
Actress: World Is Going to End by 2030, Media Barely Talking About It!

February 1st, 2019 8:44 AM

Openly gay actress and liberal activist Ellen Page appeared on The Late Show Thursday and went on an bizarre rant against everything from media coverage of global warming to the alleged hate crime against actor Jussie Smollett. She predicted the world was going to end in the next eleven years, yet no one was talking about it, and emotionally ripped into the Vice President for causing the…

FRC’s Perkins: Pence Anger Is Left’s ‘Ghettofication’ of Christianity

January 21st, 2019 4:04 PM
In the wake of the petty insults leveled at Vice President Mike Pence and his wife on the part of the LGBTQ-obsessed media, Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins appeared on Fox & Friends January 21 to remind conservatives that this is not just routine slander against politicians, but reflects the left’s desire to eradicate Christian education in America.

330 Words? NYT Again Belittles March for Life in 'Quiet Capital'

January 19th, 2019 3:01 PM
The annual pro-life rally March for Life took to the streets of Washington, D.C. Friday, and the New York Times acknowledged it -- barely: Reporter Eileen Sullivan's “March for Life Holds Its Rally In Quiet Capital.” Sullivan seemed to work to put a negative spin on the day’s march in her brief story of 330 words. Not even a taped address from the president, and the live presence of the vice…

Ummm: King Asks If Pence's Christianity Disqualifies Them for Security

January 18th, 2019 4:28 PM
Amidst the liberal media’s long-delayed realization that perhaps their friends in the Women’s March are anti-Semites, CNN host John King leveled an attack Friday on Christianity through the lens of the Second Family, wondering if the conservative Christianity espoused by the Pences disqualifies Second Lady Karen Pence from Secret Service protection. Earth to John King — Joy Behar tried pulling a…

Pentagon Reporter Compares ‘Extremist’ Pence to Farrakhan, KKK

January 18th, 2019 3:45 PM
The Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pence hate train has been receiving quite a few guests onboard in the last week, what with Huffington Post and several CNN anchors insisting that the Second Lady is a homophobic bigot for working at a devout Christian school. Now that VP Mike Pence has come to her defense, more lefties are calling him an “extremist” who exists in the same camp as actual hate-peddlers like…

CNN Reporter Who Criticized Karen Pence’s New Job: ‘I Am Not Partisan’

January 17th, 2019 9:44 PM
Kate Bennett, a White House reporter for CNN, was one of the first people to break the news on Tuesday that Second Lady Karen Pence would teach art part-time at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, where students may be refused admission or have their enrollment discontinued if a “parent or guardian” violates a “biblical lifestyle.” Then on Wednesday, the reporter tried to defuse…

Media Slander Karen Pence For Working at Christian School

January 17th, 2019 4:44 PM
Imagine a Christian school that believes what Christians have believed for 2,000 years, and what everybody believed until the day before yesterday! Now imagine a believing Christian agreeing to work for that believing Christian school! Now, (and get ready to shift your outrage gear to nuclear) imagine that Christian was none other than second lady of the United States Karen Pence, an unapologetic…

CBS Tries to Shame Karen Pence for Working at a Christian School

January 17th, 2019 1:25 AM
As part of her Art Therapy: Healing with a Heart initiative, Second Lady Karen Pence started working part-time with Northern Virginia’s Immanuel Christian School. Of course, this “generated controversy” because the school promoted Christian values such as traditional marriage. And during Wednesday’s edition of CBS Evening News, the network apparently tried to shame Mrs. Pence for sticking with…

Cuomo Hyped to Throw ‘Knuckles,’ Equates Christianity to Bigotry

January 17th, 2019 12:26 AM
During another rowdy transition between CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time and CNN Tonight on Wednesday, host Chris Cuomo once again embraced violence as a political tool. Of course, his eagerness to hand out “three knuckles” to racists and homophobes, who said “ugly” things to fellow CNN host and friend Don Lemon, came after he disgustingly conflated Christianity and Karen Pence with the controversial…

Trump Clashes With ABC’s Jonathan Karl Over His 'One-Sided Reporting'

January 10th, 2019 2:38 PM
President Trump has never hidden his disdain for many of the persons in the liberal press, whom he has often called “the enemy of the people.” An example of that dislike took place early Wednesday afternoon, when the GOP official was signing an anti-human trafficking bill into law. During the event, Trump offered to take questions from the reporters present, including Jonathan Karl, ABC’s chief…

CNN's Camerota on Shutdown: 'Democrats to Blame Here as Well'

January 10th, 2019 8:23 AM
On CNN's New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota asks, regarding the partial government shutdown, "aren't Democrats to blame here as well?" She calls out Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for refusing to make a counter-offer when VP Pence asked them for one at the conclusion of a White House meeting yesterday.

MSNBC Panel Questions If Pence Has a ‘Soul’ ‘Kissing Rush’

January 9th, 2019 11:59 PM
The liberal media obsession with Rush Limbaugh dragged on into Wednesday’s Hardball in which the panelists questioned whether Vice President Mike Pence even has a “soul” for “kissing up” to Limbaugh earlier in the day and whether Trump and Limbaugh are the monkey and organ grinder or vice versa. Host Chris Matthews brought up Limbaugh in light of the government shutdown and the President standing…

MSNBC Anchor Asks Pence: Why Don’t We Have a Border Wall With Canada?

January 8th, 2019 10:51 PM
During the buildup to President Trump’s Oval Office speech on Tuesday evening regarding security at the country’s southern border, MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson used an interview with Vice President Mike Pence as an opportunity to ask him an obviously bizarre question. Jackson asked Pence about “the underlying argument for being able to build this barrier and the shutdown” when documents showed…

ABC Scolds Pence on Border: 'Why Are We In This Mess In First Place?'

January 8th, 2019 9:58 AM
On Tuesday’s Good Morning America, the network’s White House correspondent Jonathan Karl sat down with Vice President Mike Pence to grill him about President Trump not backing down on the border wall, laying blame for the government shutdown exclusively on him. Despite Democrats being unwilling to budge on the need for border security, the ABC reporter seethed to Pence that it was Trump’s fault…