
VILE: Morning Joe Questions the Faith of 'Pathetic' Mike Pence

June 24th, 2019 3:14 PM
On Monday, Morning Joe finally discovered something that the rest of America has known for over a year: there is a humanitarian crisis at America’s southern border. In doing so, however, they ignored the real issues plaguing America’s Customs and Border Patrol and went straight to throwing particularly disgusting political dirt at the Trump Administration.

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Promotes Getting Rid of Trump AND Pence

May 30th, 2019 5:18 PM
Wednesday night on MSNBC’s The Last Word, host Lawrence O’Donnell was joined by former GOP Rep. Tom Coleman (MO) to discuss the media’s favorite pet project: impeachment. O’Donnell eagerly introduced Coleman’s unique approach to impeachment: “You believe that the Mueller Report shows that the Trump presidency is an illegitimate presidency, which also means that the vice presidency of Mike Pence…

CNN Applauds (Progressive) Churches Getting Political

May 29th, 2019 4:05 PM
Progressive pastor Rev. Adam Eriksen and his Clackamas United Church have been generating some buzz around his community in Milwaukie, Oregon, according to a CNN report posted on Tuesday. On the marquee sign in front of the church, the pastor has posted messages that read “Harriet Tubman deserves to be on the $20. End white supremacy” and “Our transgender siblings have heartbeats” in response to…

WashPost Hides the 'Pinocchios' Again -- for Buttigieg Taking On Pence

April 22nd, 2019 7:24 AM

The Washington Post "Fact Checker" squad has one article featured every Sunday in the A-section. On Easter Sunday, Glenn Kessler established that Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg should not claim Vice President Mike Pence spoke in favor of "conversion therapy" to press homosexuals to drop their same-sex attraction. "We can find no evidence that Pence ever expressed support for…


LOL: Hypocrite Matthews Blasts Pence’s ‘Adoring Gaze’ for Trump

April 17th, 2019 6:09 PM
Has Chris Matthews developed amnesia and forgotten about his borderline erotic love for Barack Obama? And did Omarosa forget about her line about Trump critics that sounded like she was channeling the Superman line “kneel before Zod?” On Tuesday’s Hardball, that must have been the case for both as they repeatedly mocked “Stepford Vice President” Mike Pence’s “unflinching support and adoring gaze…

God and the Democrats

April 9th, 2019 2:30 PM
For the last 27 years, Democrats have been trying to win over evangelical Christians who last voted in large numbers for their party's presidential candidate, Jimmy Carter, in 1976. At the 1992 Democratic National Convention, Al Gore gave it a go, but misquoted Scripture. In his acceptance speech for the vice-presidential nomination, Gore said, “In the words of the Bible, Do not lose heart. This…

Powers Praises Buttigieg's 'Countercultural Approach to Christianity'

April 4th, 2019 8:55 PM
In the latest series of attempts to raise the profile of South Bend Mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, Never-Trumpers and liberals have attempted to highlight his Christian faith. New York Times columnist David Brooks tried to showcase the openly gay mayor’s “conservative family values” while USA Today’s Kirsten Powers hailed his “countercultural approach to…

Amazon Sitcom: US ‘A White Nationalist Ethno-State' Run by 'Dictator'

April 2nd, 2019 7:00 AM
Watching Amazon Prime’s British comedy series Catastrophe is like being at Thanksgiving dinner hoping to make it through the whole meal without any political arguments from your left-leaning relatives. You just want to enjoy your meal in peace when suddenly, during the very last course of dessert, your socialist cousin lets loose with a vicious, mean-spirited political rant against Mike Pence and…

Ghoulish Kimmel Smears CPAC as the ‘Largest Gathering’ of Anti-Vaxxers

March 5th, 2019 5:48 PM
What a pathetic stable of late-night comics we have in America which, of course, includes ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel. On Monday’s show, the Trump portion of Kimmel’s monologue contained a ghoulish swipe at conservatives and CPAC attendees as the “largest gathering” of anti-vaxxers and heard from President Donald Trump, who Kimmel suggested has dementia.

Pence Rips Celebrities, ‘Media Elites’ for Pushing Religious Bigotry

March 1st, 2019 3:01 PM
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD — Speaking Friday morning at CPAC to a full-capacity, raucous crowd of Trump supporters (with plenty of anti-Trump and anti-conservative media types in the back), Vice President Mike Pence took a few shots at the left, their media cohorts, and their friends in Hollywood for their refusal to acknowledge the worsening situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and possessing a disdain…

Noah Mocks 'Childish' Feinstein Over Her Response to Child Protesters

February 26th, 2019 6:30 PM

In his opening monologue on Monday's Daily Show, host Trevor Noah delivering his usual mockery of Republicans through the lens of praising filmmaker Spike Lee for his acceptance speech at the Oscars. Surprisingly, his opening monologue also took a shot at “childish” Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein for not bending over backwards to please child activists demanding she vote in favor of the…

And the Award for Most Liberal Oscar Nominee Goes to…

February 24th, 2019 6:00 AM
There’s a very good reason 81 percent of Republicans have said they won’t watch Sunday night’s Academy Awards, according to a new poll. Hollywood is the Left Coast base of the anti-Trump resistance and over the years they have made their disdain for conservatives very clear. After all, last year’s Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel joked, “We don't make films for money. We make them to upset Mike Pence.”

Back to Munich

February 22nd, 2019 4:28 PM
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.” One might think that after denying the evidence of Adolf Hitler's rise and objectives that resulted in World War II, Europeans might be more attuned to modern threats. Last week on a visit to Munich (oh, the irony), Vice President Mike Pence criticized Europe's continued support of the Iran nuclear deal from which President Trump has withdrawn.

Despite Iran Spy, NBC Alarmed By Security Conference Targeting Regime

February 13th, 2019 11:17 PM
On Wednesday, Americans learned that, during the Obama years, U.S. intelligence officer Monica Witt was recruited to be a spy by Iran and fed them sensitive information, including the identities of intelligence sources. Despite Iran’s clear effort to harm America, NBC Nightly News ran a report fretting a U.S.-led conference aimed at further squeezing the radical regime. And here’s the kicker:…