
MSNBC Guests on 'Can't Breathe': Capitalism Underlying Problem

December 10th, 2014 6:52 PM
Two guests on this evening's Ed Show on MSNBC revealed what lies just below the surface for many in the current protest movement: opposition to capitalism. First up was Rosa Clemente, a "hip hop activist" and 2008 Green Party VP candidate: "Capitalism, I think that is the institution all over this country. It is really the oppressive force." Next, Georgetown Prof. Marcia Chatelain, who said that…

Rudy Rebukes 'White Supremacy' Jab: 'I Said the Same Thing' Obama Said

November 25th, 2014 3:50 PM
Rudy Giuliani fired back at Michael Eric Dyson on CNN's New Day on Tuesday for the MSNBC analyst's "white supremacy" attack on the former New York City mayor. When anchor Alisyn Camerota raised Giuliani's supposedly "controversial comments" from Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, the former Republican politician underlined that he had "said the same thing the President of the United States said, and…

MSNBC’s Dyson Attacks Giuliani: He Has A ‘White Supremacy’ Mindset

November 24th, 2014 11:06 AM
On Sunday morning, a heated debate broke out on NBC’s Meet the Press between former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson surrounding a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri’s eventual decision on whether or not to bring charges against Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown. During the combative segment, Mayor Giuliani argued that with regards to…

Fox's 'The Five' Lambasts MSNBC For Comparing Christians to ISIS

October 9th, 2014 4:47 PM
American women and homosexuals can really relate to the kind of treatment their Middle Eastern counterparts receive at the hands of Islamist terrorists. Oh sure, not the kidnapping, beheading, stoning, genital mutilation or acid attacks. Nobody’s toppling stone walls on them or burying them alive, and there’s pretty much zero chance of ending up face down in a ditch riddled with AK-47 rounds.…

MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson: 'I Ain't Saying That Obama Is Jesus, But

August 25th, 2014 4:15 PM
MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson is no stranger to effusive, over-the-top lobbying for Barack Obama. But on Saturday, he went so far that even fellow liberal host Melissa Harris Perry couldn't believe it. Dyson called on the President to speak out more about the rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, comparing, "I'm a Christian preacher and God finally said, 'look, I can't send nobody else. I got…

Michael Eric Dyson Compares Tony Dungy to 'White Racists' on 'The Ed S

July 24th, 2014 3:30 PM
On the July 23 edition of The Ed Show, host Ed Schultz and guest Michael Eric Dyson took turns attacking former NFL coach Tony Dungy for stating that he “wouldn’t want to deal” with the media attention that followed the drafting of Michael Sam, the NFL’s first openly-gay draftee. While the other guest, national sport columnist Terence Moore, attempted to defend Dungy, Dyson compared his “…

Unhinged MSNBC Host: Sarah Palin Made 'Treasonous Accusations' Against

July 9th, 2014 6:31 PM
MSNBC host Michael Eric Dyson on Wednesday lashed out at Sarah Palin, accusing the conservative of committing "treason" against Barack Obama by calling for the President's impeachment. The guest host of the Ed Show first praised the President for "his tireless effort to help [illegal children who have crossed the border]." Dyson then fumed, "The President's push towards positive and crucial…

Michael Eric Dyson On 'The Ed Show': 'Is Compassionate Conservatism D

July 9th, 2014 12:00 PM
Michael Eric Dyson successfully filled in for Ed Schultz on the June 8 edition of The Ed Show by continuing the tradition of blaming America’s problems on Republicans and ranting about their heartlessness. For this show, Dyson chose to focus his opening monologue on blasting “the party that claims to believe in family values and Christian charity” that also calls for Obama to tighten border…

Racists 'More Out and Proud' in Texas, Democratic Guest Tells MSNBC

June 14th, 2014 5:35 PM
While acknowledging that racism “isn't limited to Texas,” a Democratic activist from the Lone Star State told guest host Michael Eric Dyson during Thursday's edition of The Ed Show on MSNBC: “We're just more out and proud with it” and “don’t segregate and live apart from each other, like they do in the Northeast.” Sarah Slamen -- a party official from Fort Bend County -- made the remark…

Lib Lawyer Papantonio: GOP Rhetoric Was 'Place of Origin' for Murder o

June 13th, 2014 7:16 PM
He brands himself, ever so immodestly, as "America's Lawyer" -- though conservative Americans would be well advised to seek legal counsel elsewhere. More accurately, he is "Liberal Americans' Unhinged Barrister." Papantonio, who co-hosts the "Ring of Fire" radio show with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Sam Seder, gave a textbook example of why he such rebranding is necessary when he was more over…

Michael Eric Dyson Denounces 'All This Christian Rhetoric' From Republ

June 11th, 2014 6:40 PM
For a guy who claims "I don't want to demonize my opponents," Michael Eric Dyson does a dynamite job of it!   And thus, guest-hosting on MSNBC today for Ed Schultz, Dyson ripped Republicans who express "all this Christian rhetoric that we're sanctified and saved and believe in the righteousness of God," yet have the audacity to disagree with him on granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. View…

Michael Eric Dyson: Ted Cruz, Right Wing 'Spawned...Extremists' Like t

June 11th, 2014 12:39 PM
The right wing relies on extremist murderers like Las Vegas shooters Jerad and Amanda Miller! At least, that’s what Michael Eric Dyson told his audience when he filled in for Ed Schultz on Tuesday evening’s The Ed Show. Dyson spent the first sixteen minutes of the show blasting conservatives and the Tea Party for their evil rhetoric that he claimed "cultivated the very environment in which…

MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson Blames ‘Right Wing Media And Conservati

June 9th, 2014 6:24 PM
MSNBC contributor Michael Eric Dyson filled in for Ed Schultz on The Ed Show on Monday, June 9 and he used the platform to connect the shooting in Las Vegas to conservative media and politicians.  Dyson insisted that “Right wing media and conservative politicians have drummed into the unconscious collectively of this nation, that this is not a country worthy of being led by the man who's been…

On Face the Nation Michael Eric Dyson Shamefully Compares Paul Ryan to

May 4th, 2014 1:40 PM
Appearing as a guest on CBS’s Sunday program Face the Nation, liberal Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson used the Donald Sterling controversy to make an unnecessary and disgusting swipe at Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI).  Dyson claimed “I see a relationship between what Paul Ryan says when he talks about inner-city people who are urban with all the code words being articulated…