NBC Touts Bloomberg's New Gun Control Group After Lamenting Big Money

April 16th, 2014 10:08 PM
Wednesday's NBC Nightly News featured an overwhelmingly positive profile of Michael Bloomberg's new gun control advocacy group. That built upon the network's cheerleading of Bloomberg on Wednesday morning. Almost the entire story featured quotes from Bloomberg and supporters, with just one soundbite from the NRA. Anchor Brian Williams reported Bloomberg's $50 million pledge without a hint of…

NBC Thrilled Bloomberg Using Fortune for Anti-Gun Push...After Frettin

April 16th, 2014 11:49 AM
In a glowing interview with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie touted the anti-gun activist's latest crusade: "You're putting $50 million into the effort....saying essentially this new group is going to borrow a page from the NRA's playbook. The NRA has been very successful in frightening lawmakers who oppose them....You're quoted in…

Nearly 50 Mayors Abandon Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Group; Will Media Report

February 6th, 2014 5:39 PM
On Wednesday, Mayor John Tkazyik explained in the Poughkeepsie [N.Y.] Journal that he and almost 50 other mayors have dropped out of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). The reason they left? They all felt Bloomberg was using the organization to trample on the Second Amendment rather than to push for the stricter enforcement of existing…

NYT: De Blasio Inauguration Speakers Were 'Graceless and Smug

January 3rd, 2014 11:15 AM
One would have expected the folks at the New York Times to be almost orgasmic witnessing leftist after leftist bash former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg at the inauguration of Bill de Blasio whilst touting income equality as the best thing since sliced bread. Quite surprisingly, such wasn't the case Friday when the Times editorial board accused some of the speakers of being "graceless and…

Politico Tags 2013 as 'Year of the Liberal Billionaire

November 1st, 2013 9:13 AM
Politico’s Alex Burns and Maggie Haberman have designated 2013 as “Year of the Liberal Billionaire,” as progressive titans like Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer unload their money bags on TV ads in off-year elections. “Their arrival on the political scene, at the same time as many conservative donors remain disheartened from the GOP’s 2012 defeat, represents a shift in power in the arena of…

Hurricane Sandy Relief: Networks Attack GOP, But Mention Pork Only

October 29th, 2013 2:10 PM
Striking the Northeast on Oct. 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy tragically devastated communities causing an estimated $50 billion in damages. By the end of January 2013, a relief bill was passed for Sandy aid, after the bill was delayed because of wasteful spending. House Republicans opposed a pork-ridden $60 billion Senate bill ($10 billion higher than damage estimates) and chose not to vote on it…

Piers Morgan Stumbles Over Second Amendment; Hails 'Most Courageous' B

October 15th, 2013 1:05 PM
Piers Morgan still can't basic details about the gun rights debate right, even after his protracted involvement in the controversy, as he revealed on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Morgan incorrectly claimed that the First Amendment – not the Second Amendment – protected the right to keep and bear arms: "I have no problem...with a family exercising their First Amendment (sic) right to defend their…

Ex-CNN's Franken Suggests Bloomberg Waging 'Class Warfare Against Ever

September 12th, 2013 11:05 AM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, liberal columnist and former CNN correspondent Bob Franken accused those who complain about "class warfare" against the wealthy of themselves waging "class warfare," but in their case, "against everybody but the super rich class." Franken's negative interpretation of those who support capitalism came after host…

Press Doesn't Challenge Dems' Meme That Historic Recall of Colo. Senat

September 11th, 2013 11:55 PM
Two Colorado senators have been recalled, and either already are not serving their former constituents or won't be shortly. Yet according to today's Democratic Party talking points, their recalls, the first-ever in state history spurred by the ousted senators' support of gun-control measures passed earlier this year, are only "symbolic" — despite all the money that poured in from New York Mayor…

MSNBC's Hayes Hits New York's De Blasio from Right on Taxing the Wealt

September 10th, 2013 6:32 PM
Even though MSNBC host Chris Hayes has a history of airing his far-left views and has even admitted to being a "liberal caricature," he does from time to time ask contrarian questions from a conservative point of view, and managed to do so on the Monday, September 9, All In show during an interview with New York Democratic mayoral candidate Bill De Blasio. On the subject of taxing the…

Columbus OFA Immigration Rally Fizzles; MAIG Rally 'Becomes Pro-Gun Ev

August 31st, 2013 2:52 PM
On Thursday morning, the Columbus Dispatch's Darrel Rowland reported ("Gun battle slated for high noon in downtown Columbus") that "Mayors Against Illegal Guns is coming to Columbus on Friday for an event urging Sen. Rob Portman to support expanding background checks on gun purchases," and that "guns rights groups are planning to make their voices heard, too." There was no follow-up on what…

Not News: Obama and Bloomberg Summer Events Spectacularly Fizzling

August 24th, 2013 7:16 PM
In advance of a month full of events oriented towards demonstrating displeasure with lawmakers who won't give carte blanche to President Obama's healthcare, gun control, "climate change," and immigration agendas, Organizing for Action Executive Director Jon Carson claimed that "We will own August." New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns also anticipated high levels…

Hot Air's Pavlich: Mayor Bloomberg Violates Cardinal Rules of Gun Safe

August 19th, 2013 6:05 PM
You'd think Mayor Mike Bloomberg would have learned his lesson after his Mayors Against Illegal Guns group was caught earlier this year running ads with an actor violating the cardinal rules of gun safety. But today's NYPD press conference announcing a major gun-trafficking bust proves otherwise. For her "photo of the day" entry, Hot Air Green Room blogger Katie Pavlich noted how, "[d]uring…

MSNBC Deceptively Edits Bloomberg to Change Meaning of Statement on St

August 19th, 2013 5:26 PM
The folks at MSNBC were at it again Monday. During a segment on the Martin Bashir show, the producers chose to air only five seconds of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s 65-second answer at a press conference Monday to make it appear that he would have a completely different view of Stop and Frisk if he had a son (video follows with transcript and commentary):