
MSNBC Republican Lumps 'Fake' Christian Right in With White Racists

August 20th, 2017 4:14 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, as the show spent much of its time reacting to President Donald Trump's response to white racists rallying in Charlottesville last weekend, recurring MSNBC guest and self-described Republican Richard Painter repeatedly demonized the Christian right as he lumped them in with white racists as extremists who should be denounced by Trump and other Republican leaders to…

Characters Cuss at 'Trump-Voting Pieces of Sh*t' on 'Difficult People'

August 16th, 2017 9:14 AM
The writers of Hulu’s Difficult People feel no shame in trumpeting their complete disdain for the President and his supporters. Tuesday’s episode, “Rabbitversary” had main characters Julie (Julie Klausner) and (Billy Eichner) call “f*cking” Trump supporters “racist” “pieces of sh*t” without any prompting. Bitter over their lack of decent jobs, Julie and Billy go from complaining about their lives…

Bozell & Graham Column: TV Makers Can't Stop Ripping Republicans

August 12th, 2017 7:23 AM
The world of television and how Hollywood delivers it keeps changing. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon have become prestige brands whose original programming draws a pile of Emmy nominations. But as much as technology changes, some things remain the same. The entertainment factories keep ripping on Republican politicians in the crudest terms.

Hulu Comedy Shows Pence's Vice Presidential Seal as a Swastika

August 9th, 2017 12:39 AM
The first episodes of the third season of Hulu’s Difficult People were comprised almost entirely of liberal tirades against conservative politicians. The show, which revolves around the lives of the self-absorbed Julie (Julie Klausner) and her gay friend Billy (Billy Eichner), had a field day delivering anti-conservative blows in its first three episodes, which were released on August 8.

ABC Pushes Possible Pence Run in 2020, Despite Official Statement

August 7th, 2017 9:06 PM
Over the weekend, The New York Times claimed in an article that Vice President Mike Pence was running a “shadow campaign for 2020,” which brought a scathing rebuke from Pence and President Trump. But despite the denials from the White House, on Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight ran an entire segment about the idea, laying out the evidence and only briefly mentioning the Vice President’s reaction.…

Pence Hits NY Times for 'Disgraceful' 'Fake News' on His 2020 Plotting

August 7th, 2017 3:08 PM
Vice President Mike Pence denounced as “fake news” an imaginative front-page Sunday New York Times story on Republicans quietly plotting to run for president in 2020 in case, as their headline intimated, “Beleaguered Trump Isn’t on the Ballot.” Reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns wildly speculated in the first paragraph that “Mike Pence’s schedule is so full of political events that he…

NY Times Poll Finds Pence Wasn't Out of Touch on Socializing and Women

July 6th, 2017 9:36 PM
The liberal media should be embarrassed -- but they won't be. A new survey by The New York Times carries the headline "It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex." Pence and his wife Karen were mocked as Christian weirdos all around the Internet in March when the Washington Post found some 2002 comments where Pence said  he doesn't eat alone with a woman…

HuffPost Spikes Article Demanding Execution of Trump and Collaborators

June 14th, 2017 11:07 AM
The Huffington Post -- home of some notably hateful rants, like the ex-Washington Post writer who said unlike George W. Bush, "You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well" -- has a line contributors can cross. On Sunday night, it was the notion of executing President Trump for treason...and a cast of accessories including Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick,…

NY Paper Running Chapters of Bizarre Novel on Donald Trump’s Downfall

June 13th, 2017 9:25 PM
Most newspapers overwhelmingly report news as their primary function, but the New York Daily News has ventured into another area: fiction that spews venom regarding Donald Trump in a serialized novel written by liberal columnist Gertz Kuntzman called Coup! in which Vice President Mike Pence deposes the Republican president and installs himself in the Oval Office. Serving as the cover to the…

Nets Shrug at Pence’s Notre Dame Remarks, Hyped Obama’s 2009 Speech

May 22nd, 2017 3:34 PM
Commencement addresses from presidents and vice presidents are newsworthy, but what the networks choose to focus on differs wildly based upon whether the individual is liberal or conservative. Despite the controversy surrounding President Obama’s commencement speech at Notre Dame University in 2009, the nets focused heavily on the content of his remarks. Not so for Vice President Mike Pence, who…

Brzezinski to CNN: Having Kellyanne Conway as Guest Is 'Politics Porn'

May 12th, 2017 4:40 PM
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, had strong words on Friday, May 12, for the show's rival on the Cable News Network: "You've got to stop putting [White House Counselor] Kellyanne Conway on the air. It's politics porn."

VP Mike Pence Slams Christian Genocide By ISIS: ‘Call It By Name’

May 11th, 2017 12:59 PM
On Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence condemned the horrifying “atrocities” committed against Christians “under siege” worldwide by “radical Islamic terrorists” as “genocide.” But will the broadcast networks report his comments – and, if so, will they finally use the word “genocide” themselves?

Comedy Central Debuts New Trump-Hammering 'President Show'

April 28th, 2017 11:21 PM
Someone needs to tell the folks at the Comedy Central cable television channel that in order to have the word “Comedy” in your name, you should actually be funny. A perfect example of this concept gone wrong aired on Thursday evening, April 27, when the low-rated channel debuted The President Show, which mostly consists of President Donald Trump impersonator Anthony Atamanuik sitting in the Oval…

Who's Unsafe on Campus?

April 13th, 2017 4:23 PM
Springtime may be in bloom, but snowflakes never go out of season at America's most prestigious colleges and universities. Quivering students at the University of Notre Dame launched a protest last week against the school's decision to invite Vice President Mike Pence as commencement speaker.