NPR: Soda Ban Ruling a 'Setback' in Effort to 'Change Unhealthful Food

July 31st, 2013 1:27 PM
As I argued yesterday, the unanimous state court ruling in New York blocking Mayor Mike Bloomberg's ban on fountain soda cups larger than 16 ounces in capacity would be portrayed in the liberal media as a setback to a well-meaning public health effort and a boon to big business. True to form, taxpayer-subsidized NPR is peddling this spin to readers of its website while completely ignoring how…

NYC Soda Ban Loses Again in Court; Politico, WSJ Portray as 'Blow' to

July 30th, 2013 5:45 PM
Today another New York state court upheld an earlier decision in March that invalidated outgoing Mayor Mike Bloomberg's much-maligned "soda ban" which restricts many establishments in the Big Apple from selling soda cups larger than 16 ounces in capacity. As the media report on the court ruling, watch for a) the media to paint the ruling as a "blow" to an "ambitious," well-meaning effort by…

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Is Using Taxpayer Money To Fund Anti-Gun Campaign

July 18th, 2013 3:15 PM
Imagine if you will a conservative Republican mayor used public employees' work time to advocate stricter state-level abortion regulations throughout the country? The Left would, and to an extent rightfully so, raise a fit, and the liberal media would, again, rightly so, beat the drums and make the abuse of power a major national story. But when it's liberal independent Mayor Michael…

Politico's Haberman Lets Bloomberg Rant About 'Shoot First' Laws Which

July 15th, 2013 10:12 AM
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was predictably unhappy with Saturday's verdict in the George Zimmerman case. He used it as an opportunity to go after what he calls "shoot first" laws, which people in the real world refer to as "stand your ground" laws. It was an irrelevant rant, as Politico's Maggie Haberman pointed out: "In the Zimmerman case, neither the defense nor the prosecution…

NBC Praises Bloomberg’s ‘Great Idea’ of Forcing New Yorkers to S

June 17th, 2013 5:32 PM
The hosts on Monday's NBC Today were all in agreement that New City Mayor Michael Bloomberg forcing all residents to sort out rotten food scraps from their garbage for composting – and to hold on to the refuse for days – was a "great idea" that would be "good for the environment." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Co-host Matt Lauer briefly explained the program: "[…

Michael Bloomberg: America Should be Begging Foreign Students to Stay

June 17th, 2013 12:40 PM
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg used his commencement address at Stanford University Sunday to push for immigration reform. Speaking to the assembled, he said of the foreign graduates with student visas in attendance, “If those in Washington had any sense at all, they would be begging you to stay here in the United States.”

MSNBC's O'Donnell Again Ties NRA Rhetoric to Ricin Attacks

May 31st, 2013 4:32 PM
For a second night on Thursday, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on his The Last Word show tried to blame NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre for inspiring the ricin-tainted letters recently sent to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President Barack Obama. The MSNBC host teased the show:

MSNBC's O'Donnell Links NRA Rhetoric to Ricin Attack on Bloomberg

May 30th, 2013 5:04 PM
On Wednesday's The Last Word show, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell tried to link rhetoric by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to the ricin attack on New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as he played several clips of LaPierre criticizing the liberal mayor's support for gun control before getting to the story of ricin-tainted letters. After running the clips, O'Donnell ominously related…

Bloomberg Admits to Allowing Its Reporters Access to Client Terminal A

May 13th, 2013 11:00 AM
It says something about the seriousness of the rest of the news during the past several days when a story about unethical spying by reporters working for a company founded and built by the current mayor of New York City barely makes a ripple. It has been alleged, and now admitted, that Bloomberg reporters monitored terminal login activity to develop stories about possible Wall Street…

Wheel of Fortune's Pat Sajak Mocks Michael Bloomberg's NYC Nanny State

May 2nd, 2013 5:50 PM
Wheel of Fortune host and 2007 MRC Dishonors Awards accepter Pat Sajak, on a recent episode, mocked New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's nanny-statism by taking a drink from a large cup. The NYC audience greeted the gag with laughter. After he took a swig from the drink Sajak remarked: "You know I made an important discovery, cola is actually better with transfats in it." (video after the…

Billionaire Tom Steyer -- the 'Liberal Analogue of the Koch Brothers

April 28th, 2013 9:46 PM
The newest celebrity in the liberal universe is billionaire Tom Steyer. In a story headlined "The Wrath of a Green Billionaire," Bloomberg Businesweek reporter Joshua Green explained he’s hailed as “a liberal analogue of the conservative Koch brothers, the billionaire owners of Koch Industries, whose lavish support of free-market causes and political ruthlessness loom large in the liberal…

‘Rent is Too Damn High’ Guy Runs for NY Mayor, Bashes Economic Rec

April 25th, 2013 12:23 PM
Two years ago, Jimmy McMillan ran for New York governor and became a viral sensation, with more than 7 million Youtube views.  Now the creator of The Rent is Too Damn High party is running for New York City mayor and has expanded his platform is his new rap anthem video. In the first 30 seconds of his video, the news reporter declared that rent in New York is at an all time high. “Critics say…

Biden Tells Scarborough: You Deserve an Award if Anything Gets Done on

April 11th, 2013 10:09 AM
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough got an endorsement Thursday that he might live to regret. In an exclusive Morning Joe interview with Joe Biden, the Vice President told Scarborough, "The two guys that deserve - if anything gets done [on gun control] - an award here are you and Michael Bloomberg" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Maher: Bloomberg's Nanny State 'Makes Me Want to Join the Tea Party an

April 3rd, 2013 10:40 AM
HBO's Bill Maher is clearly getting tired of liberals. On ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday, he said of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's nanny statism, "That makes me want to join the Tea Party and marry Ann Coulter" (video follows with transcript and commentary):