'Avengers' Director Creates Super(hero) PAC to Defeat Trump

September 22nd, 2016 9:48 AM
The liberal Hollywood Avengers have assembled to defeat the evil Donald Trump! On September 21, The Hollywood Reporter described how Avengers director Joss Whedon founded “Save the Day,” a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC. He donated $1 million to her campaign and is creating a series of online, “star-studded” comedy videos to combat low voter turnout among potential Clinton supporters, such as…

Hypocrite: Hulk Actor Ruffalo Wants Executive Order Defunding Police

July 16th, 2016 6:32 PM
Hollywood hypocrite Mark Ruffalo – most famous for his role as the Hulk from the movie franchise The Avengers tweeted a plea to President Obama to defund police departments all across the country because of ”bad cops.” Of course, his request for such an executive order came after the deaths of two black men and five Dallas police officers last week.

Scientist: Ruffalo 'Should be Ashamed' of Spreading Fake Flint Science

May 17th, 2016 3:53 PM
Liberal actor and climate alarmist Mark Ruffalo is scaring Flint residents into not bathing or washing their hands, without cause. Virginia Tech professor Dr. Marc Edwards ripped Ruffalo as an “A-List Actor But F-List Scientist” on May 16, 2016, for “pseudoscience and false alarms” created by Ruffalo’s activist group, Water Defense.

Mark Ruffalo on ‘Charming’ Bernie; ‘He Awoke Something in Me'

March 7th, 2016 12:24 AM
Liberal Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo worked the spin room after Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate and appeared on MSNBC where he fomented praise for the “charming” and “fresh” socialist Senator Bernie Sanders who has both “awoke[n] something in me” and “speaks to me.”

Mark Ruffalo Tweets Out The Nation: 2nd Amendment Not for Individuals

December 4th, 2015 3:33 PM
In response to the San Bernardino shootings on Friday, leftist actor Mark Ruffalo, best known for playing the Hulk in The Avengers movies, tweeted “Begin again…The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun” and an image and link from the article of the same name from The Nation. The article Ruffalo tweeted is about why District of Columbia v. Heller was ruled…

Mark Ruffalo: 'I Get Angry' That There's a Debate Over Climate Change

June 25th, 2015 3:15 PM
The man who plays the Incredible Hulk is angry: “angry that we are still debating climate change,” angry about fossil fuel investment and more. Using the far-left environmental website Grist on June 17, Mark Ruffalo leveraged his fame and popularity to rage about the supposed danger of fossil fuels, and pushed his goal of 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. That goal was implausible at best,…

Bozell & Graham Column: Hollywood's Climate Hypocrites

May 9th, 2015 8:08 AM
Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural match. After all, who can tell you better to cut back on your wasteful ways better than a high-flying multi-millionaire movie star with the carbon footprint of a Tyrannosaurus Rex? It's never mattered that the stars have all the scientific expertise of Pee Wee Herman. They're just so good-looking and famous, who cares? PBS broadcast a…

Climate Hypocrites and the Media That Love Them

May 5th, 2015 9:45 AM
Journalists help promote Hollywood celebrities while condemning average Americans for causing climate change. The same media go out of their way to ignore or excuse the hypocrisy of celebrity “environmentalists” who fly their private jets around the world, rent mega-yachts and live in massive mansions. Avatar Director James Cameron warned of a future “world that’s in shambles” because of climate…

Actor Mark Ruffalo Slams 'Selfish Children' Advocating Right to 'Milit

May 29th, 2014 8:15 AM
Actor Mark Ruffalo, currently starring in the Reagan-bashing AIDS drama “The Normal Heart” on HBO, told The Wrap website that any debate about gun control lingering in the wake of America's most recent mass shooting in Santa Barbara is “completely outrageous.” “I don't know how many more of these are going to happen before we start to act like adults, instead of running around like a bunch…

Maddow Melts Down on HBO's Real Time: 'Leave Me Alone About RomneyCare

June 23rd, 2012 3:51 PM
MSNBC's supposedly most intelligent "news" anchor almost had a total meltdown on HBO's Real Time Friday. When repeatedly asked by host Bill Maher and guest Nick Gillespie for her opinion of  Massachusetts' healthcare program, Maddow whined like a little girl, "Leave me alone about RomneyCare, all of you" (video follows with transcript and commentary):