likely will not hurt him among the “Republican Party base.”