
Dyson: We Have a 'Moral Obligation' to Protest Trump at GOP Convention

June 20th, 2016 8:09 PM
With all this year's preliminary political events concluded and the Republican National Convention set for July 18-21 in Cleveland, Georgetown University professor and former MSNBC analyst and guest host Michael Eric Dyson declared last Wednesday that Americans have a “moral obligation” to protest presumptive GOP candidate Donald Trump as a “racist demagogue for president.” The tumult began when…

ABC Panelist Touts Trump’s ‘Unsagacity,’ Hillary’s ‘Keen Intelligence’

March 27th, 2016 1:39 PM
On Sunday’s This Week, Georgetown University professor and ex-MSNBC regular Michael Eric Dyson spewed a nearly-incomprehensible gumbo of academic jargon and made-up words. He claimed “millions” of Republicans “conceded to the legitimacy” of Trump’s birther claims against President Obama, vs. “some” who “stood on the gap,” and he juxtaposed Trump’s foreign policy “unsagacity” (good luck finding…

On HBO, Maher Panel Slams Scalia, Jokes About His Death

February 26th, 2016 11:57 PM
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, left-wing HBO comedian Bill Maher and his all-liberal panel went after deceased conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, as Maher not only joked about the possibility that he died while watching his show, but ended up imagining him "murdering" birds and looking like Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series the evening before his passing.

Politico’s ‘Obama Issue’ Fawns Over ‘Historic Presidency’

January 9th, 2016 12:07 PM
The latest gushing edition of Politico Magazine released on Wednesday entitled “The Obama Issue: A Special Report on a Historic Presidency,” was loaded with one article after another largely celebrating the impact of President Obama’s waning administration.

NPR Anchor Nudges Obama on Race With Praise from Leftist MSNBC Host

August 13th, 2015 2:11 PM
NPR Morning Edition anchor interviewed President Obama about just two topics: the Iran deal and race relations. On Wednesday’s morning show, Inskeep began with a question from the radical left – from black professor and MSNBC host Michael Eric Dyson – and then just prompted the president instead of really asking questions.  Dyson wrote a column for The New York Times going after the usual…

MSNBC's Dyson Praises Obama's 'Ingenious' Use of the N-Word

June 23rd, 2015 12:03 PM
In a move that would surprise few, MSNBC on Monday night praised Barack Obama's use of the N-word in a recent interview. Analyst Michael Eric Dyson appeared on All In and cheered the President: "He was, I think, quite ingenious, clever to be sure, about exploiting those boundaries by drawing attention to them." 

MSNBC’s Dyson Implies Rachel Dolezal More Black Than Clarence Thomas

June 16th, 2015 10:43 AM
On Monday’s The Ed Show, Michael Eric Dyson, MSNBC political analyst and frequent guest host on the "Lean Forward" network, used the ongoing controversy surrounding Rachel Dolezal claiming to be African American to deride Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Dyson asserted: “I bet a lot more black people would support Rachel Dolezal than would support say Clarence Thomas.”

MSNBC’s Dyson Compares Rand Paul to Segregationist George Wallace

May 31st, 2015 11:22 AM
On Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Michael Eric Dyson, regular fill-in host on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, took a swipe at Republican Presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul when he accused him of sounding like “George Wallace in one beat and like Noam Chomsky on the other.”  

In Baltimore, 6 Fan-Attended MLB Games Lost; No Press Interest in Cost

April 28th, 2015 11:19 PM
At NewsBusters this morning, Matthew Philbin posted on how Michael Eric Dyson, in a guest appearance on MSNBC (where else?), placed a great deal of blame for Baltimore's blight on "the ways in which the Baltimore Ravens and Baltimore Orioles with their tax-exempt status were given tremendous goodies to stay into the city." It would be reasonable to believe that Dyson, who has revealed a vengeful…

Dyson: Baltimore Pro Sports 'Forces of Oppression'

April 28th, 2015 10:16 AM
Professional race explainer Michael Eric Dyson said a lot of stupid things on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes Monday. (Yes, it’s still on the air.) And really, that’s understandable, given that his job was to find excuses for the inexcusable violence and looting in Baltimore. But mixed in with his litany of exculpatory urban dysfunction (“… the slow terror of expulsions from schools, rising…

MSNBC's Dyson Complains About 'Choreography' of Levi Pettit Apology

March 25th, 2015 6:35 PM
Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson, himself an ordained Baptist preacher, was critical of black legislators and clergy who surrounded disgraced frat boy Levi Pettit at a March 25 press conference in which he apologized for his now-infamous racist chant about lynched blacks.

Bozell & Graham Column: Forbidden 'Diversity' at The New York Times

March 19th, 2015 8:38 PM
Sound the trumpets. The New York Times announced on March 18 that it is bringing in 20 new online-focused writers as contributors for its op-ed and Sunday Review sections. In an interview, Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal claimed “We were looking for a broad range of viewpoints and subjects and backgrounds and geographical locations and every kind of form of diversity that you can…

Year-End Awards: The Most Outrageous Media Quote of 2014

December 31st, 2014 9:59 AM
Wrapping up the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2014,” it’s time to present the “Quote of the Year” for 2014, and the top two runners-up, as selected by our panel of judges.  

Year-End Awards: The Biggest Obamagasms of 2014

December 20th, 2014 1:17 PM
On Thursday, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2014,” as selected by a distinguished panel of 40 expert judges. Over the next several days, we’ll present these Notable Quotables as a way to review the worst media bias of 2014. Today, the winner and top runners-up for this year’s “Obamagasm Award.”