
Lemon: Prayer Didn’t Stop Shootings, But Irrelevant Gun Control Could!

November 7th, 2017 5:58 PM
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon went on a nearly-four-minute-long commentary on Monday emphasizing that he’s not “not anti-thoughts and prayers,” but demanded Congress defeat the NRA and pass gun control measures that wouldn’t have stopped Sunday’s Sutherland Springs church shooting.

CC Comedy Treats 'Trump' as Curse Word, Blames for Lack of Orgasms

October 26th, 2017 9:00 AM
Comedy Central’s Broad City is known for its outrageously inappropriate humor. But Wednesday, October 26th’s episode, “Witches,” went beyond outrageous into extremely bizarre and depraved. One thing is clear after watching this shockingly vulgar episode…Broad City does not care about or welcome conservative viewers.

'Will & Grace' Features VP Pence's Picture at Gay Conversion Camp

October 20th, 2017 12:14 AM
I watch NBC's Will & Grace so you don't have to, and be grateful I did. In the October 19 episode, "Grandpa Jack," Jack (Sean Hayes) is surprised to find out that his son Elliot is now a father himself. So, Jack is now grandfather to Skip who, his parents suspect, is gay (like Jack). Why didn't Jack know about his grandson? Because Elliot moved to Texas and became a conservative, so they no…

MSNBC Warns of ‘Danger’ From ‘Extreme’ ‘Sycophant-in-Chief’ Pence

October 19th, 2017 4:33 PM
On her MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell sounded the alarm for her left-wing audience as she warned: “Well, President Trump, of course, is making headlines every day, every hour, but Vice President Mike Pence largely flying under the radar....Joining me now is staff writer of The New Yorker, Jane Mayer, who wrote the story, ‘The Danger of President Pence’...”

WashPost Blogger: 'Being Patriotic Means Being White'

October 19th, 2017 5:00 AM
Even though President Donald Trump has tweeted that National Football League players taking a knee instead of standing during the National Anthem “has nothing to do with race” but is “about respect for our country, flag and National Anthem,” Washington Post  "Monkey Cage" blogger Michael Tesler claimed the opposite: “To many Americans, being patriotic means being white.” Tesler, an associate…

Stephens, Corn Yuk It Up: Trump Is the Black Knight in Monty Python

October 17th, 2017 5:16 PM
Fresh off the distinction of being honored by Salon as a conservative (read: liberal Republican) must-follow on Twitter, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens declared on Monday’s Hardball that President Trump “reminded me of the Black Knight from the Monty Python skit” in that he’ll continue fighting even though he’ll eventually be left powerless and limbless.

NBC, MSNBC Cue Critics: Trump 'Just Racist,' Tweeting 'Hate'

October 13th, 2017 9:04 PM
It's certainly no surprise when guests on NBC News programs and the MSNBC cable television channel take advantage of the opportunity to slam President Donald Trump. That was the case on Thursday, October 12, when Alejandro García Padilla, the former governor of Puerto Rico, told MSNBC host Craig Melvin that the Republican occupant of the White House is “showing off that he is just racist.” In…

ABC, NBC Deride Pence Walking Out of NFL Game As 'Stunt'

October 9th, 2017 7:00 AM
On Sunday evening, ABC's World News Tonight and the NBC Nightly News both reacted to Vice President Mike Pence walking out of an NFL game in Indianapolis by dismissing his reaction as a "stunt," with ABC fretting that he was "reigniting the fury." It did not seem to occur to either network that, when several of the '49ers players sparked the move by kneeling during the National Anthem, this…

CBS Grills Mike Pence on Iran, Defends Obama Nuke Deal

September 21st, 2017 12:28 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning, particularly Charlie Rose, are usually rather soft when it comes to high profile leaders, particularly Democrats. It’s not surprising that this rule didn’t hold for Mike Pence on Thursday. Rose grilled the Vice President on Iran and defended Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with the rogue country.  

Garrett Sneers: Trump ‘Kept His Distance From Suffering’ in Texas

September 1st, 2017 12:33 PM
After moving the goal posts on President Trump’s Hurricane Harvey response on Thursday, on Friday’s CBS This Morning, correspondent Major Garrett doubled down on his attack on the commander-in-chief’s visit to Texas. Noting Vice President Mike Pence touring the storm damage on Wednesday, Garrett sneered: “Mr. Trump was cheered, but kept his distance from suffering and devastation, while his Vice…

NBC Blackout: Ignores Trump’s $1 Million Pledge to Harvey Relief

August 31st, 2017 9:07 PM
With the recovery process just beginning in some parts of Texas on Thursday, following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump pledged $1 million of his own money to aid relief efforts. Only two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and CBS) found it fitting to report Trump’s act of charity. NBC Nightly News was the only network news show to ignore it, instead, they simply mentioned…

O’Donnell: GOPers Oppose Disaster Funding Since That's Who They Are

August 29th, 2017 4:41 PM
Avowed socialist and liberal MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell insinuated on Monday’s The Last Word that Republicans are heartless on hurricane recovery funding due to simply who they are as people as exhibited by opposing Hurricane Sandy funding bill. With help from ex-Al Gore flack Ron Klain, the duo promoted their prediction that President Trump will fail in responding to Hurricane Harvey and…

Joan Walsh: ‘Creepy’ Liar Pence ‘Far Worse Person’ Than Trump

August 23rd, 2017 5:18 PM
Just because liberals devote a massive amount of attention to the current POTUS doesn’t mean that they neglect his VPOTUS. In a Tuesday Nation piece, Walsh disclosed, “You probably have these debates with your friends, too: Do we want Donald Trump to resign, or be impeached, which would leave us with Vice President Mike Pence in charge?...Would the low-charisma Pence, who looks like a B-movie…

Lauer Grills Pence on ‘Extremely Open-Ended Commitment’ in Afghanistan

August 22nd, 2017 12:06 PM
In an exclusive interview with Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer noted that President Trump was “getting applause from a lot of people” for his address to the nation on Afghanistan, but then focused entirely on criticism of the newly announced war strategy.