NYT's Kim Severson Chides 'Fat' Mississippians for Rejecting Food Regu

March 15th, 2013 2:15 PM
New York Times Atlanta bureau chief (and foodie) Kim Severson got rather insulting while writing about a new Mississippi law forbidding any locality from making rules on food size or content, passed in the wake of NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg's thwarted attempt to limit the size of sugary drinks New Yorkers could order: "'Anti-Bloomberg Bill' in Mississippi Bars Local Restrictions on Food and Drink…

Ann Coulter Column: Trouble in the Nanny State

March 14th, 2013 11:18 AM
Like the proverbial monkey typing for infinity and getting Shakespeare, Mayor Bloomberg's obsession with reforming New Yorkers' health has finally produced a brilliant ad campaign. Posters are popping up in subway stations and bus stops giving statistics about teen pregnancy that show cute little kids saying things like, "Honestly, Mom ... chances are he won't stay with you. What happens to…

NYT's Front Page Features Paternalistic Liberal Take on Minority Group

March 13th, 2013 5:00 PM
New York Times campaign finance reporter Nicholas Confessore's 2,000-word front-page story Wednesday took a liberal angle on a judge striking down New York City's controversial new regulation that would have banned soda portions over 16 ounces. Besides the paternalism of lines like "a victory for the industry’s steadfast, if surprising, allies: advocacy groups representing the very…

Scarborough Mocks Bloomberg Soda Ban Behind His Back, Won’t Challeng

March 13th, 2013 12:02 PM
In what has become a common theme for the MSNBC conservative, Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough failed to live up to his self-titled conservative values on March 13.  Following a ruling by a New York state court on March 11 invalidating New York City’s large soda ban, Scarborough and the rest of the Morning Joe crew sans Mika Brzezinski mocked Bloomberg’s failed efforts on March 12. Despite…

Nanny Bloomberg Soda Ban Too Much for Some Liberal Reporters

March 12th, 2013 10:09 PM
When a New York state Supreme Court justice on Monday invalidated a New York City law that prevented the “sale of sweetened drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces” at certain establishments, it came as no surprise that conservatives hailed the ruling as a victory “for liberty-loving soda drinkers.” However, even as Mayor Michael Bloomberg promised to appeal judge Milton Tingling's ruling…

Objectivity? Soledad O'Brien Voices Her Support of Bloomberg Soda Ban

March 12th, 2013 5:13 PM
Count Soledad O'Brien as another CNN supporter of Mayor Bloomberg's nanny state efforts to crack down on big sodas. Even while interviewing both a supporter and an opponent of Bloomberg's ban on Tuesday's Starting Point, O'Brien revealed that she's been "a long supporter of it." "I've been a long supporter of it. I actually think it's a good idea. But I do think the judge has some…

Piers Morgan Defends Bloomberg's Soda Ban

March 12th, 2013 11:47 AM
CNN's Piers Morgan has become an apologist for the nanny state. He defended Mayor Bloomberg's large soda ban on his Monday night show, a ban that was shot down that day by the state supreme court for being "arbitrary and capricious." "I agree with Mayor Bloomberg," Morgan asserted. "And what's the point of being a mayor of a city like New York? He's been big on gun control, big on smoking –…

'Fortune' Editor Boosts Nanny Bloomberg: 'Sometimes You Have To Take P

March 12th, 2013 9:45 AM
You'd think someone who works for "Fortune" magazine would have more have more respect for free people and free markets. But on Morning Joe, today, there was "Fortune" editor Leigh Gallagher boosting Michael Bloomberg's nanny state.  Gallagher approvingly quoted Mayor Mike to the effect "sometimes you have to do not what people want you to do.  You have to take people by the hand and lead them…

Breaking Bias: CNN Breaking News Laments Bloomberg's Soda Ban Has Gone

March 11th, 2013 4:29 PM
Editors for CNN's breaking news emails delivered subscribers a 50-word alert on how "[a] state judge invalidated a New York City law banning certain venues from selling sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces." But rather than couch the stay on the new regulation as a victory of individual liberty, the editors described the ruling as "a setback for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has…

Politico Treats Pro-Gun Controller's Win in Far-Left Congressional Dis

February 27th, 2013 10:46 PM
Knock me over with a feather. A well-known local pro-gun control official, helped by an overwhelming $2 million in funding from a Michale Bloomberg-backed group, won last night's splintered Democratic congressional primary in the Illinois district (IL-02) formerly represented by Jesse Jackson Jr., which includes much of the South Side of Chicago, with 52% of the vote. A "whopping" 30,872 people…

Anderson Cooper's Only Guest on Gun Issue Is Gun Control Advocate Mayo

January 18th, 2013 2:57 PM
Anderson Cooper's lone guest to talk guns on Thursday night was the anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I), echoing CNN's ridiculous disparity of pro-gun control guests and gun rights advocates on its newscasts. Cooper pitched him a fairly easy interview, first asking, "your impressions of the President's proposals on gun control. Are you happy with them?" He later teed up Bloomberg…

CBS Sets Up NYC Mayor Bloomberg to Rip NRA, Promote Stricter Gun Contr

January 17th, 2013 7:28 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell granted staunch gun rights supporter Michael Bloomberg a platform to blast the NRA as "stupid", and brush aside gun-owning Americans as a radical minority. O'Donnell set up the New York City mayor to accuse the gun rights group of being under the thumb of gun manufacturers. The CBS anchors also took a more subdued approach to…

Profiles of Pro-Gun, Anti-Gun Advocates in NYTimes: Same Page, Very Di

December 21st, 2012 6:09 PM
Friday's New York Times teased on the front page two profiles of prominent figures in the gun control debate (conservative David Keene and liberal New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg). Can you guess which one got more respectful treatment? Reporter Eric Lichtblau's profile of National Rifle Association leader and "bombastic" conservative activist David Keene was hostile and unduly personal…

Press Gives Bloomberg a Pass for 'Only Happens in America' Remark on

December 18th, 2012 3:24 PM
In his Sunday appearance on "Meet the Press" (HT The Blaze), New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg answered host David Gregory's first question relating to the Sandy Hook massacre by saying that "It's so unbelievable, and it only happens in America." That statement is so obviously false that I would have expected even a Bloomberg- and gun control-sympathetic press, including Gregory himself, to…