From the NY Times, With Hate: Mussolini, Jonestown, Fascism at RNC

August 31st, 2020 1:20 PM

On the fourth and last night of the Republican National Convention, the New York Times strangely issued fact checks not just for facts, but for warnings and predictions from Republican speakers if Democrats won the presidency.  And each night, the paper’s team of live commentators offered gross, personal insults to the speakers: "...on the first day of the R.N.C. we witnessed a cult…

Republican Convention Speakers BASH Big Tech Censorship

August 27th, 2020 2:40 PM

Republican National Convention (RNC) speakers have not been afraid to call out Big Tech for its role in censoring conservatives. Speakers like Charlie Kirk, Nick Sandmann and Tiffany and Melania Trump have stressed the importance of maintaining American freedoms, and have called out Big Tech companies to do so over the first three nights of the RNC.

Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 8-26-20

Scarborough Savages Melania as 'Shameless' Over Trump Tweets

August 26th, 2020 4:07 PM

On Morning Joe, a hate-fueled Joe Scarborough slams First Lady Melania Trump as "shameless, absolutely shameless" for having criticized, in her speech at the second night of the RNC convention, people who are mean on social media, while she did not criticize President Trump's past tweets about Mika and Joe.

Big Tech on Notice: Melania, Tiffany Trump Blast Social Media Tyranny

August 26th, 2020 4:03 PM

First Lady Melania Trump and the president’s youngest daughter Tiffany Trump blasted Big Tech during their speeches at the Republican National Convention. Many members of the Trump family have given the 2020 Republican National Convention a personal touch. They used it as an opportunity to defend their family patriarch’s presidency while raking the far-left over the coals.


Nets Hit Panic Button: NBC Host Upset Melania Condemned Looters?!

August 26th, 2020 1:00 AM

Late Tuesday night, the “big three” broadcast networks were trapped between a rock and a hard place. ABC, CBS, and NBC found themselves begrudgingly praising First Lady Melania Trump’s 2020 RNC speech and while they did plenty of that, they found an escape hatch by using her speech to broadly attack all speakers before her on Monday and Tuesday. Meanwhile, NBC Nightly News anchor…

‘F**k This B***h’: Celebs Assail FLOTUS During RNC Speech

August 26th, 2020 12:28 AM

In what world would a speech given by a U.S. First Lady, where she expressed support for hard working mothers, showed charity for those afflicted by COVID-19, and expressed her desire for an end to racial strife in the country, be the subject of division and cruelty from famous and influential Americans? Well, in Hollywood, of course.

Leftists Viciously Attack Melania Trump’s Rose Garden Design

August 24th, 2020 1:00 PM

Christmas apparently came early for the usual suspects when First Lady Melania Trump put out her new design for the Rose Garden. Of course, liberals celebrated this occasion with their annual hate-fest of all things FLOTUS. I guess COVID-19 didn’t cancel EVERYTHING.


Ben Stiller Forced To Defend Trump & Melania Cameo From ‘Zoolander'

July 9th, 2020 5:48 PM

Ben Stiller is no fan of President Trump, but even the Tropic Thunder and Zoolander actor isn’t offended enough by Trump’s 20 year-old cameo in his comedy film about a male model to remove it.

Rapaport Tweets Horrendous Mother’s Day Message to ‘Useless’ Melania

May 11th, 2020 4:58 PM
It doesn’t matter who you are. If you take time out of your day to insult someone’s mother on Mother’s Day, you're officially a scumbag. That should be the ruling on hateful, anti-Trump smearlord Michael Rapaport, who dedicated his social media posts during the holiday to attacking First Lady Melania Trump and her example of motherhood.

Huh? Lemon Argues Trump Family Is Dumber, Less Attractive Than Obamas

May 4th, 2020 3:23 PM
Similar to how MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has been treated like a journalist, the same goes for CNN Tonight host Don Lemon. Whether it’s his hatred for Trump supporters, an affinity for the left, or love for the Obamas, Lemon demonstrated that Sunday when he ended an opinion-filled commentary by bashing President Trump as dumber, less attractive, and racist compared to predecessor Barack Obama. Lemon …

Trump-Hater Michael Rapaport Calls Melania a ‘Hooker’ on Twitter

April 13th, 2020 1:16 PM
Prison Break and Deep Blue Sea actor Michael Rapaport really doesn’t like President Trump. Though characterizing the entertainer's feud with the man as a political disagreement doesn’t have the right connotation. From recent tweets, it appears quite personal for the famous redhead C-lister. He’s so antagonistic towards Trump that not even the president’s family can escape the scorn.

Vile: CNN, MSNBC Favorite Rick Wilson Wishes Melania Gets Coronavirus

March 19th, 2020 8:07 AM
While the media has long claimed that Trump was threatening violence against journalists by calling out fake news, actual threats from their own anti-Trump circles often gets ignored. Case in point: Never Trumper and favorite cable news guest Rick Wilson’s sick tweet against the First Lady, Wednesday.

Feminist Groups Silent on Vile, Sexist Slam on Melania By This Celeb

March 14th, 2020 12:15 PM
Feminists have spent the last week mourning Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s failed presidential bid. The Massachusetts Senator had a plan for everything, they cried. Only sexism could explain her shocking fall from front runner to also ran status. She wasn’t “likable” enough, sexist reporters alleged. What else could explain her failure?

Yahoo 'News' Pushes Silly Story: Trumps Won't Eat Their Vegetables!

February 25th, 2020 9:13 PM
Yahoo News is spreading around one of the silliest British tabloid stories you can find. It's headlined "Trump and his entourage fail to eat anything from special vegetarian menu prepared for them on India trip." Tim Wyatt's story for the Independent (U.K.) started out waffling: "Donald Trump and his entourage reportedly failed to eat a single item of a special vegetarian feast prepared for him…