NYT: Pence 'No Training or Expertise' vs. Obama's Confident Ebola Czar

February 28th, 2020 6:26 PM
Continuing to politicize the coronavirus, the New York Times Abby Goodnough on Friday attacked President Trump putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus task force in “Trump Said Pence Had ‘Talent’ on Health Policy. A Review of His Record.” Compare Goodnough’s instant hostility to Pence, with the hosannas that greeted Ron Klain, political operative, as Obama’s Ebola czar: "…

CNN's Avlon Mocks Pence: 'Prayer Didn't Work'

February 28th, 2020 6:53 AM
CNN's John Avlon joined At This Hour host Kate Bolduan on Thursday to condemn the selection of Vice President Pence to lead the federal government's response to the coronavirus. But, what was an attack on Pence morphed into an attack that implied that any social conservative or religious person would be unqualified to lead a public health task force in a time of crisis.  

Playing Politics With Corona: ABC, NBC Stoke Fear of Trump's Response

February 27th, 2020 9:46 PM
For the second evening in a row on Thursday, ABC’s World News Tonight (and this time NBC Nightly News) seemed intent on whipping the public into a state of fear with suggestions the Trump administration wasn’t responding to the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat adequately. NBC News even tried to shake public coincidence in Vice President Mike Pence’s leadership of the COVID-19 task force assigned to…

Lemon: Pence Will ‘Allow People to Die’ Rather Than 'Look at Science'

February 27th, 2020 10:42 AM
CNN host Don Lemon parroted Democrat attacks on Vice President Pence late Wednesday, after President Trump announced he would be taking over the coronavirus response. Lemon engaged in fearmongering, claiming Pence would cause people to die by elevating his faith over “science.”

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks VP: Is 'Abstinence' Pence's Plan to Fight Virus?

February 27th, 2020 9:20 AM
Wednesday night, Vice President Mike Pence became a target of liberals in the media, after President Trump announced he would be in charge of leading the U.S. response to the coronavirus crisis. Cable news pundits sneered that the Christian Pence was “anti-science” while late night hosts like ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel also took shots at Pence’s faith.

‘He’s The Vanguard’: Conservatives Support Limbaugh After Diagnosis

February 4th, 2020 12:19 AM
In the several hours after conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh announced his cancer diagnosis, influential conservatives have each taken a moment to thank the man who has inspired and led the movement for decades. Limbaugh, the 69-year-old host of the Rush Limbaugh Show and radio broadcast Hall of Famer revealed the devastating news of his “advanced lung cancer” diagnosis on February 3.

Cartoon: Trump Must Fight Impeachment, Pence Too 'Dumb' for Job

January 26th, 2020 11:53 PM
It’s impeachment, impeachment, impeachment everywhere on news shows and even in some television programming that is supposed to be entertaining. Season three of Showtime’s Our Cartoon President by Stephen Colbert airing January 26 used the same theme with an episode titled “Impeachment.” How’s that for original thought?

Scarborough: Children, Grandchildren of Trump Defenders to Be Punished

January 16th, 2020 8:20 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that the families, children, and grandchildren of defenders of President Trump will be punished by history. Vengeance will be visited on the descendants of the pro-Trump sinners.

CNN Touts Climate Alarmists Blaming Skeptics for Wildfires

January 14th, 2020 3:10 PM
On Friday's The Lead on CNN, host Jake Tapper ran a report by correspondent Will Ripley which promoted the alarmist view that global warming is to blame for the unusually bad wildfire season in Australia, and that skeptics deserve scorn for undermining the alarmists who are trying to cut carbon dioxide levels. More conservative-minded scientists who argue that the intensity of the wildfires is…

Surprise! NY Times Suddenly Loves Religion, as Long as It's Liberal

January 11th, 2020 5:46 PM
Political reporter Jeremy Peters committed “strange new respect” for the religious left on the front of Saturday’s New York Times in “Why Buttigieg Is Putting Faith In the Spotlight.” Peters introduced Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg in the midst of doing his “standard riff on the role of faith in politics” in which he “castigated Republicans for using religion as a wedge to divide Americans…

Nets Tougher on Pence Than Iranian Propagandist Zarif

January 9th, 2020 11:41 AM

During interviews with all three broadcast networks on Wednesday and Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence was confronted with hostile interrogations over the U.S. killing of Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani. In sharp contrast, NBC, ABC, and CBS have all treated Iran’s Foreign Minister and chief propagandist Mohammad Zarif to softball exchanges in which his anti-American pronouncements have…


Colbert Eagerly Asks Kamala for Her 'Prosecutorial' Insight

November 25th, 2019 5:24 PM
Careful Colbert, your impeachment excitement is showing again. Many are aware of Senator Kamala Harris’ controversial legal track record from her tenure as California’s Attorney General. However, Colbert acted as though he had yet to receive this memo as he requested Harris’ prosecutorial input into the impeachment inquiry on Thursday’s The Late Show.

Cowards: CNN, MSNBC Refuse to Carry WH Event for Conan the Dog

November 25th, 2019 2:24 PM
On Monday morning, CNN and MSNBC missed an easy lay-up that would have reinforced their love for America and our military. Instead, they refused to carry live the public portion of a White House event honoring Conan, the Belgian Malinois dog who became famous for their heroism during the October 26 raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In CNN’s case, the Jeffrey Zucker-led network’s…

MSNBC Fact Checks Pence on Economy, Says Obama Should Get Credit

November 8th, 2019 3:08 PM
Vice President Mike Pence was in New Hampshire on Thursday to file President Trump's paperwork for that state's Republican Primary and afterwards gave a brief speech to supporters where he laid out the administration's case for re-election. One of the things Pence cited was the country's positive economic situation since 2017 and even MSNBC Live had to concede the positive economic situation in…