
Celebrities Threaten to Punch Trump, Fantasize About Assassination

November 2nd, 2019 6:00 PM
One actor threatened Donald Trump with a “left hook from Hell” and another fantasized about Donald Trump being assassinated. The following are a few of the most absurd examples of celebrity rage from the past month

Variety Laments ‘Nonsense’ Debate Question on Civility

October 16th, 2019 11:08 AM
With all the lamentations of Trump’s divisiveness, one would think that last night’s closing debate question about “civility” and candidates’ friends from across the aisle would be a nice change of pace, or at worst a hokey diversion. Well not for the Hollywood left. Any show of bipartisan civility stands in the way of the leftist agenda and should be cast aside.

Celebs Try to Make Voting Sexy: ‘Slide It In’ for That ‘First Time’

October 2nd, 2018 5:25 PM
Famous faces always do well in selling a product – and sex does even better. So if Carl’s Jr. can do it for burgers, why can’t Hollywood do it for midterm election votes? Same principle, right?  

Wait What? Unhinged Michael Moore Will ‘Take Care of Pence’

January 30th, 2018 2:08 PM
At an event called the “People’s State of the Union,” one would not expect so many progressive partisan speeches from out of touch celebrities. But the event, which took place on January 29th in Manhattan, was just that. Between Wanda Sykes starting the rally with a Margaret Sanger story and Mark Ruffalo telling the audience, “Don’t let the Koch brothers think that they can buy the American…

Celebs Unveil Grand Plans to ‘Resist’ Trump’s State of the Union

January 26th, 2018 3:11 PM
From carefully planned interviews to actual protests, Hollywood is doing its very best to thwart President Trump’s State of the Union speech. Wealthy, over-privileged actors and actresses have decided to give what they think is a more accurate depiction of the state of the union. Mark Ruffalo, organizing a “star-studded counter-event”, told People Magazine that his protest would be “a better…

Bette Midler on Manafort: ‘Roll Out the’ Guillotine Carts!

October 30th, 2017 2:56 PM
Celebrities love being affirmed and validated. So while Hollywood is being rocked with its own sex abuse scandals around its brightest stars, plenty of has-beens are celebrating Manafort’s indictment. All of Hillary’s biggest celebrity supporters, acting as circling sharks since November 9, 2016, spent October 30 on Twitter wildly celebrating the indictment of a former campaign manager for…

Spirit of Charity: Celebs Use Irma To Promote Climate Change

September 11th, 2017 3:28 PM
Kicking someone when they are down is never a good thing. It’s even less tasteful when wealthy, entitled Hollywood uses national tragedies to preach to the public about climate change. But while Hurricane Irma threatened Florida over the weekend, many celebrities did just that.

Leftist Movie Star Ducks Out of Tiny March Against White Supremacy

September 6th, 2017 12:50 PM
Hollywood actor and liberal activist Mark Ruffalo tweeted that he would be marching 18 miles with all 23 people from Charlottesville to Washington D.C. to protest white supremacy and call for the removal of President Donald Trump. The only thing is, he dropped out after eight miles, making it seem more like a movie-star photo-op.

‘Racist Republicans’: Celebs Freak Out Over DACA Decision

September 5th, 2017 3:01 PM
Well, Hollywood celebrities and other elite liberals reacted about like you’d expect to the Trump administration’s decision to rescind Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. The overwhelming accusations of racism and hatred levied by Hollywood’s loudest (and most privileged) in the past two or three days have glossed over the context of the DACA policy, the…

Michael Moore’s Screaming Celeb Trump Protest: ‘We Have Power!’

August 16th, 2017 1:18 PM
Money walks, talks, and screams. At a protest, naturally, it should scream louder. So it should come as no surprise that some of Donald Trump’s famous (and wealthy) opponents went on a loud chanting protest in front of the Trump Tower on August 15, led by everyone’s favorite wealthy protester, director Michael Moore.  

Mark Ruffalo Blasts ‘White Conservative Hiring Spree’ MSNBC?!

June 14th, 2017 11:41 AM
On Saturday, left-wing actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted out support for a petition denouncing NBC News and MSNBC – not for the blatant liberal bias at both networks, but for the supposed laughable offense of going on a “white conservative hiring spree.” [h/t Hot Air]

Arts No Refuge from Politics in NYT: Ruffalo's Rants, Stalin Parallels

March 5th, 2017 5:28 PM
The arts and literature pages offer no respite from the New York Times political thrust. Lisa Birnbach hung out with actor Mark Ruffalo, perhaps best known for his role as The Hulk in the series of Avengers superhero movies, for her front-page Arts story, “The Actor’s Activist, Onstage.” Ruffalo is participating in a politicized revival of Arthur Miller’s obscure anti-capitalism play “The Price…

Vanity Fair Editor Posts ‘129’ Anti-Trump Tweets Ahead of Election

November 8th, 2016 5:01 PM
The liberal news media have been rabidly anti-Trump throughout the campaign. But that bias intensified as polling time neared. The day before the U.S. election, Vanity Fair contributing editor Kurt Eichenwald launched a Twitterstorm of “top 129 findings from my investigation of Trump.” All but one of those tweets were negative toward the Republican presidential nominee and cited all manner of…

Actor Mark Ruffalo Slams Obama as 'Immoral' Fracking Backer

October 26th, 2016 10:24 PM
Left-wing Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo, known for his role as the Hulk in the smash hit Avengers movies, is slamming President Obama on his outright hypocrisy for presenting himself as a “green” president while permitting fracking and other fossil fuel extraction that goes against the environmentalist ethos. Ruffalo recently spoke at a Los Angeles rally against the Dakota Access Pipeline and man…