Univision tilda a terrorista impenitente de 'prisionero político'

January 24th, 2017 7:00 AM
Univision sigue diseminando noticias falsas ('fake news") con respecto al terrorista impenitente de la FALN Oscar López Rivera, cuya sentencia de prisión fue recientemente conmutada por el presidente saliente Barack Obama. La instancia más reciente de esta rehabilitación de imagen se difundió en la edición más reciente de Al Punto...estelarizada por los sospechosos de costumbre.

Luis Gutierrez celebra conmutación de López Rivera en columna grotesca

January 19th, 2017 7:31 AM
El congresista Luis Gutiérrez publicó un editorial asombroso en El Nuevo Día de Puerto Rico a escasas horas del anuncio de que el presidente Barack Obama ordenó la conmutación de la sentencia de Oscar López Rivera. Y el mismo contiene una gran lección.

Luis Gutierrez Celebrates Lopez Rivera Commutation As Only He Can

January 18th, 2017 3:01 PM
Congressman Luis Gutiérrez penned an astounding op-ed for El Nuevo Día (Puerto Rico) in the immediate aftermath of the commutation of convicted terrorist Oscar López Rivera's prison sentence. And there is a fascinating lesson within.

El anticipo a la audiencia DACA/DAPA fue tan viciada como se imaginan

April 22nd, 2016 1:42 PM
Sí Se Pudo.

Spanish Nets' Preview Of DACA/DAPA Hearing As Biased As You'd Expect

April 18th, 2016 10:48 AM
On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of United States v. Texas - the case in which a coalition of 26 states, led by Texas, sued the Obama administration over the executive DACA/DAPA programs. On the leading domestic Spanish-language television network newscasts, the case was given existential treatment. Unfortunately, the coverage was just as one-sided as we would have…

Dem Rep: Challenge Pope on Abortion, Gays, Not Illegals, Poverty

September 23rd, 2015 9:28 PM
To quote the Church Lady: isn't that conv-e-e-e-e-nient? On Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, Dem congressman Luis Gutierrez claimed that while he was "challenged" by the Catholic church's teachings on abortion and gay rights and found them "difficult" [but not difficult enough to change his standard liberal positions], no one can really argue the Pope's positions on illegal immigration and…

El congresista Luis Gutiérrez minimiza el asesinato de Kate Steinle

July 16th, 2015 9:03 PM
Al informar sobre un reciente sondeo de Rasmussen Reports que indica que el 62% de los americanos desaprueban la política de ciudades santuario, Telemundo, la segunda cadena hispanoparlante del país, brindó una cobertura distorsionada en favor de mantener la problemática política.

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez Calls Murder of Kate Steinle a 'Little Thing'

July 16th, 2015 8:24 PM
Reporting on a recently released survey by Rasmussen Reports that indicates that 62% of Americans oppose sanctuary city policies, Telemundo, the nation’s second largest Spanish-language network, slanted its coverage in favor of maintaining the controversial policy.

Obama Immigration Ally Unchallenged on Telemundo

May 27th, 2015 5:33 PM
“Deportation Relief Stuck” was the title of a slanted segment on the latest edition of Enfoque, Telemundo’s weekly public affairs talk show. Host José Díaz-Balart allowed Congressman Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) to go unchallenged as the segment’s sole guest in the discussion of the plight of President Obama’s Executive Amnesty, the implementation of which has so far been blocked by federal courts. 

En Enfoque, un sesgado segmento sobre la amnistía de Obama

May 27th, 2015 5:23 PM
“Alivio de deportación estancado” fue el titular de la última edición de Enfoque, el programa dominical de actualidad noticiosa de Telemundo. El conductor, José Díaz-Balart, permitió al congresista Luis Gutiérrez (D-Il), como único invitado,  presentar la versión a favor de las acciones ejecutivas en materia migratoria del presidente Obama, sin ningún balance o cuestionamiento. La amnistía…

On Univision, Rep. Gutierrez Tells Obama: It’s Time to Pay Up

November 19th, 2014 5:01 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was in full “advocate-in-chief” mode during his Al Punto talk show this week. In advance of President Obama’s executive orders suspending the application of standing federal statutes to millions of unauthorized immigrants to the United States, Ramos invited two top supporters of Obama’s plans to his program, with dissenting voices nowhere to be found.

CNN Ignores Dem Congressman Saying Pass Senate Bill Or Women Will Be R

August 30th, 2013 6:32 PM
CNN has completely ignored remarks from a Democratic congressman that women will be raped unless immigration reform passes. At a Monday town hall, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) stated why he is voting for the Senate immigration bill despite its "harsh conditions": "There's a woman that's going to be raped in a field somewhere in America today, because she has no rights in this country, and we…

WashPost Hypes Latino Leftist 'Rock Star' in the House, Univision Anch

August 8th, 2013 11:23 AM
The Washington Post’s Ed O’Keefe awarded the “rock star” label to amnesty-advocating Rep. Luis Gutierrez on the front of Thursday’s Style section: “From California to Nevada to Florida, the congressman from Chicago is received like a rock star: People cheer when he enters the room; they pump their fists and stomp their feet. And when he’s finished speaking, they press forward to get close to…

NPR Lines Up Liberal Boosters of 'Path to Citizenship' For Illegal Imm

April 11th, 2013 7:12 PM
NPR's David Welna stacked his Thursday report on Morning Edition full of liberal politicians and activists who support granting citizenship to illegal immigrants. Welna aired sound bites from a representative of the left-wing SEIU, three Democratic politicians, and a woman who has illegal immigrant family members. He only included one clip from a Republican – Senator John McCain, who has long…