David Brooks: 'It’s Counterproductive To Have Bloomberg As Spokesper

December 17th, 2012 9:45 AM
Most of the anti-Second Amendment media have been predictably thrilled with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's call for stricter gun regulations in the wake of Friday's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Apparently not New York Times columnist David Brooks who said on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday, "It’s counterproductive to have him as the spokesperson for the gun law movement" (…

Thursday Report: Bloomberg Wouldn't Let Guard Into Brooklyn Over Their

November 3rd, 2012 9:32 AM
A Philly.com report tells us that "National Guard plays key role in N.J. relief efforts." The LA Times has reported that "More than 10,000 National Guard troops in 13 states have been mobilized to assist in the response to Hurricane Sandy, including more than 2,200 who are assisting with recovery efforts in New York." Guard troops are also in New York City to some degree (Mayor Michael…

After Blasting Government for Katrina Response, Media Silent as New Yo

November 2nd, 2012 2:36 PM
In the days following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, America's media elite blasted the former Bush administration for not providing relief supplies to residents who were affected by the storm. With a Democrat in the White House now, however, reporters are saying almost nothing as New Yorkers are being ignored by various levels of government. With hundreds of thousands of his own residents…

NBC Touts Bloomberg Helping Obama, Wonders if Christie Hurting Romney

November 2nd, 2012 11:21 AM
Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, special correspondent Tom Brokaw strained to explain why New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsing President Obama would be helpful: "[It] may not move the needle, for example, in Colorado, but in Ohio and in places where they're trying to get white men, they can say, 'Look, this guy has got the endorsement of the Mayor of New York.'" Why would someone in…

CNN's Morgan Raises Bloomberg's Global Warming Concerns

November 1st, 2012 11:17 PM
On Thursday's Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN, host Morgan treated New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's endorsement of President Barack Obama as a significant threat to Mitt Romney, and ended up bolstering Bloomberg's concerns about Hurricane Sandy being the result of manmade global warming. Without noting Bloomberg's liberal record, Morgan highlighted the mayor's complaints about Romney's "…

No Time for Benghazi, But ABC Has Time to Trumpet Bloomberg’s ‘Big

November 1st, 2012 7:49 PM
ABC’s World News on Thursday continued its week-plus blackout of any of the new revelations about the Obama administration’s dissembling on what occurred before and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, yet made time to tout Michael Bloomberg’s endorsement of President Obama and for an excerpt of Diane Sawyer’s gauzy “Portrait of a Candidate” interview with Obama from early October. “Our…

Bloomberg’s Soda Ban Passes, After Steady Stream of Media Attacks on

September 13th, 2012 3:45 PM
Soda was demonized by the media and food police groups for years, long before New York City’s Board of Health voted Sept. 13, overwhelmingly approving Michael Bloomberg’s controversial ban on certain sizes of soda. The act, which Bloomberg claimed “will save lives,” will prevent the “sale of sweetened drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces, smaller than the size of a common soda…

More Media War On Food: Papa John’s CEO Roasted for Obamacare Commen

August 10th, 2012 1:51 PM
The media doesn’t like food much these days. Papa John’s Pizza founder John Schnatter is the latest individual in the food industry to draw fire from the left; in his case the he made the mistake of discussing the economic effects of Obamacare on his company. Outlets from the Colbert Report to the Boston Globe savaged Schnatter for having the effrontery of publicly explaining basic economics…

WashPost Devotes Puff Piece to 'Data-Driven Despot' Michael Bloomberg

August 10th, 2012 1:02 PM
Michael Bloomberg is no liberal nanny-stater, he's really a benign "data-driven despot" who marches to the beat of a different drum. That's the impression that Washington Post writer Jason Horowitz attempted to give readers in his 20-paragraph Style section puff piece in today's paper entitled, "In politics, Bloomberg is party of one."

Mika Loves Nanny Mayor Mike, Calls Don't Tread On Me-ers 'Idiots

July 24th, 2012 9:58 AM
The way to Mika Brzezinski's heart is through her stomach.  Or better put, through using the power of the state to limit what we can put into our stomachs. On Morning Joe today, Brzezinski declared her love for NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg.  Why? Because of the Nanny-in-Chief's various food prohibitions, the latest being his limit on the size of soft drinks.  Mika's view of those who support a "…

Bloomberg Suggests Police Stop Protecting People Until Gun Control Ena

July 23rd, 2012 10:54 PM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's Piers Morgan Tonight, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg recommended that America's police officers should go on strike and refuse to protect people until gun control legislation which would allegedly make them safer is enacted. Bloomberg:

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Cites Surge in NYC 'Gun Violence', Ignores City's

July 23rd, 2012 8:45 PM
Liberals like Melissa Harris-Perry savor vigorous debate about guns, provided that it excludes what they don't want to talk about. For example, whether gun laws they hold so dear make our lives less safe. (video after page break)

CBS's Cowan Forwards Bloomberg Attacking Gun Rights Advocates

July 23rd, 2012 3:13 AM
On the July 22 CBS Sunday Morning show, correspondent Lee Cowan highlighted criticism of gun rights by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, using a soundbite of the liberal mayor scurrilously remarking that gun rights advocates "think that the right to bear arms allows you to go out and kill people at random," before adding, "And that's not overstating it very much." The report, which…

Filmmaker John Waters: All You Can Eat Restaurants Should be Illegal

June 9th, 2012 11:34 AM
If you’re afraid of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for limiting the size of soft drinks, you’re going to quake in your boots when you hear what filmmaker John Waters said Friday. Appearing on HBO’s Real Time, Waters told host Bill Maher that he didn’t understand how all you can eat restaurants are legal (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):