
Rush Limbaugh Awarded Medal of Freedom During SOTU

February 4th, 2020 10:16 PM
A day after conservative talk radio host and icon Rush Limbaugh announced that he had been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, Limbaugh and wife Kathryn were in Washington as guests of honor in First Lady Melania Trump’s box during President Donald Trump’s Tuesday evening State of the Union Address. In addition to addressing Limbaugh directly, Trump surprised Limbaugh and the audience by…

New Republic Writer Triggered by Melania Trump's Christmas Video

December 22nd, 2019 3:32 PM
Once upon a time, the New Republic was a respected journal of political thought. The latest hilarious example of how absurd that magazine has become was in the December 19 article in which writer David Roth indulged in his extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome by going into uncontrollable fits of outrage over a video of less than a minute in which Melania Trump displayed this year's White House…

Nasty Hollywood Imagines Barron Trump Thwarting Dad’s 2016 Campaign

December 18th, 2019 9:40 AM
Remember earlier this month when Democratic impeachment witness Pamela Karlan attacked the Trump family? She testified that even though the “President can name his son Barron, he can't make him a baron.” Later that day, Karlan apologized for her caustic remark. However, she’s not the only person who wants to take on Trump’s 13-year-old son. Screenwriter Nicolas Curcio is looking for someone to…

WashPost 'Gender' Writer: Hillary's a 'Gift,' Melania's Yard-Sale Junk

December 6th, 2019 10:57 PM
Washington Post "gender and society" columnist Monica Hesse is a lot like her colleague Robin Givhan, the fashion columnist. It doesn't matter what their supposed beats are. They coo over liberal women and brutalize the conservative women. Hillary is a gift to America. Melania is like "a garage-sale lampshade."

MEOW! Jealous, Trump-Hating WashPost Critic Slams Melania’s Attire

December 3rd, 2019 2:31 PM
The Washington Post has become the Mean Girls of the nation’s capital, going after First Lady Melania Trump’s Christmas fashion sense, calling it “ridiculous” and indicative of “aloofness.” Gosh, why would anybody want to be aloof from the bitchy high schoolers at The Post?

NY Times Fashionista: Tulsi Wearing White Says Fringy, 'Cult Leader'

November 23rd, 2019 5:29 PM
During the 2016 convention, New York Times fashionista Vanessa Friedman thought Hillary's white was right. “In her white suit, with her white crew neck underneath, Mrs. Clinton looked supremely unflappable: perfectly tailored and in control,” she gushed. “Not a hair out of place (but some hair nicely waved). The kind of person who could carry the nuclear codes with aplomb.” But how that Hillary-…

Morning Joe: Trump ‘Would Throw His Family Under the Bus’ If Needed

October 11th, 2019 9:59 AM
For some time now, Morning Joe has been consumed by a visceral hatred of all things Trump. Today's show offered up yet two more examples. First, Donny Deutsch claimed "if you know Donald Trump, you know there isn't anyone he wouldn't throw -- he would throw his family under the bus. And I don't say that glibly." Joe Scarborough heartily agreed: "well of course!" A bit later, when Deutsch accused…

WashPost: Pelosi's a 'Fashion Icon,' Melania 'Miscalculates'

May 26th, 2019 12:15 PM
Sunday's Washington Post Magazine carried a sugary article by freelancer Christina Binkley headlined "She may not acknowledge it, but Nancy Pelosi is a fashion icon." Just a few pages later, the very same Sunday Post Magazine carried a column by Helena Andrews-Dyer attacking the First Lady. It was titled "Melania Trump's miscalculations continue."

Maher Calls Trump and Fox News 'The Axis of Evil in the World Now'

May 11th, 2019 7:04 PM
On Real Time Friday, host Bill Maher closed his satirical segment “New Rules” by urging First Lady Melania Trump to dump the President, arguing that her doing so would enable President Trump to “implode on his own.” Maher also encouraged Rupert Murdoch’s wife, Jerry Hall, to do the same before describing Fox News as an “axis of evil” and comparing the Trump base to “an army of brain-dead zombies…

Nasty CBS Melania Cartoon Represents The 'Best Minute of Television'?

April 22nd, 2019 4:50 PM
New York Times television critic James Poniewozik is a big fan of the anti-Trump content of the CBS All Access drama The Good Fight.On Monday morning, he tweeted that the show's snarky Schoolhouse Rock-style cartoons are "the best minute of television in any given week." He linked to a YouTube video of a nasty Melania cartoon that appeared in the April 18 episode.

‘The Good Fight:’ Melania Trump Considers Divorce

April 18th, 2019 11:21 PM
Liberal women like nothing more than to fantasize about First Lady Melania Trump divorcing President Trump. It is beyond their imagination that she is happy in her marriage to President Trump. This fantasy is put to use in the April 18 episode of CBS All-Access’s The Good Fight.

FLOTUS Blasts ‘Small-Minded’ Anna Wintour For Vogue’s Lefty Bias

April 16th, 2019 3:46 PM
Former model and cover girl turned First Lady Melania Trump hit back at Vogue after its editor-in-chief made her preference for Democrats clear to CNN.

CNN Hosts Whine About Bullied 6th Grader Named Trump Invited to SOTU

February 4th, 2019 11:43 PM
As part of First Lady Melania Trump’s Be Best anti-bullying campaign, she invited Wilmington, Delaware 6th grader Joshua Trump to be one of the guests at Tuesday’s State of the Union. By now you probably figured out that while he shared no relation with the President, Joshua was bullied because they share the same last name. But that gesture rubbed CNN hosts Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon the wrong…

UK Outlet, The Telegraph Pays Damages to Melania Over Cover Story

January 28th, 2019 11:49 AM
Accountability from the media? Say it ain’t so, Brian Stelter! It’s been a banner couple of weeks for fake news. First there was Buzzfeed’s reckless insistence on unverifiable Trump collusion, and then there was the sick media feeding frenzy over the “racist” Covington Kids that weren’t racist. But there was a third that maybe you haven’t heard about: The Telegraph’s (U.K.) fabricated expose on…