
CNN’s Bash: Many Voters Not ‘That Offended’ by Trump Attacking McCain

July 20th, 2015 10:55 AM
On Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN’s Dana Bash reacted to Donald Trump’s attack on John McCain’s military service by arguing that a lot of Americans likely weren’t bothered by his comments.

Major Retweets for Reporter Oozing on John Kerry 'War Record Impugned'

July 20th, 2015 7:26 AM
Boston Globe White House reporter Matt Viser created a popular tweet among Democrat partisans over the weekend on the Donald Trump gaffe alleging Sen. John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was captured. Viser noted Kerry came to McCain's defense, and worked in the Swift Boat veterans controversy. Kerry, "who knows something about having a war record impugned," stood up for McCain.

CBS Plays Up GOP Candidates 'Getting Slammed By the Musicians'

June 17th, 2015 8:50 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Jan Crawford hyped the latest "dust-up between the musician and the politician," and underlined that "rare is the Republican candidate who isn't told to stop the music – even if...they paid licensing fees." She asked a GOP strategist, "Why is it it's always Republicans who are getting slammed by the musicians for using their songs?"

NYT's Backfiring Rubio Blunder Latest in Fizzled Anti-GOP Hit Jobs

June 6th, 2015 10:01 PM
The New York Times, after taking online hits over its not-a-parody news flash Friday morning about 17 traffic tickets earned by Marco Rubio and his wife Jeanette over an 18-year period, doubled down by reprinting the blog post in Saturday's print edition under the headline: "Plenty of Notice for Rubios on the Road." Seemingly every election cycle, the Times embarrasses itself with a…

Rubio's Age Is Problematic, But Post-Menopausal HIllary Is 'Perfect'?

April 18th, 2015 4:59 PM's Zeke Miller tweeted yesterday that a "reporter" asked recently declared presidential candidate Marco Rubio of Florida the following question: "Is 43 old enough to be president?" Meanwhile, two weeks ago, a column at claimed that Hillary Clinton is "biologically primed to be a leader." Seriously. Since he either can't or won't tell us who asked the question, we're unable to…

Nicolle Wallace Jabs Ingraham's Jeb Criticism: 'She Hates Everybody'

March 31st, 2015 9:31 AM
On today's Morning Joe, liberal Republican Nicolle Wallace sought to slough off a Politico article reporting that Jeb Bush is losing the influential "Laura Ingraham primary." Claimed Wallace, who served as Jeb's press secretary when he was governor of Florida, Ingraham "hates everybody.  She always hates the Republicans more than the Democrats at this point, too." Wallace even suggested that…

Axelrod Book: Obama Really Favored Same-Sex 'Marriage' in 2008

February 10th, 2015 3:28 PM
In a new book, Obama 2008 campaign manager and longtime Obama adviser David Axelrod reveals that, in the words of Zeke J. Miller at, "Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons." The subheadline at Miller's coverage calls it "A striking admission of political dishonesty from the… Omits Obama Defense Pick's Key Stumble in Testimony

February 4th, 2015 3:54 PM
Covering Obama Defense Secretary nominee Ash Carter's Senate confirmation hearing today, writer Zachary Roth painted a picture of a man who is gliding along smoothly into his post as the new Pentagon chief. But completely omitted from his story was any mention of Carter's rambling non-answer to Sen. John McCain's inquiry as to what Carter understands Obama administration strategy for…

MSNBC Host Scolds McCain for Calling Anti-War Protesters 'Scum'

January 30th, 2015 3:01 PM
Even as his fellow Morning Joe co-hosts praised John McCain on Friday for denouncing Code Pink anti-war protesters who attempted to disrupt a Senate hearing as "low-life sum," MSNBC's Thomas Roberts lectured the Republican Senator for shutting down the intruders: "If people want to show up and protest, right? They should be allowed to hear their voices. And instead of calling Capitol Hill police…

CBS Only Plays Up Split in GOP on Cuba; Frets Blockage of Ambassador

December 19th, 2014 11:16 AM
During the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley on Thursday, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the continued response from members of Congress to the move by President Obama to normalize relations with Cuba, but chose to exclusively play up the split among those in the Republican Party on the issue.  Cordes first focused on the many Republicans against the President’s…

Politico Discovers 'The Return of Mean John McCain'

October 31st, 2014 10:02 AM

Politico isn't holding back its tilt at the end of this campaign. Here's a headline: "The return of mean John McCain." Reporter Burgess Everett began: "Mean John McCain is back on the campaign trail." Return to mean? Everett dug up AP bias from 2008: "He’s called fellow Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa a 'f——- jerk' and former Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici, also of the GOP, an…


CNN Hounds McCain: 'Help the Administration Succeed' with New Strategy

September 11th, 2014 7:07 PM
On Thursday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan hounded Senator John McCain to back President Obama's new strategy to combat the Islamist terrorist group ISIS and help him gain congressional support: "We talk about how you are a critic of the administration. But now that there is a strategy, Senator – now that there is going to be are you going to help the administration succeed now in…

Carney, McCain Engage in Epic Battle on CNN Over Obama and Iraq

September 11th, 2014 2:28 AM
After President Obama’s speech to the nation on Wednesday night, CNN brought on its newly-minted senior political commenator and former Obama White House press secretary Jay Carney and Republican Senator John McCain (Ariz.) to comment on what the President’s speech regarding U.S policy in dealing withy the Islamic terrorist group ISIS. However, the next eight minutes instantly evolved into a…

McCain Fires Back at Jon Stewart: 'Gets Away' With Being 'Absolutely W

July 21st, 2014 4:02 PM
On Sunday's Media Buzz, Senator John McCain brushed off Jon Stewart's latest blast at him over the Iraq War. Host Howard Kurtz wondered, "Is Jon Stewart fair to Republicans?" McCain bluntly answered, "No, but it doesn't matter really. He's a comedian." When Kurtz brought up Stewart's "sizable following among young people," the Republican contended that "he's a very entertaining and funny guy,…