
A Parade, A Terrorist, and a Boycott: The Truth About The MRC's Role

June 8th, 2017 11:14 AM
MRC Latino's relentless oversight of Univision's fawning coverage of convicted FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, of the network's undisclosed sponsorship of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, and of the fallout over the Parade's reckless decision to honor Lopez as its first-ever "National Freedom Hero" led to some pretty wild conspiracy theories in response, pushed primarily by stunned…

Univision oculta razón tras su retiro del Desfile Puertorriqueño NY

May 26th, 2017 4:57 PM
Por fin Univision cedió a la presión, uniéndose a Goya, JetBlue, AT&T, la cerveza Corona, los Yankees de Nueva York, Coca-Cola, el New York Daily News al retirar su auspicio corporativo del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York. Pero, Univision al fin, no pueden darle la cara a sus televidentes para decirles la verdad sobre su retiro del desfile.

Desfile fracasado para un terrorista fracasado

May 26th, 2017 12:35 PM
Se sigue desmoronando la edición de este año del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York. Los auspiciadores corporativos siguen huyéndole al desfile, tras su decisión catastrófica de honrar al terrorista convicto de las FALN, Oscar Rivera López, con el título de "Prócer Nacional de la Libertad" antes de marcharlo por la Quinta Avenida. Mientras líderes como Melissa Mark-Viverito, la Presidenta del…

Humiliated, Univision Hides Lead From Report of Own Parade Withdrawal

May 25th, 2017 11:37 PM
Univision finally caved under pressure, joining Goya Foods, JetBlue, AT&T, Corona beer, the New York Yankees, and Coca-Cola in withdrawing their corporate sponsorship from the embattled National Puerto Rican Day Parade. But Univision being Univision, they can't even bring themselves to tell their viewers the truth about its parade pullout.

A Failed Parade For A Failed Terrorist

May 25th, 2017 4:46 PM
The wheels continue to come off of this year’s edition of New York City’s Puerto Rican Day Parade. Major sponsors continue to flee the Parade after its catastrophic decision to bestow upon convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera its first-ever “National Freedom Hero” designation right before marching him down Fifth Avenue. As leaders such as City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito seek…

Luis Gutierrez en Al Punto: Oscar López Rivera es igual a Washington

May 19th, 2017 4:39 PM
Univision ha sido consistente en la cobertura favorable que le ha brindado al convicto terrorista de la FALN Oscar López Rivera. Ahora que López Rivera ha salido en libertad conforme a los términos de la conmutación de su sentencia otorgada por el expresidente Barack Obama, la cadena se apresta a transmitir una entrevista exclusiva en la edición dominical de Al Punto, que podría describirse -en…

Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Oscar Lopez Rivera is Like George Washington

May 19th, 2017 1:16 PM

Univision has been consistently supportive in its coverage of convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera. Now that López Rivera has been released per the terms of the commutation of his sentence by former President Barack Obama, the network is set to air an exclusive interview on Sunday's edition of Al Punto that is best described, in the most generous possible terms, as terrorist apologia.…


Luis Gutiérrez falsamente anunció cierre de restaurantes en Univision

April 23rd, 2017 11:12 PM
Cuando cubrimos la entrevista más receinte del congresista Luis Gutiérrez en Al Punto, planteamos que el legislador radical de Chicago estaba haciendo el papel de director de noticias cuando comprometió las cámaras de Univision a estar presentes en las marchas del primero de mayo. Resulta que Gutiérrez estaba ejerciendo también de organizador de restaurantes, y aparentemente dio información…

Gutierrez Falsely Announces May Day Restaurant Closings on Univision

April 21st, 2017 4:34 PM
When we covered Rep. Luis Gutiérrez' most recent interview on Univision's Al Punto, we suggested that the radical Chicago congressman was playing news director when he affirmed that Univision's cameras would definitely be present at the May Day marches. It turns out that Gutierrez was also playing restaurant scheduler, apparently giving out some false information in the process:

Luis Gutiérrez arenga Univision a cubrir marcha 'Día Sin Inmigrantes'

April 16th, 2017 10:34 PM
¿Qué sucede cuando el congresista favorito de Univision honra, como lo hace con gran frecuencia, el set de su programa dominical de asuntos políticos? Pueden esperarse distorsiones, historia revisada, y puro partidismo en su forma más agria. Sin embargo, esta vez, el congresista Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) asumió el rol de director de noticias.

UPDATED: Luis Gutierrez Directs Univision Coverage of May Day Mayhem

April 13th, 2017 2:59 PM
What happens when Univision's go-to Member of Congress graces, as he does routinely, the network's Sunday show set? You get distortions, revised history, and pure partisanship. This time, though, Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) also acted as news director.

MSNBC's Reid Race-Baits With Phony Claims, Kicks GOP Guest off Show

February 18th, 2017 9:08 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, after NewsMax's J.D. Hayworth appeared on a panel where he was outnumbered by liberals 3:1, host Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait the former Republican congressman with stories that ranged from false to misleading, and ended up kicking him off the show when she was dissatisfied with how he answered her questions. Reid: "I think we're done with this segment…

CNN's Camerota Lets Dem Guest Blame NRA for More Murder in Chicago

January 27th, 2017 5:56 AM
Congressman Luis Gutierrez, a Democrat representing areas of Chicago, appeared as a guest on Thursday's New Day on CNN to discuss President Donald Trump's criticism of Chicago's leadership for the rising crime situation in the city. CNN host Alisyn Camerota failed to push back as her liberal guest began ranting that the National Rifle Association was partly to blame for increased homicides in his…

Fake News: Univision Rebrands FALN Terrorist as 'Political Prisoner'

January 24th, 2017 8:30 AM
Univision continues to disseminate fake news with regard to unrepentant FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera, whose prison sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama during his final hours in office. The latest instance of this image rehab happened on Sunday's edition of the network's weekly public affairs program, Al Punto, and featured some of the usual suspects.